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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Franklin suddenly bolts around the doorway back out into the corridor... he calls out from the left outside the doorway to the medlab.

"Madam... you should put down that gun. Such weapons are dangerous aboard ship. I urge you to reconsider your actions before someone gets injured... I'm sure it can all be arranged as long as we stay calm and work it out. "
Ref says: The old woman looks puzzled.

"Now look here, I don't have any weapon. Anyhow, talking starfish, you are merely part of my imagination." Looking at her hands at the double barreled blaster pistol, "This is merely a hair dyer." pointing it at her head pulling the trigger her head melts as it is was wax leaving a charred stump.

The sound of the blaster discharge alerts the Law Enforcement Officers, who approach Frank & Jame...


Again, the fellow prisoner reaches into Dorothea's mind. "Time, is precious, we have only a limited window, if we are to escape.

On the bridge, XO approaches the Captain.

"The Cargo has safely left the ship and will make a rendevous INS Intrepid is six hours. And, the brown dwarf around Farpoint, I suggest that we maintain a safe orbital proximity around Glacis (system's LGG)? Fairpoint is also indicating the ambassador is anxious to get aboard but given the situation Medical Lab 51, is that wise?"

The Captain ponders the XO's words and carefully responds, "The Capsules in the Med Lab are the property of Mr. Reynolds now. As we speak he is arranging transport."


Shipboard security can be seen escorting black coffin like objects on floaters to one of the yachts moored in the Cargo bay closest to Med Lab 51**. A man dressed entirely in black emerges from the craft. "Gently, gentlemen, we do not want the containment fields to rupture. Stack them along the side of the cargo bay."

As they pass he afixes a label. The label can be viewed here
**OOC: This is a Med Lab where no current players of the adventure are located. I welcome lurkers to come in and join in, either as a NPC or sustaining player. See the first page for rules of joining the game.
Originally posted by kafka47:
The woman jumps up and stares at Jeff.

"Don't tell me, you don't remember when I had this done? You told me that you had a certain fondness for Terran slitherers."

From underneath the bed she pulls out a rather large and impressive firearm.

"X said, you were expendable, now I can see the implant is clearly not restored your memory. We had better make sure that the Imperium does not get what's inside your head."

With that she cocks the gun and a steady hum of power activates.
Jeff looks calmly up from the bed and cocks an eyebrow as he grins, "That'd be uncharacteristically stupid of you Grendel. A model BH-209 M Plasma Pistol in the confines of this escape pod will blow right through the hull and you'll kill us both. Presuming of course that you could even hit me."

His concentration is on the weapon which is slowly lowering, even as Grendel fights to keep it up. She uses both hands and strains but fails. As Jeff stands up she is pulled to the deck as if the weapon weighs many times what it should.

"Just let go of it, you know you don't need it anyway. I guess I needed the adrenaline to clear the last of the blockers from my system. Amazing what a little fear will do. X always was a bastard. Get dressed, we have to go."
Ref says: Grendel rises from the floor. "Well, if you did not kill him, we are both good as dead anyhow."


Meanwhile, on the engineering a strange lurching can be overheard from the L-Hyd tanks apart from the regular intake of Hydrogen from the the skimmers & purfication plant. A junior Deckhand, reports this to his supervisor who then pages Jeff whose comm is bleeping in the Captain's waiting room.

A woman dressed in the fatigues of IN Security branch picks up the comm and looks at with a bemused look. Adjusting the frequency of her com/voder unit in Jeff's own voice and inflection responds "Sawter, here." After hearing the complete report of the Hand aknowledges the message with a short. "Understood."

Where are you Jeff Sawter...and what trouble are you in this time... are her silent thoughts as she releases the com.


One of the Law Enforcers looks into the Med Lab and looks at the woman, then looks squarely at Jame & Frank, "What the fracking Hell, happened here?"
Franklin looks the security men over. Then begins to tap his computer while speaking to the men. Two eyes work the computer, while the other four
make eye contact with the men.

"We are unsure. This woman approached us as we went down the hall. She seemed to be behaving erratically, claiming something about someone killing a doctor. When we entered, she drew that weapon (points to it cast aside on the floor) and fired, killing herself..." Frank said matter-of-factly. "This man here awoke as she fired."

"Also, my friend here was nearly set upon by armed men down this same corridor. They carried bladed weapons." He hands the Officer a recording disk from his holorecorder. "This is what they look like."

"If you gentlemen will pardon the observation from a passenger... it would seem that there is a security problem in this section."
Jame nods agreement. "She seemed to think that her blaster pistol - the suicide weapon - was a hairdryer, and wanted to use it to dry her hair, or so she said. I'd say her hair's dry, but unfortunately at the cost of her brain..." He looks ill upon saying the last.
OOC: Still need NPC/PC to play out these Law Enforcers.

Ref says: The lead officer turns to the Baron and says:

"Citizen, I am sorry, but nobody can leave this area. It is now declared a crime scene. We will now need detailed biometric information."

Donning darkened sunglass, and holding up a cigar shaped object, "Now, if I could ask you all to look at the pretty red light." and FLASH.

