By the way, here's my suggested revised Damage Tables for HG, along with the descriptions of the hits.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Die Surface Explosion Die Radiation Die Interior Explosion
(2D) Damage Table (2D) Damage Table (2D) Damage Table
2 Critical 2 Critical 2 Critical
3 Interior Explosion 3 Crew-2 3 Critical
4 Interior Explosion 4 Computer-4 4 Critical
5 Maneuver-2 5 Crew-1 5 Crew-1
6 Fuel-3 6 Computer-3 6 Computer-2
7 Weapon-3 7 Crew-1 7 Screens-3
8 Maneuver-1 8 Screens-2 8 Jump-2
9 Fuel-2 9 Computer-2 9 Power Plant-2
10 Weapon-2 10 Weapon-4 10 Crew-1
11 Maneuver-1 11 Computer-2 11 Computer-1
12 Fuel-1 12 Weapon-3 12 Screens-2
13 Interior Explosion 13 Screens-1 13 Jump-1
14 Weapon-1 14 Weapon-2 14 Power Plant-1
15 Weapon-1 15 Computer-1 15 Computer-1
16 Fuel-1 16 Weapon-2 16 Screens-1
17 Weapon-1 17 Weapon-1 17 Jump-1
18 Weapon-1 18 Screens-1 18 Power Plant-1
19 Fuel-1 19 Weapon-1 19 Screens-1
20 Weapon-1 20 Weapon-1 20 Jump-1
21 Weapon-1 21 Weapon-1 21 Power Plant-1
22 No Effect 22+ No Effect 22+ No Effect
Die Critical Hit Result
2 Ship Vaporized
3 Jump Drive Disabled
4 Maneuver Drive Disabled
5 One Screen Disabled
6 Frozen Watch/Ship's Troops Dead
7 Bridge Hit
8 Hanger/Boat Deck Destroyed
9 Computer Destroyed
10 Power Plant Disabled
11 Spinal Mount/Fire Control Out
12 Fuel Tanks Shattered</pre>[/QUOTE]EXPLANATION OF DAMAGE RESULTS (where different from regular High Guard)
- Crew-1: One crew unit (including one damage control party) killed. If all crew units are killed the ship is completely helpless; unable to jump or maneuver (Agility-0), fire any weapons, use any screens or launch/retrieve any other craft.</font>
- Fuel-n: One hit is taken to the fuel tanks per "n".</font>
- Jump-n: One hit taken to the jump drive per "n".</font>
- Power Plant-n: One hit taken to the power plant per "n".</font>
- Maneuver-n: One hit taken to the maneuver drive per "n".</font>
- Weapon-n: One factor of spinal mount weaponry, or nine factors of other weaponry, is lost per "n". This can mean the lost of several small batteries of bay/turret weapons, even weapons of different types. If possible all weapon batteries lost to a single die roll should be the same type. The firing player chooses which weapons are lost but damage must be divided up as evenly as possible between all weapons actually present on the target.</font>
- Bridge Hit: One hit is taken to the ship's bridge. If all bridges are destroyed, the ship may not maneuver or jump, is treated as Agility-0 and all weapons fire as if the computer is half its actual factor (rounded down).</font>
Reasons for the changes:
The big change in the Surface Explosion Damage Table is moving one of the "Interior Explosion" results up to die roll "13". As the HG rules were written even an unarmored ship would never take "Interior Explosion" damage from bay or turret weapons, except for nuclear missiles. This way even a ship with factor-5 armor might take such damage from a single beam laser, and nuclear missiles can get "Interior Explosions" on ships with up to factor-11 armor.
On the Radiation Damage Table I replaced some Weapon-n hits with Screens-n hits of the same factor. I did this because I can't see why Weapons can be damaged by radiation but Screens cannot. I can accept that drives can't be damaged by hostile radiation (drives are fusion-powered and so hardened against effects of radiation) but I think Screens should be. These hits also make Radiation damage a little more damaging since almost all warships use /fib computers.
The only change on the Interior Explosion Damage Table is the replacement of the "Fuel Tanks Shattered" hit with a "Crew-1" hit. I've always felt that the effect of the "Fuel Tanks Shattered" hit was so devastating that it belonged on the Critical Hit Table.
The Critical Hit Table is much changed. I moved things around to reflect my own opinions of how likely such devastating hits should be; it should be much harder to completely knock out a ship's Jump drive or Power Plant with just one hit.
The change in how to handle Weapon-n hits is intended to make smaller ships more fragile compared to the battlewagons. Under strict HG, a small ship with lots of factor-3 batteries could take more weapons damage than a dreadnought full of factor-9 missile bays.