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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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NPC: Dr Stephen Pytor Enerii Christoff Rinugii-Enkhusham--Stephen for short...

A Tall man, wiry, with short curly red hair, and Vilani patrician featured face and an unhurried demeanor wades thru the assembled folk, a medkit in one hand, and biscanner in the other. Wearing a cassock, and a collar of the Galalanglic Thrice Reformed Catholic Church.

"Excuse me--please, sers, sera..Doctor coming through.. pardon me, was that your foot? my pardon..doctor coming through.."He spots the medbot and the patient/crewman, and strides through oblivious to the feet he steps on

"Good job R-Cee-eM-Six! Sers, some room if you please!" The man's name tag reads "Enkhusham, S.", the badge reads "Ship's Chaplain".

Dr. E. does a speedy bioscan and checks RCM-6's data read out for verification, nodding. From the medkit, he removes a personal medkit, and adjusts for the man's Blood type, straps it on the man's left thigh, and then turns a switch, activating it, watching the man's bio-reads carefully. he loosens the man's constricting clothing there on the spot, and removes from RCM-6's small framed cargo pod [scarcely the size of a post box], a plastic wrapped package which he tears open and unfolds the bright yellow object.

Dr. E, next inflates the portable inflatable stretcher with a gas cartridge of memory foam from the medkit, and looks at the Droyne and one other to assist him in placing the victim within it.

All right good sophonts, the Lord willing, we need to move this man to the med bay, Stat! On three, we lift and set him on the stretcher, RCM-6, steady the man's head and neck please!"

RCM-6 bleeps a reply 'Affirmative'
Ref. says: The Crew member's eyes suddenly return to crystal normality. He cries out: "Don't let them take me. They will cut me open or worse. Ple-e-ease help me." with that his eyes return to the same whitened state and convulsions begin anew.

In the meantime, the Medicalbot has lights flashing as it is communicating with an outside computer. The Medicalbot, promptly announces, "Examination of the subject concludes this man is a Zhodani citizen. This information is not matching with his personal file. Security has been notified. This man is an intruder and potential spy."

A couple of Def heads seem to be heading this way with their eyes filled a blood red fanaticism and they repeatedly chant. "Out, Out, Get out of our way. Death is coming. Suffering will commence."
DR. E immdiately sedates the patient to unconcsciousness, and looks at RCM-6

"Six--alert the XO. And call the Brig Captain of the Guard. They'll need Psi helms for this poor devil." Looks up at the Def-Heads with annoyed glance. We lift the man into the stretcher, and Dr E. inserts the cartridge that hardens the gaseous foam within it, making a perfect fit for the fellow, and it solidifies in twenty-seconds.
Ref. says:
The crowd of Def Heads get pushed back by a security cordon being formed around the injured crewmember.

The Captain of the Squad, whistles, "What do you know, we got ourselves here a real mindripper. Teeth count confirm it and preliminary blood."

Turning to Ussep with a stern voice, "Did this individual pass any information on to you or your friends here? I am obligated to inform all information gathered here will be held by the Imperial Official Secrets Act, any attempt not to disclose anything will be viewed as treason against the Imperium, punishable by a jail sentence or the death penality. Do you have anything you wish to report?"

The crewmember's body seems to be becoming translucent. The Captain notices this and sets his tuncheon on maximum stun. "Now, Padre, I don't know what you gave him but it certainly was not enough to limit his brain activity...Boys, we got ourselves here a Telejumper, be sure to isolate his cell with white interferon."

Turning again to Ussep and company: "If anything occurs to you please make your way to the nearest Security Office and ask the Desk Clerk that you wish to make a declaration under IMOSA 747-879.

With that the Squad lifts the encased body and trunches to the nearest grav lift. As the doors close, the remaining company can hear the crewmember scream once again.

The remaining Def heads seem to have dispersed and gone down separate corridors chanting away.
Father Enkhusham shakes his head, and checks the dosage again. Hmmm. Note to self, increase tranq for Zhodani-Humaniti by 500cc's. well, time enough to file that to Medical Imperica later...

Dr. E. follows the troops and patient out of the room.
Ref says: Dorothea sees a crewmember being brought into the brig in a Medicvat, obviously heavily sedated but still incoherently muttering and moaning.

The Security Chief looks at the crewmember. "This 'im? and the other Security Guard nods in affirmation.

"I wonder how much you saw...more importantly how much do you know?" asks the Chief

"Well, you might as well but him in the Cage. I think that I am going to retire for the Night." and passes the encription key over to the Captain.

In the course of the night, when the guard is sleeping in the middle of the shift, Doreothea blinks and she could swear that she see the encription code floating in the air. She hears a voice in her head, "Help me and I will help you. Knock three times on the ajoining cell wall, if you agree." she is also imparted with an image of a bearded man insanely laughing which disappears in a flash.

