Originally posted by Mythmere:
But hopefully you agree that our form of government is superior to that of the rest of the world (with the exception of the stable parliamentary democracies).
"Better" is such a relative word. Depending on the context and the value scale used to compare forms of government, a democracy can be *worse* than many.
It's just that for much of us in this forums, we share most of the values used for the comparison. So it is natural that Democracy is better *For US*
Also, our culture *is* superior to most of the rest of the world, if you ask me.
One must always be carefull when comparing cultures. What is "Superior" for one isn't for another. We might not like/stand for what the other culture stand/do/say, but we can only say for sure that our culture is better *For US*. Saying "We've got the BEST culture there is" is a recipe for trouble, as many former colonies can demonstrate.
Suicide bombing, for example, does not actually equate with watching Brittany shake her numnums, as you seem to suggest.
Nevertheless, she should be banned under the Geneva Convention

... sorry, joking... But to that I would just like to reply that desperate peoples tend to do it the "Quick & Dirty" way, more so if they have some beliefs they'll be "Better after that". Also, one must take care not to lump everybody into the same barrels, else it all comes down to US ALL GOOD, THEM ALL BADS, which isn't the One and Only truth.
Failing to distinguish barbarism and barbaric culture from civilization and civilized culture is the first step toward the evaporation of orderly regimes into the slaughterhouses of history.
Unfortunately, most of the more Civilized cultures do what barbaric ones do, only more quickly, cleanly and efficiently. Civilization has destroyed more cultures, lives and ecosystems than anything in history. It's not because the killing/destroying isn't down with a machete and in plain sight that it's not killing and destroying. Civilization nearly put an end to the "Human Problems" when Krutchev nearly pushed the button.
Civilization isn't always "Good". When imposed (as in the Americas, Africa, Australia and the likes) by "Conquerer States", mostly Bringing Civilization to Barbarian for Their Own Good, it has destroyed many knowledge and cultures.
I know you weren't talking about that kind of "barbarians" but when I see "Our civilization is Better Than Theirs" I always have flashbacks of the mounds of knowledge that perished with the Incas, Aztecs, and other that were "Civilized" by destroying their cultures and knowledge, just because their civilization wasn't judged "Civilized" by the Northen Europeans at that time.
Love your ship designs and models, but I suspect I dislike your politics - hopefully you won't hold that against me, just as I don't hold it against you.
Agreeing to Disagree is the first step to be able to call your culture *Great*. Accepting that others might judge things differently because of their personal beliefs is a necessary part of being able to live together on this dirtball.
Unfortunatly, many society don't understand that very well. Western civilization hasn't happened overnight so we're not going to see whole countries/population changing their ideas in a mere month.
Obligatory ObTrav:
Characters stranded on a out of the way world with a balkanized governments. They're in the middle of a little war where a groupe of states tries to "Civilize" the others "For Their Own Good".
Unfortunatly, the Characters landed on the "Wrong" side of the Civilized Camp. When their presence is known, they're viewd as Uncivilized and treat them so. (trying to civilize them, be it to crack open the eggs on the "Civilized Side" or any other things like eating habits, speech patterns/word used etc)
Edit 2: Whooooo... Post #400!!!!!!