Note that's for POSTHUMOUS recipients, not all recipients.
Oop, my bad, you're right. I should have read farther back, I see I'm covering old ground and doing it badly to boot. On the other hand, I don't know too many ships named for posthumous recipients of a bronze star.
Given a game where 1 in 36 players start as a baron, where a decent chunk of scouts and merchants retire with a multi-million-credit ship at their disposal, I tend to think of the character generation system as being intended for the players' benefit, not as a means of reflecting demographic trends. It's TV: the folk who get special treatment are the folk who get the speaking parts or who are important to the story; the hoi polloi in the background don't count. It's Movie-night, where the eager young farm-hand turns out to be the son of an evil lord and heir to mysterious powers. Nobody tells stories about the eager young farm-hand who joins up and spends the next three years cooking for the mess hall.
Either that, or the Imperium's giving away one heck of a lot of scout ships every year.