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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Then Lord Jame, I shall pray he one day reveals himself to you," Steven nods, and looks again at Kzogengh, and the Planetary Cops. "While you dither, milords, a killer, probably one of the crew's officers, if not in his or her clothing, is escaping justice."

Utters silent prayer to St Lucia of Syracuse, patron Saint of the Blind to open the eyes of this dunderhead dirtside berk of a Crusher.
"I don't deny God's possibility, merely say that I cannot know." Jame holds up his hand to prevent an argument - "However, the pressing matter on this ship is that murderer - and if God is, I pray that It helps these good officers find the murderer. Meanwhile, I'm going with the Hiver - and without a tracking device."
"I do not think I shall be submitting to such measures, either. They are more than a touch extreme. One sure way to keep abreast of my movements is to look at your security monitors. I'll be the one that's the Hiver."

(Removes a circular deck of playing cards from a bandolier pouch, and begins to deftly shuffle them with limb 6*)

"If you came to Federation Space, and my government demanded such measures, we would expect a gunfight. I have offered my credentials, and you have rejected them. You are off your recliner If you think I will allow an alien to implant a device of any sort in my body. The very notion is barbaric.(Holds up the 6 of Diamonds) Is that your card? Good Day to you, Officer."

*See Tech Post for Limb numbers.

OOC: This Game Rules! Nice Chops, Everyone!
steven ignores the statement by Lord Jame wondering why the hades he hasn't left yet...

Ref says: The Officer turns and looks the Chaplain directly in the eye in a piercing stare that would make any man or beast quiver in their knees.

"Ahh, Padre, I do like an educated Priest as much as any atheist. Notwithstanding, in this instance, I am not to sure that you are being terribly helpful. These canisters are indeed from a laser but nothing of a magnitude that could have harmed anyone. If you look here at the inscription..."

For use with surgical lasers only

"As to the theory that only the crew has access to this type of weaponry. This is true but it has been my experience that murderers are not adverse to smuggling weapons aboard starships even if the individual components would not seem not what the seem to be. Afterall, just earlier this morning, my fellow officers seized a cargo of agricultural equipment destined for the barren moon Tripolis and finding all the components needed for the construction of gauss rifles for the Rebel scum. Now that particular container, we are tracing its origins but we do know it was from the Rim.

So, padre, I do appreciate your insight but if you would allow police work to be done by the proper authorities - that being the police. Your cooperation is appreciated."

"Now, then Agent Kzogengh, I do believe that I have reasonable grounds that a dissolvable tracking device implanted into the bodies of these individuals will not hamper their Imperial law nor harm them in any way and I do believe that our sovereignty is concurrent with the Emperor's will."

"Officer Kzogengh, might I remind you and this dunderheaded berk of a crusher, the murders of Dr Oomph and Tech Bob Boffin occurred approximately no more than an hour ago, by which our speed decelerrating to port the crime was done OUTSIDE his precious 100 diameters--only the discovery of said crime occurred within his 100 diameters--you will not submit these two passengers to arrest nor monitoring--the evidence of the tape clearly shows these two are not the killer. You will order this ship to cease any passenger off loading until the matter is resolved, Officer/Agent Kzogengh.

Being neither the weak spined fop of a priest he seems to appear, he draws himself to his full 6'3" height, and returns the man's stare with cobalt blue eyes of wrath. With the might of his God, the Third Imperium, and the backbone the Imperial Navy gave him, the wrath of Christ as when he was in the temple cleansing it of the money changers rising within him." You sir, are also the most blithering idiot God graced with the breath of life, as an officer of this vessel--and well versed in Interstellar law more than the paltry one or two years of whatever academy you most surely slept through--! In the Captain of this ship's absence, as an officer of this Liner service and other higher officers of this vessel, of which I am one, sir... you may get the hell off this ship before you detain any Imperial Citizen, nor create an incident with the Hiver Federation, which your tiny world cannot even handle a thimble of might against should you raise its' ire, and do so at your peril, for the Ithklur Marines will merely laugh, walking over your bodies, I assure you. A fate you surely do not wish to engage in, nor speak for your world upon which it will befall little man--Be Gone!"

Deftly Tabs P-com ship wide channel for the Ship's Brig Commander, and all security emergency Alpha-Hotel : "Hijackers!/Terrorists" in the pocket of his cassock.

