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Modular Freighters


I don´t know if this has been covered before, but I got an idea, looking at the Modular Cutter, that this concept has some potential for starships.

I´ve done some back-of-the-envelope calculations, using a Subsidized Merchant (the T20 version) as the basis. That ship should, instead of cargo space and low berths, be able to carry a Modular Cutter instead of the Launch, plus 7 extra modules. Larger ships can carry a correspondingly larger number of modules and cutters.

If the concept of modular freighters catches on, the modules could be used as large cargo containers, and modular freighters would simply pick up modules at the starting point and drop them off at the destination. If the cargo inside the cargo modules is loaded and unloaded on the ground, and the loaded module transported between ground and orbit, this could drastically decrease the time ships spend being loaded and unloaded in a highport - and thus increase the shipping capacity of a highport of a given size.

Plus, if the freighters accept and deliver sealed cargo modules, this would relieve them of the responsibility for the state of the cargo itself, since they can´t interfere with it, and they could no longer be held liable for carrying stolen or illegal cargo, since they can´t check what it is.

So, what do you guys think of this concept?
That's how FedEx ships things now - a scad of big modules form-fitted to the interior of a converted passenger-jet, more or less.

I suppose a custom-built LASH-like starship could have an open, central spine, and cutter modules could be attached to them. When the ship arrives at destination, the starport sends out a horde of cutters to grab the modules and attach new ones.
One of the most important, if not the most important innovations in shipping is the cargo container for all of the reasons the OP described. The concept was briefly described in the CT book IISS Ship Files but never vigorously pursued.
the Mongoose traveller has a 2000 ton Modular clipper, with 950 tons of modular space, plus a list of extra modules for it.

I'd post more, but i'm in a rush.
One of the most important, if not the most important innovations in shipping is the cargo container for all of the reasons the OP described. The concept was briefly described in the CT book IISS Ship Files but never vigorously pursued.

I wonder why not.

Well, Traveller has more than enough flaws in its trade/economics part, so this one doesn´t make much of a difference, I guess.
TNE also has a modular starcraft with a long list of modules. Reformation Coalition Equipment Guide?

MGT High Guard has grapples and other rules for making modular ships. I've designed several ships for Terran Dawn using these rules with universal cargo containers. Most of my small craft are dependent on towing cargo in a 10, 30, or 50 ton standardized cargo container. Some starcraft are, "barges" with flat decks to stack these containers upon them.
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Actually the "Clipper" in MGT "borrows" heavily from it's TNE forerunner (also called a Clipper) and both share the same set of problems:

a) Modules are Clipper-specific
b) Modules have no drives
c) Modules can be very large (up to 400dton IIRC)
d) Multiple module sizes and IIRC in TNE grapple sizes

a) makes the modules exotics that basically must be unloaded to other ships once a distribution hub is needed. Using 30dt cutter modules instead wastes some space but the module is far more universal

b) If the modules had drives like the LASH barges from GT they could at least do in-system operations independently. The Clipper modules need an extensive infrastructure and powerful tugs/transports

c) The size makes them difficult handle needing specialized tugs and large docks.

d) Puzzle your starship makes getting the "right size" difficult

There are (or were) some threads around about this before.

Modular Transports is a passion Traveller Hobby of mine

Shotgun Modular Ship Transport

A 900t Modular transport ship series named after its unusual looks. All the modules are mounted in a large circle around the hull. The ship is Jump 3 capable with the use of 3 modules for the extra fuel. Most Captains only use the J2 ability as that leaves 390 tons for cargo/transports. Not the most affordable way to haul and make a profit, the Shotgun is primarily found in use by the military, scientific and Jack of Trades groups. What makes the Shotgun class ship more unusual is it can attach the modules and become an outpost/space station. With the proper combination of modules, the ship can travel comfortably to a location, set up as an outpost and be self-sustaining for months. Include one of the many Ground base modules found on the market and the Shotgun becomes a great first-in ship. Once done, you can pick up, pack up and jump to another location.
With a specialize Engineer Module from BTE you can setup the modules like a mini space station, leave them, and jump the Shotgun back to another system for supplies. Bringing back even more equipment and personnel.

The Shotgun is designed for reliability and comfort and is workhorse. No Hot Bunks or cramped Quarters on this ship. And the Lounge/Mess area is big enough to sleep 10 if you had to. Unlike other modular transports, the modules you haul are not just lumps of cargo. Each one is attached via a docking ring and access way. Giving you even more flexibility in what or who you haul between the stars.

The Shotgun Class Starship by BTE, your best mongrel for those Jack of Trade jobs.

