You don't think it's a bit ironic to defend a system by saying it needs to be house-ruled to be reasonable?
LBB5 drives, as adopted by most(?) later editions, works perfectly from small craft to megaton behemoths, without need for constant tweaking by house-rules.
Not at all. Using a lookup table is simpler for the math-challenged.
I view the table as listing what's commonly commercially available, while its underlying formulae describe what's technologically possible. They didn't explain the math that built the table because they were maximizing simplicity.
(Subsequent post)
I was perhaps a bit sloppy; I meant percentage based drives, rather than lettered drives. I did not mean the percentages were identical to LBB5.
Again, the thing about LBB2 isn't really that the "lettered drives" are point cases of underlying formulae, it's that the formulae are
different from those in LBB5. LBB2 includes a constant component in the formulae (+5Td for jump, +1Td for power, -1Td for maneuver) plus a percentage, where LBB5 uses a flat percentage. As you approach the upper end of the LBB5 hull sizes, those constants become effectively irrelevant and it may as well be a flat percentage.
Then you get to Drives W-Z and "LOL nothing matters".
Re: 10Td/Pn fuel requirement:
That is only a problem for very small ships, large ships thrive on it... Even at 400 Dt a PP-4 only needs as much fuel as a J-1, hardly a fundamental flaw.
I see it more as a part of the crippling of small ships that is at the core of LBB2, presumably intentionally.
It's not that it's a problem for very small ships, it's that it's
broken, rooted an unrealistic (or perhaps more accurately, implausible) first edition fuel consumption rule that was entirely abandoned in both editions of High Guard and its basis never used for design rules after LBB2'81. The thing is, though, that fuel use
couldn't just be fixed in isolation because it was the constraint on maneuver drive capability (though in LBB2'81, it was only really constraining Gs above Jn). If fuel use was set to HG rates, building 6G ships would be easy with LBB2 maneuver drives (though perhaps expensive). And it'd break or seriously distort larger LBB2 ships. The fix adopted for HG was simply to make maneuver drives larger -- but applying that to LBB2 would break all previously-published designs from that system.