Outside Dorethea can see the Computer flash a security notice for Prisoner 20205 to be scheduled for a medical proceedure requiring surgery the next day.


Meanwhile, in the Med. lab the shadows begin to lengthen as Doctor Oomph is looking through an electron microscope at a tissue sample under different degrees of magnification, shaking his head whilst jotting down some notes into a hand computer. There is momentary flash from the discharge of a laser sidearm, it is the Captain grinning insanely as he steps over the body, picking up the hand computer of the recently departed doctor and makes his way into the rest of the ship.
Ref says: The ship's computer notes an anomaly in the ships' jump drive engines and reports it to the Ship's Chief engineer. The body of the chief is slumped into his chair looking rather comatose.

A Defhead is dancing on the console seeing the red indicator light flash, laughs merrily and requests that the computer increase power. The computer promptly queries the command and the Defhead overrides the security protocol.

The night cycle has begun again, accompanying the cleaningbots are Mark III Securitybots taking the liberty of escorting intoxicated passengers back to their staterooms indicating with jump breakout due in the next 24hrs that it was best to remain in their staterooms.

The Captain swaggers into the bridge. Most of the bridge officers are register their surprise in seeing him. "Report!" he barks.
Ref says: The computer reports that jump transition is near. The Captain voice announces on the intercom:

"Ladies & Gentlemen, the computer reports that we are about to break out of Jumpspace and return to regular space. Our coordinates have placed us in high orbit around Farpoint. We will commence with refuelling and have a layover for approximately one week. Those passengers continuing on please ensure that you retain your boarding passes at all times whilst planetside and those disembarking at Farpoint. We hope that you have had a pleasant journey. Thank you for flying with Naasirka."

"Jump transition in 3 hours 45 minutes. M-Drive sequencing commencing." the computer announces as the low vibration of Maneuver Drives warming up is felt throughout the ship.

Security personele and 'bots are escorting rowdy defheads back into their cabins. A degree of calm returns to all decks. Naasirka reports what rumours that individuals regarding the efficiency of the jump drive and possible disappearance were the result of hallogenic substances injected into the air supply by a rogue set of Zhodani agents posing as Defheads.

What a Party we had last Night...I need a drinky poo to get over my hangover.

What entertainment can we expect when we get to Farpoint?
So what I saw in the cable conduit was just a hallucination? Damnit!

Baron, let me show you the tastiest aftershave in the minibar...

(OOC - Next time I'll roll to disbelieve the illusion! LOL)
Jame, about to step into the hallway and confront the brigands, looks behind him and finds that Baron W. has mysteriously disappeared.
NPC Villains
The coarse fellow that Jame has espied swaggers casually out of the doorway he was standing in, his hand on the hilt of a large hunting knife, sheathed at his belt. Several other roguish heads appear at doorways along the corridor to see what's happening.

'Nothing to see here, friend.' he warns Jame.
Comming around the corner (after tying the laces on his shirt) Baron W. sees Baron Jame holding his sword and confronting a rough looking person while others look on from the doorways of their staterooms.

"Um...Anything I can help with Baron Jame? Do you know this fellow?"

Baron W. begins rumaging around in his backpack.
"Never seen him before. I'm sure that if I put my sword away, he'll leave, and I'll never see him again." He slowly begins to put away his sword.
NPC activity
The other characters emerge from the doorways. There are six alltogether and after closer inspection, it's fairly clear that those are not their staterooms. They too brandish small blades of varying description.
'I dunno, mate. I think they've seen too much allready.' Says one keeping his eyes on the two men confronting them.
'We don't want any trouble, Quince. I'm sure if these two fine gentlemen were to put thei8r weapons away and go about their business, there won't be any need for any...'unpleasantness'.'
Jame slowly starts backing away, putting his sword carefully away as well - making sure he can get to it in case "Quince" decides to do something stupid. "I'm goin' back to my cabin, Baron. If you care to come with me you'd be welcome..."
Closing the card counting program he works on, M.Franklin, a Hiver Engineer and Gambler, cranes his primary limb from the confines of his jury-rigged hiver stateroom, his six eyes focusing on the commotion from the corridor. Experience in these parts has led him to be wary, and to fight the aversions that his race has towards violence out of the logic of survival... and to this end he opens the iris-valved container that holds his peculiar-looking blade and SMG.

He has long been in human space, driven by the curiousity that is standard for his kind... He adjusts his voder to Galanglic and turns the volume up to about 20 Decibels. The Baritone-voiced machine translates his unseen gestures into speech. The voice is fluid and organic, with only a slight hint of mechanical echo.

"Gentlemen. I am in the middle of important research at the moment... Is there any way you could perhaps select another corridor to have your discussion in?"
Franklin's head sweeps the scene again, this time noticing the intensity of the exchange... he gets his comm ready to alert ship security...

(to Baron J)
"Is something amiss here? Do you require assistance, Sir?"
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