Steven hopes that M.Franklin and Lord Jame take the hint and vanish fast..reaches into pocket and removes his tranq wand, concealed in sleeve of his cassock, and genuflects before the Stunned tableau, and prays for forgiveness for what he is about to do.
Steven finishes his prayer, and sees the man is still there, as is Agent Kzogengh. The matter of jurisdiction yet to be resolved, he stands between the crime scene, Lord Jame, and M. Franklin, his back to them.

Surely this fool Lord doesn't wish to create a diplomatic incident unprecedented as never before heard of, does he?
Jame gives the Chaplain exactly the same wierd look as the Chaplain is giving him. Then he turns to Franklin and says, "Shall we be off?"

Right before he leaves, he gives the Vargr agent his card. "Here's my comm number and handcomp email. Contact me if you need anything. Franklin, I'm going to Lounge 5; if you wish to join me still, that's quite acceptable. Good day, Chaplain."
"This is M.Fraklin, of cabin 2205. I would like to log my dissatisfaction with my current Stateroom. There appears to be some form of security issue nearby, and I would like to move up to Deck One if it's possible. I know this being a maiden voyage, that might be difficult, but I would be willing to overlook the inconvienence if you would be willing to accomodate me elsewhere."
Ref says:

"Very well, sir, we will see what we can do." one can see the steward typing away on a computer and scanning the different entries.

"We do have one stateroom aviable for an extra 1000 Imperial Credits but given your inconvience, Nassirka is willing to waver the additional amount. It is located on the 8th deck, stateroom number eight. We will have a porter transfer your luggage in the next two hours. We do appologize for this inconvience but the bulk of our stewards and porters are preparing passengers for their trip planetside and arranging suitable lodgings before our next jump.

In the meantime, if you would like to make your way there as you can personalize your dataset and room environment settings. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?" said the clerk in a monotone voice.

The Law Enforcement Officer looks stunned and turns to Agent Kzogengh,

"Aren't you going to do something??? These individuals are found by the body of a horribly mutalated corpse, claim that she shot own head without any clear reason, two corpses lie in proximity of each other and a clearly fabricated holocrystal is present to you as evidence?

They are refusing to be tagged.

I know Imperial Laws are lax but I never imagined this lax toward the nobility.

And, clearly they have someone on the inside working with them and you don't even relinguish authority to us, the appropiate planetary authorities...and not to mention this interfering priest.

We were better off when we were an independent system..." he says with a heavy sigh.

A distinctive whinning and coupling can be heard throughout the ship. The XO barks on the internal ships intercom, "Engineering, why are the the external scoops malfunctioning? We have disengaged from High Guard position compensate with thrusters one through ten, damn it. Hurry man, otherwise will be pulled down into the gravity well."

OOC: either existing players or new players do not hesitate to jump in.
"Thank you, Mr. Jones... your efficiency is much appreciated. I am transferring Cr250 to your service account for your trouble. I shall be in Lounge 5 for a while, I will reconfigure by remote, or later."


"I've noticed some random fluctuations of the ship's power and jump system, but perhaps these are to be expected. A new ship of this size is bound to have such anomalies. Still, I would like to log with you my willingness to sub as an Engineering Hand, should the situation merit. I can be reached on this channel. Thank you again, Mr Jones."

(NOTE: A majority of this conversation occurs as Jame and Frank leave the area for Lounge 5)
Ref says: "Thank you, very much for your concern. I will certainly relay your comments to our engineering department, as at Naasirka we do always insist upon the best.

There is no need for a cash payment, as my salary is sufficient for my grade & task. Should you wish to mention my name to my immediate supervisor, this would be the route to go. A standard customer service form can be accessed through the main directory and my supervisor's name Lusi Perigalen (LPerigalen@pride.internalnet.ni)." with that Franklin notices 250Cr plus microinterest has been transferred back into his account.


The XO pages the Captain, "Sir, engineering is not responding. We are dangerously been pulled deeper within the gravity well. Right now, only compensatory thrusters are maintaining equilibrium. But, the engines caenn't take much more."


"This is SBD Commander Layton, do you need assistance Pride. We can hail a tug that can be in your position 40 mins"

OOC: anyone can play out the Naval commander, if interest exists.
Jame listens half-heartedly until the part about the systems fluctuations. When he and Franklin are in the lift, he says, "That's not all that's going on. The crew - those security personnel not included, since they're planetary - have been acting wierd lately. Why, even one of my party has been arrested for no reason - " He breaks off as Dorotea comes into the lift on the next floor.
Steven gives silent thanks to the almighty God that the two pasengers have now departed safely, and listens to the Planetary Law man's harangue of Agent Kzogengh with interest.