900t	Unstreamed lined Hull (J)
70	Jump 3 Bubble (N)
25	Man 3 (N)
40	Power Plant (N)
190	Fuel (Internal) 180t Jump 2, 10t PwrPlt (TL 15 will give 30t of fuel back which will allow 2 weeks of 14t of other space usage)
20	Bridge
2	Sensors
5	Computer Model 6 + 8 consoles (1t computer, 4t Consoles)
42	Mounting equipment (includes docking rings and access hall)
14	Cargo Bay including 4 docking rings
45	Staterooms, 3 Sr Quarters, 5 Jr Quarters plus Lounge & Mess
52	Modular Cutter (Mounting brackets included above)
3	3 Triple turret with KSM weapon set
4	Life Support Extra
	13 Modules

Recommended Crew Requirements for the Shotgun Transport (not counting any modules carried)
Captain, Pilot, Nav, Medic, Steward, 4 Engineers, Freight Master, Gunner and 1 Cutter Pilot

(In this design it is assumed that the Modular Cutter is carrying either a Skimmer module, Fuel Module or a Cargo module with fuel bladder with min of 16 tons fuel that is pump transferred to the fuel tank. The internal fuel tank has enough fuel for maximum Jump 2 and 5 days of power plant operation.)

MiniGun Modular Transport
(this one was designed using playtest T5 rules over a year ago)

600t	MiniGun Modular Transport TL15

50	Jump Drive (J) Jump 3
17	Manueuver Drive (J) 3G
28	Power Plant (J)
77	Fuel (Jump 1 + Pwr Plant Fuel 1.5 weeks)
20	Bridge
0	Computer Model 5, plus 7 consoles
378	12 Modules (includes 1.5t docking equipment)
20	5 Staterooms (2 Sr Rooms, 3 Jr Rooms)
6	5t Maneuver Pod (for Modules)
1	Triple Turrets
1	Cargo (internal)
2	Standard-13 Sensors
Docking equipment is not docking rings. These are module attachment equipment that keeps the module secured to the ship.
The six modules next closest to the hull will allow fuel modules to act as Jump fuel for Jump Distance

Cost T5 ???(not all prices are listed in ACS yet)

222 tons of the 600 tons is actual ship, with 18 tons connectors for the modules.

9% is bridge
42.8% is Jump,Man, and PwrPlt
35.2% is Fuel
2.7% is Pod
10.3% is staterooms and Cargo and Turrets

49m long X 9m dia

Tumbler Express Modular Transport Starship

A 2100t Modular transport ship series named after some of it’s unusual test runs1. But don’t let the name fool you because the Tumbler Express is a solid design with the capacity of Jump 3 carrying 36 attached modules. All the modules are mounted in 3 large circles around the hull along with 2 Modular Cutter ships.
The ship is capable Jump 1 with out any Fuel Modules, J2 with 7 Fuel Modules and J3 with 14 Fuel Modules. Most Captains only use the J2 ability as that leaves 870 tons for cargo/transports. Though not the most affordable way to haul goods or people to make a profit, the Tumbler Express is primarily found in use by the military, scientific and Jack of Trades communities2.
What makes the Tumbler Express design even more unusual is that it can attach the modules and become a mini space station. With the proper combination of modules, the ship can travel comfortably to a location, set up as a space base and be self-sustaining for months. Include one of the many Ground Base modules on the market and the Tumbler Express becomes a great first-in ship. Once done, you can pick up, pack up and jump to another location.
With the specialized Engineer Modules from BTE you can setup the modules like a mini space station, leave them, and jump the Tumbler Express back to another system for supplies. Bringing even more equipment and personnel back or even starting your own trade route and base station.

The Tumbler Express is designed for reliability and comfort and is workhorse. No Hot Bunks or cramped Quarters on this ship. And the Lounge/Mess area is big enough to sleep 20 if you had to. Unlike other modular transports, the modules you haul are not just lumps of cargo. Each one is attached via a docking ring and access way. Giving you even more flexibility in what or who you haul between the stars.

The Tumbler Express Starship by BTE, the biggest mongrel for those Jack of Trade jobs.
2100t	Hull Unstreamed lined
	Jump 3 Bubble Drive (P2)3
	Man 3 (P2)
	Power Plant (P2)
10	Computers Model 7 & Model 6 + 10 Consoles (3t computers, 5t Consoles, 2t extra room)
270	Fuel (Internal) 210t for Jump 1, 52t 2 week PwrPlt, 8t for Small Craft
2	Sensors
100	2 Modular Cutters (mounting brackets included in the mount equipment)
60	Staterooms 4 Sr Quarters, 8 Jr Quarters plus Lounge & Mess(9t) and Pantry(3t)
	Mounting equipment (includes docking rings and access corridors to each module)
	34 Modules
6	6 Triple Turrets each mounted with KSM weapon sets
68	2 30t Cargo/Airlock Ring  (includes 8 docking rings for Module attachment)
	Pinnace interior slip (includes 1 ton of extra storage space)
	Internal Cargo storage
Jump 3 requires 14 Fuel Modules
Jump 2 requires 7 Fuel Modules
Jump 1 requires no Fuel Modules
Jump 2 possible with no Modules and still has 2 weeks PwrPlt run time

NOTE: If carrying more than 4 Modules that require outside power to operate during flight, it is strongly recommended that you either attach a standard Engineer Module or have some other type of power producing ability to keep the modules up and running. Inside both Cargo/Airlock Rings there are generator hook ups to the Modules.

