Originally posted by Aramis:
The rules also say 2% in CT (Bk2 and HG), so whatever it is, that 20 Td doesn't scale up until 1001 Td... that's broken, in that below that threshold it fails to scale.
Things don't always scale linearly. Many items (like airlocks, command areas and avionics) do have minimum usefull volumes.
Bridge tonnage alone makes the difference between valid J4 and non...
Since I showed that it is quite possible to build a usefull 200 ton J6 vessle using High Guard I'm not sure how this is a problem. A 100 ton J4 vesel is also quite doable using High Guard even including space for the stateroom and 3 tons of cargo.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Ship: Tiny Jayfor
Class: Tiny Jayfor
Type: Small Trader
Architect: David Shayne
Tech Level: 13
AS-1644441-030000-20002-0 MCr 90.500 100 Tons
Bat Bear 1 1 1 Crew: 2
Bat 1 1 1 TL: 13
Cargo: 3.000 Fuel: 44.000 EP: 4.000 Agility: 1 Pulse Lasers
Architects Fee: MCr 0.905 Cost in Quantity: MCr 72.400
Detailed Description
100.000 tons standard, 1,400.000 cubic meters, Flattened Sphere Configuration
Pilot, Gunner
Jump-4, 4G Manuever, Power plant-4, 4.000 EP, Agility 1
Bridge, Model/4 Computer
1 Hardpoint
1 Triple Mixed Turret with: 1 Pulse Laser (Factor-2), 1 Missile Rack (Factor-2).
1 Single Sandcaster Turret organised into 1 Battery (Factor-3)
44.000 Tons Fuel (4 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
No Fuel Scoops, No Fuel Purification Plant
1.0 Stateroom, 3.000 Tons Cargo
MCr 91.405 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 0.905), MCr 72.400 in Quantity
38 Weeks Singly, 30 Weeks in Quantity
Sticking solely to CT sources, the Striker controls seldom run more than 3%; 20% in a scoutship defies credulity, especially since the bridge of a Shuttle is a mere 5Td...
Striker vehicles are not intended to operate in space and are therefor not automatically aplicable to this case. Also in case you still haven't figured it out my position is that the Bridge tonnage includes more components than just "controls." Considering the 95 ton shuttle: by the rules in High Guard it should have a small craft bridge of 19 tons a 25 ton small craft could make do with a 5 ton bridge but as these are small craft not intended for extended use the smaller bridge tonnage is warranted IMHO.
Under CT, if we ignore the 20 TD floor; J4 ships become possible: 80Td of fuel (P4, J4)18 Td of Drives.. 2 Td of Bridge. Sure, there's no LS there, but hey!
And I have already shown how with High Guard even with the 20 DTon bridge you can build a jump 4 ship into a 100 ton hull. So this isn't the problem you seem to think it is.
20 Td is the volume of a singlewide trailer home... that much stuff as a fixed floor volume, especially when your claim of landing gear is unsupported, as landing gear has a cost, but not a volume.(streamlined vessel. See Bk 2.)
You keep talking about that singlewide like it's some huge amount of space. It aint.
Unstreamlined ships can land on worlds without atmospheres so yes they do need landing gear. Streamlining allows use of your spacecraft in an atmosphere.
Giving them multiple tons of avionics, well that's not viable FOR MERCHANTMEN, who also operate under the same paradigm of 20Td Bridge minimum.
I think a merchantman is just as likely to need to know where it's going as a scout ship but granting that they will not often need to do full system sweeps they will also likely have needs a scout doesn't have. I figure it evens out in the mix.
(CT rules imply sensors are part of computers, which is why they are in T20 explicitly part of computers.
Sensors are more than a bit fuzzy in CT. with Book 2 having two sensor ranges depending on whether the ship in question is a military/scout ship or civilian. Book 5 gives a bonus to hit and to penetrate based upon relative computer size which some suggest may have too do with sensors. In my conception I see the signal collection equipment (dish antennas and the like) as part of the bridge tonnage while the signal processing is part of the computer.
CT is inherently broken by two parts: Bridge tonnage and PP fuel. Comparison to other editions renders the 20Td minimum bridge to be ludicrously large; CT was/is SWAG's, FF&S was at least somewhat researched; MT was likewise built from CT sources, and somewhat researched.
I grant that the Book 2 power plant formula is broken. The High Guard formula works fairly well however so there is no reason to call all of CT inherently broken in this regard. Comparison to later editions also shows those later editions to have other issues that need to be taken into account that are glossed over in CT. Should you feel those other systems to be superior in the realism department then you should by all means use one of those systems. Me I'll stick to my tried, true, and reasonable Classic Traveller High Guard.