... at the line of "clearly fabricated holocrystal" the temper rises again slowly within him. Definitely a question of my integrity, and honor. At "refusing to be tagged", it climbs another notch.

As if people were animals to be tracked and looked after! Steven thinks with a mental snort. At least he's bright enough to know there's an inside element here. Mayhap he's not as dim as he looks...

Taking pause, Steven kneels before the dead headless woman and sends an audible prayer up for the peace of her departed soul.

Then again, this berk of a crusher has clearly has denied the collaborative/ corroborating evidence of two eyewitnesses to this laser blaster suicide here. Guess the truth on his world lies only with the Police & the State. Cancel my shore leave on that note!

At the line of "we were better off as an independent system", Steven has no comment. The Verse is full of hindsight second guessers. No doubt Imperial laws and rights chafe this downsighted fellow, but the point was won, no need to sow salt any further.

"You'll excuse me if I refrain from reply to your obvious lack of faith in eyewitnesses reports, and should you ever have the need to travel to Efate, Officer, we will settle this dispute as men of honor." He looks at the dead woman, and walks into med bay and returns with a trauma surgery sheet and covers her body.

It was the decent, humane thing to do, after all..
(meanwhile, back in the lift Frank glances sideways at the Baron.)

"Indeed so. If you'll pardon my saying so, it was an extreme reaction to the situation, even for a human. Even if some drunken tirade or fit of madness, there is always truth in such ramblings. I had no idea that the Federation was met with such distrust. I am one of few of my kind to voyage to this part of the Universe. we know little of the Vargr and Zhodani. I must begin a study of this immediately. (replaces cards in pouch) Well, Immediately after a few hands in the lounge and some light spirits."

"I must admit to being ignorant of all but the most obvious signs of trouble in engineering, but the "feel" is that something is amiss. You would be alarmed at the technical problems that could plague these mega-ships."

"I have been in deep meditation since departure, (an Aslan discipline I learned of on my voyage from Spica) so this would be my first venture out into the ship and it's compliment. Gauging from that man's reaction, his body language, something isn't right here."

"What world are you from, My Lord?"
(Franklin's Handcomp Beeps)

"Oh my. (he blanches, nearly all white) Oh my. it would seem a large portion of this ship is severely damaged. Some sort of Structural Failure. I must have tranced right through it."

(He reverses the lift direction)

"I am going to need my Vacc Suit and tool kits if we are to rescue survivors from the rest of the ship. The structure will be unstable near the break points in the hull. Time is critical."

(Franklin begins actively trying to access the ship's computer for a damage report and crew status.)

"Then we'll have to find some way off of this ship at once. And I so looked forward to gambling today."
Ref says:
As the airlock cycles to green Franklin takes his first tentative look outside. The murky atmosphere of the Gas Giant prevents a clear view of the length of the ship. Gravity is extremely strong** here and whilst the structure of the ship seems sound over the tail fins there seems to a glistening that is moving whilst not direct affecting the structure of the ship, it seems to moving in a systematic way much as a swarm of ants does over a forest floor.

There is evident buckling due to G-forces exerted by the gas giant. Rolling clouds of lightning flash incessantly around the ship. Rounding the top of the ship, Franklin discovers the upper observation lounge has been scarred and blackened by some sort of damage that is not easily to make out. Similarly, there is a fault line somewhere estimated as the eighth deck.
**OOC: With every ten metres traveled roll the following task:

To safely walk upon the outer hull.
Difficult, High G Cmbt, Dex 10 min (uncertain)

If more than 500 meters is transversed and failure is the result then individual is pulled into Gravity Well of the Gas Giant.
OOC: No Way is Frank going out in that! He goes out enough to survey the damage as best he can, wearing magnetic adhesion plates on all of his hands. They are built into his Vacc.

Franklin pauses at the lip of the airlock, the tug of oblivion keeping him from venturing out on the hull. He braces with all five other limbs on the airlock jamb and pokes his head out to survey all he can in his 360 degree view. He looks mostly with his natural Infrared vision, not being able to trust the instruments which could be affected by the intense Gravitics and electromagnetic Radiation.

He then returns to the inside to the waiting Baron, Removing his fishbowl-style helmet.

"This is no minor problem. We are in serious trouble. The ship seems to be slowly tearing apart in a Gas Giant's Gravity Well. Even if we could make it to some auxilliary craft, we would need an ace pilot to get far. If at all. I think we should collect your wife at first chance, Milord. I do not recommend the pilot that got us here in the first place."
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