Hello Folks,
I thought I'd bring this up just for the fun of it...
You've just gotten word that the Bank of <fill in bank on what ever world of choice here> has authorized a loan for the ship you now hold the papers to. You're well on your way to having some fun in life, along with some scary moments perhaps, and even some moments of frustration (them's the joy of life in the Traveller Universe).
But riddle me this:
The bank on that world that just authorized your loan, requires that you make payments in a monthly cycle.
Now, for the sake of argument, your ship has wandered far and wide, and has been amassing the money in order to make the monthly payment. Problem is, you're on a jerkwater world with a low population, and not even a major starport installation there for which you can make your monthly payment to the bank.
How does that money get there?
What happens if you don't make your monthly payment?
How long will the bank wait before it puts your ship on the "deadbeat list" permitting your ship to be reposessed?
It seems to me that in those circumstances, there would have to be some form of payments permitted that accepts the reality of the Third Imperium.
I thought I'd bring this up just for the fun of it...
You've just gotten word that the Bank of <fill in bank on what ever world of choice here> has authorized a loan for the ship you now hold the papers to. You're well on your way to having some fun in life, along with some scary moments perhaps, and even some moments of frustration (them's the joy of life in the Traveller Universe).
But riddle me this:
The bank on that world that just authorized your loan, requires that you make payments in a monthly cycle.
Now, for the sake of argument, your ship has wandered far and wide, and has been amassing the money in order to make the monthly payment. Problem is, you're on a jerkwater world with a low population, and not even a major starport installation there for which you can make your monthly payment to the bank.
How does that money get there?
What happens if you don't make your monthly payment?
How long will the bank wait before it puts your ship on the "deadbeat list" permitting your ship to be reposessed?
It seems to me that in those circumstances, there would have to be some form of payments permitted that accepts the reality of the Third Imperium.