Do you really have your players spend time looking at insurance?
How much do they pay?
With regard to finance I just use the standard 1/240 of amount borrowed, do you give your players options?
No I don't. The point was that you can't give a ship away and just go get a new one. I don't get into the nitty gritty of the above
BUT, if your the kind of captain who is constantly losing a ship no one is going to underwrite you or finance you.
There is an interesting story about Julius Ceaser and pirates. Before he was anything but a grown rich kid he was taken by pirates while a ships passenger. They decided to ransom him for a certain amount and he was insulted by the low figure. He tripled it IIRC and the pirates swore to kill him if it wasn't paid in short order. It was paid and Julius released.
Now Julius, never one to be a pansy, talked the local roman governor out of three navy ships, tracked the pirates down, and executed them. This was
AFTER telling the pirates, before his release, exactly what he was going to do. I guess back then men were men?
Back to the future:
Captain Jackleg let's me and the good crew go and, not much later the following coversation is held with an IN officer...'Yes Captain Daring Do, it was an 800dt, 2 decker, cylinder hull, maneuver at least 3 and looked like J2. About 90 meters long and wide with oversize cargo doors opening forward on the ventral surface. 8 triple turrets, missiles and lasers from what we saw...' Yeah, that pirate is looking at a long and prosperous career.
Now back to my missile.
IF I need all that power I'll use a jump capacitor or backup batteries.
IF that net is in range to surround my ship I could, without doubt, hit him anywhere a felt like it.
Also, if this pirate isn't using the POS CT Corsair (which isn't really any better armed than a Beowulf) and is running around with this mythical 800-1000dt ship, how does piracy pay for that custom ship if a "ships boat, resale 4mCr" is the expected haul? If he's a Privateer, well...Isn't the IN looking pretty hard for him? In either case I'd think they would be. (If piracy is rampant, and they aren't using the POS, why am I not upgraded?) There is
ONE instant of a pirate taking an East India-man.
ONE and that was by a renegade British Letter of Marque holder who
THOUGHT he could get away with it. He was wrong.
In any case he still
CAN'T risk any serious damage to his ship. As for the "Golden Age"? A pirates life expectancy was
A sensible "Professional" Pirate is going to go after easier prey. Something on the order of the "SS Limp D***".