Checking the data he then asks for the passenger Data Security Card from each of you. Inserting them into the side of the machine and nods. When he gets to Frank's, he comments. "Most interesting, do you have permits for the robotic technology that you are transporting in the cargo hold?"
"Of course, Officer. The devices you refer to are non-military, and therefore legal under Imperial Law. I have two permits, one from my government and one from yours. I am part of a technical exchange program, and engineer. Are you referring to any specific device?"
Ref says:
"You, Hivers think that you are so s-s-smart, don't you? You think we don't know that you are in kahooks with the Zhodani providing them with Mecha war machines. I was on Rhylanor when they decended down. It had your peoples tenticles written all over it. Now, you just happen to be here at a murder scene trying to flash some sort of hypto device at me." the Officer said menacingly.
(Franklin pauses, blinking at the man a few times)

"I see. Sir. There seems to be a misunderstanding. I have only been to the Zhodani border once in my career. I am a working Starship Engineer. I am not sure what you are talking about, exactly. Can you be more specific? Has some formal claim been made against my government? Am I implicated in some crime? You are welcome to examine my travel log, if that will be of assitance in clearing up this matter."

(he holds up a small synthleather wallet)

"Also. My species has limbs terminating in Manipulators, which we colloquially refer to as "hands". "Tentacles" is not altogether correct."

(M.Franklin records this exchange with his holocamera)
Ref says: The Officer smashes the camera in a fit of rage.

Another officer restrains him, "Easy Captain, I know you lost your boyfriend on Rhylanor but maybe this Hiver was not involved. They have all sorts of nests? If that is the correct term?" looking at Frank with pleading eyes. "What you just smashed was evidence."

"Ok then, what were doing in area of Med Lab. You also claim that some hoodlums were accosting you and then you claim this poor killed herself" and peering into room "You also claim that you no knowledge of corpse in there."

The Officer sticks his id into a computer terminal and types something up, immediately the ship's camera system comes up. It replays the events, as described about. Then reverts to static and shadowy image calls out "Death and S-s-s-suffering" and with a spark the corridors lights go out. Several blaster bolts cascade down the corridor.
I'll pick up a Law Enforcer role here.


Scout Administrator Kzogheng, IISS Security, got the chirp on his hand comp and proceeded to the scene MedLab as fast as his legs could carry him. He'd had to produce his credentials several times to get the stupid luurgiin-humans to move themselves from the corridors and he hated to do that. 'Security' meant alot of things to alot of different peoples, but for Kzo it meant not being identified as an officer. Investigations are SO much easier when folks are not whispering 'look at the funny security-varg' behind your back...

Taking a page from the Moran Downport 'water-scum' enforcers, Kzogheng began his involvement in this case with his irritation evident, hoping to take control of the situation...

"Who's in charge here?"
Frank's voder abruptly cuts, and he dives into the MedLab for cover, shutting and locking the door. He then looks around for a Computer Terminal.

"Something seems wrong." he thought to himself. "These people are insane, or drugged."
Jame looks at the officers, and at the locked door. "I think the Hiver was. You should ask him. Is there anything else, or may I go?"
Ship's Chaplain Steven Enkhusham looked up as the door shut and the lock was engaged from the body of Dr Oomph. He had managed to slip by the passengers while they were conversing about some incident down the hall and then alarmed at the aproaching secuirty personnel from the opposite hallway.

He had been going to converse with Oomph about the zhodani spy, and the amount of tranq unusually beyond what was required. He'd hidden in the med stores closet after he'd arrived and listened to everything that had transpired. He'd taken a moment to review the security camera's log off the med lab computer.

That phrase again, and the stunning image of the captain himself murdering Oomph lingered in his memory. Having survived infiltration attempts by the Zhodani on Efate during the war where he'd served his one and only term in the Navy as a medevac surgeon, this smacked of conspiracy, mind control, and something worse.

Both Dr. Oomph and his dead human assistant Med Tech Bob Boffin had been shot at close range, he saw from the laser burns on their clothes and flesh; and then he glanced up with a mild surprise at the discarded chemical laser pistol cartridges on the floor. TL-D or better, he mused rapidly, pocketing the data crystal from the terminal, and stood in his cassock and announced himself to the Hiver. He tabbed his p-com mike to the "open position" to the Security channel.

"Whatever your business is here, its not ship's business, sir. This is a crime scene. Please remain where you are and Do not touch anything."

The Hiver turned and saw the human standing there, a Navy issue 10mm sidearm incongruous in the religious garbed man's left hand. The laser light optic sight placed the red dot on is central nervous center. It flickered off him, and towards the door.

Well, well, Steven, looks like you have to trust someone. The Lord sends aide in mysterious ways. he flicked the laser light back on the Hiver a second later, listening to the Vargr's voice outside. Good, Kzogheng was here. About time too.

"Relax, sir, and open the door, please. I'll explain later," Steven smiled at the Hiver. "We haven't much time, I'm afraid for introductions, so you'll have to trust me." He made the pistol disappear.
Franklin nods to the Chaplain, his eyes blinking in sequence. He keeps two on the door and four on the Chaplain at all times.

"Interesting. Please continue this activity. I am curious to see how this unfolds. I should warn you that the man outside is behaving irrationally. He seems drugged or perhaps insane, if I judge the human psyche correctly. Thank you also for not shooting me. It showed considerable restraint based on the chaotic nature of this incident."

Assuming a submissive posture to the side of the door, with limbs folded beneath his body. Only his prime limb remains up, but with fingers closed. Frank keys the lock and hopes for the best...
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