Hello everyone, new forum member/Traveller player here, and I'm wondering about the act of piracy in the world of Traveller. A huge majority of the ship-to-ship stuff covered in the books is the simple exchanging of fire, with the intent of disabling or destroying the opposing vessel, and that's obviously the opposite of what your average pirate wants to do. They are, after all, after the cargo or ship itself, and therefore every shot they take is one that damages their prize. I get that one deploys boarding crews to fight it out with the enemy crew (or just intimidate them into surrendering, preferably) like historical pirates, but the details just get fuzzy to me.
Could someone please describe for me the steps one takes when combat initiates to approach, board, and claim a ship? Thank you for your time!
Could someone please describe for me the steps one takes when combat initiates to approach, board, and claim a ship? Thank you for your time!