Recommended Crew Requirements for the Tumbler Express (not counting any modules carried)
Captain, Pilot, Nav, 9 Engineers, Medic, Steward, Gunner, and 2 Cutter Pilots

The Tumbler Express got its name from initial test trials using a 6G drive. This was before solid docking rings were added and the drive dropped to a 3G capacity.
One Tumbler Express recent found work by hauling several retirees in their Trader Jim Modules. The Capt. officially renamed his vessel the GreyHound Express and now makes a living on transporting those retirees where they want to go.

Dave Chase
Dave Chase looks to have solved his modular issues. :)

Actually the "Clipper" in MGT "borrows" heavily from it's TNE forerunner (also called a Clipper) and both share the same set of problems:

a) Modules are Clipper-specific
b) Modules have no drives
c) Modules can be very large (up to 400dton IIRC)
d) Multiple module sizes and IIRC in TNE grapple sizes


b) If the modules had drives like the LASH barges from GT they could at least do in-system operations independently. The Clipper modules need an extensive infrastructure and powerful tugs/transports
I would not consider this aspect for a civilian purpose. It would increase the cost by 3 or more times without benefit. Using modern wet marine shipping as an example, they don't use self-propelled containers - cost too much.
For heavely traveled lanes why not a Battlerider type transport. It carries 200 or 400 ton Spaceships with packed cargo. Just jump in and the cargo pods with engines seperate and go on their way to either the shipment hub or the next carrier. Have a central area on the rider where the crews can leave their ships via a tubewalk during jump and mingle.
For heavely traveled lanes why not a Battlerider type transport. It carries 200 or 400 ton Spaceships with packed cargo. Just jump in and the cargo pods with engines seperate and go on their way to either the shipment hub or the next carrier. Have a central area on the rider where the crews can leave their ships via a tubewalk during jump and mingle.

Judges Guild had a book about a ship like that - it consisted of a large J-3 Core Ship and up to three streamlined Module Ships that could dock to it. Interstellar Polities would band together to build a core ship which would keep a given schedule. Then customers would build 1200 (or so) ton module ships (which were J-1) that could "hitch a ride". Some module ships were "star hotels" that would double as a hotel when landed, then take their passengers back to the core ship for the next leg of their journey. Others were either military or cargo carrying, etc.

The core ship itself had a spinal particle cannon, some fighters and other weapons to discourage piracy.

Interesting idea.
For heavely traveled lanes why not a Battlerider type transport. It carries 200 or 400 ton Spaceships with packed cargo. Just jump in and the cargo pods with engines seperate and go on their way to either the shipment hub or the next carrier. Have a central area on the rider where the crews can leave their ships via a tubewalk during jump and mingle.

Gurps Traveller, LASH-Tender. It carries 800dton sublight craft in exactly that configuration
Dave Chase looks to have solved his modular issues. :)

I would not consider this aspect for a civilian purpose. It would increase the cost by 3 or more times without benefit. Using modern wet marine shipping as an example, they don't use self-propelled containers - cost too much.

Modern day containers are far smaller than the modules for the clippers (between 1 and 8 dton in GT) and the 30dton cutter modules are an imperial standard.

As Lykes Line can tell you NOT having powered barges can really hurt you. The LASH was at least partially killed by the lack of tugs/pushers in most target environments
From a site called Distant Places that seems to be down at the moment, the Hector Modular Ship:

Modern day containers are far smaller than the modules for the clippers (between 1 and 8 dton in GT) and the 30dton cutter modules are an imperial standard.

As Lykes Line can tell you NOT having powered barges can really hurt you. The LASH was at least partially killed by the lack of tugs/pushers in most target environments

Hence the idea to let the freighter carry a number of modular cutters as well. Keeping in mind that each cutter also carries a module, this only means an extra 20 tons per cutter.
Dave, that's wonderful!

Thanks. :)

Shipping containers are probably more likely for player ships in a game as compared to modular containers.

The building of these modular ships was done for several reasons

I personally liked the idea (and it fitted my game),
It was a design/engineer exercise to figure out how to fit 30 tons of working/living space into a cylinder versus a flat sided box,
It also made some interesting ship design issues on how to attach/carry all those cylinders.

(I have done deckplans for the Shotgun and have sketch decplans for the other 2 ships.)

I have worked on some other design modular ships. Most are standard 30t and 1000t ones.

The basic idea of why standardize containers or even modular containers (in my mind) is that they are every where and used just like the various standardize mailing packages/boxes/envolopes of today.

Unlike the standardize containers, modular containers and be picked up and dropped off in space or other type atmosphere. A small craft, utility craft, or ship can pick up or dock with it and then load/unload as needed.

Dave Chase
Hence the idea to let the freighter carry a number of modular cutters as well. Keeping in mind that each cutter also carries a module, this only means an extra 20 tons per cutter.

That would work. Depending on the system you loose a bit more space i.e in GT it is (IIRC)

Basic(custom fit) hangar: Volumex1.05
General hangar: Volumex1.3

And a general hangar in MGT also is volumex1.3. OTOH by choosing a mix of custom fit 30dton "sleeves" for cutter modules and some general hangars for cutters one could optimize the ship even further by using all three types of cutters GT introduced in "Modular cutter":

Basic 50dton Cutter
90dton dual moduls Skiff
100dton Jump-Cutter for "off the main route" deliveries