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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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OOC: Paging Piper & Bromgrev to return to the scene.

Ref says:
Emergency lighting switches on in a strobe light effect before resuming to normal. In that instance, someone or something, too blurry, too quick to get an accurate scurried from the wall and along the ceiling then it was gone.

Then the lights resumed and to normal. The lead local Law Enforcement Officer barked, "Who discharged that firearm?"

Nobody acknowledges anything.

Unbeknown to everyone standing outside the elderly woman necklace containing a small black sapphire inlaid with a white pearl had disappeared in the confusion.


Grechen turns to Jeff. "Looks like we got company..." as a Droyne & oldish looking Scout are approaching with open arms.
Kzogheng looks about with irritation at the two local 'billys' [as in 'billy-club'] and the scene before him.

He then uses his handcomp to page the bridge.

"Captain, this is Agent Kzogengh of Imperial Scout Operations' Security Office. I am exerting Imperial High Law Authority over an incident. I require that all lifts to and from Deck [insert MedLab deck here] be pause as a precaution. We have a death aboard this vessel, cause unknown, that is being investigated. As of now, nobody on or off this ship. Any complaints can be reported to my superiors at IISS Base Mora. Is that clear?"

Looking about he looks to Steven, who has the look of a medical professional [I think...].

"You. Please tell me your name and what happened here."
Steven explains to Kzogengh the crime scene after switching off his P-com...

"Thank you Agent Kzogengh! I was on my way to discuss a medical matter aboard this vessel with the late Dr oomph, when I discovered his body, and that of his assistant," He gives Agent K. details of where he was when Jame and Franklin's characters were juxtaposed to his location. "And My name is Father Steven Enkhusham, Ship's Chaplain. Have you a personal computer with you, there is evidence here you need to see at once, having now invoked Imperial Law."
Ref says: Kzogengh gently inserting the data crystal into hand computer. Static, like the dead signal on an old black and white television set appears on screen. Then slowly the static begins to clear enough to see rows upon rows of large eggs with several flying objects zipping and laying the eggs; or in a more accurate description excerting them. Whilst other beings seem to be dolting back and forth. The scene suddenly changes.

This is replaced by a snow filled vista with a blizzard commencing, as the screen goes white...an image of the med lab appears there one can see coffin like devices when a figure [image is not clear enough to make out who] rises from one of them draws a blaster. Then the image reverts to static once again.

Gretchen, turns to Jeff.

"They seem to know you. Play it cool. Remember, if you do anything do anything to Jeopardize the mission, I will be forced to kill you. Don't forget they made me, just as powerful as you. Back in the lifepod there, you were just lucky. Twice. she says with a coy smile"
Ref, please clarify this portion of your last post:
, I will be forced to kill you. Don't forget they made just as powerful as you...
Made what just as powerful?

Does Kzogengh recognize any of the footage from his IISS career?

Being careful to not touch the crystal with his fingertips, Agent K [thank you for noticing
] will look to one of the local cops...

"You. Get me a mylfilm bag from over there. And a labelling scriber."

Will be offline for next three or four days. Takin' my girl down the Oregon coast for a mini-vacation.
Sitting in lounge 5 and having a few stiff drinks.

Baron W. mutters to his wife the Lady Elaine "How much longer do you think it will take to get off this ship?"

The lights flicker then return to normal power

"Thats odd?"
Franklin unfolds and walks back out into the corridor (what would be considered "boldly", though it is a normal Hiver reaction... Confrontation!) and faces the security agents.

"If this misunderstanding is concluded, I would like to proceed to the lounge with my comrade now.
As was my original intent. It would seem indeed that there is a security issue here, but we are clearly not involved. The provided evidence is clear on this.

As to myself, (holds up hand) I have difficulties managing a human configured fork, let alone human-configured weaponry. I will consider this a misunderstanding and be off. If there are any further questions, I will be in Lounge 5."

(To Steven)
"Care to join us, Chaplain?"

(To Agent K, using his vastly inferior quality vargr language chip.)
vr/"You am boss. I thank your. Many thanks to your. Packmate."

(He nods his prime limb to Lord Jame.)
"Shall we be off, Excellency?"

(To his accuser)
"You sir, Owe me a Camera."
Jame first says, "Good day, officers." Then he nods to Agent Kzogengh.

"Sure, Franklin. How 'bout to Lounge Five? Chaplain?"
Ref says:
The lead officer turns red with rage,

"Believe me, Hiver, you haven't seen the last of this. We are going to meet again. "

Turning to Kzogengh, "Agent, sir, under provisions of Section 33b Subsection F of the Imperial Criminal Code, may I suggest that these suspects be issued with tracking devices that would prevent them from fleeing and restricting access planetside and deny them altogether access to any non-approved vehicle.

I do so by invoking the Planetary Charter that Farpoint joined the Imperium with which effectively limits your authority to that above 100 diameters from Farpoint. Whilst, it is true that we are not in orbit around Farpoint it was recognized at the time of ascession to the Imperium we retain shared sovereignity in the system's space, as a further security measure under the Imperial Homeland Security Act of 1006."


In lounge five, Lady Elise looks up, "Yes, dear, something is definitely wrong. Do you think that we should drop this masquerade and reveal our true identities?"


The woman who was earlier talking with Vegascat moves away from the bar and leaves in a grav tube making her way to the upper observation lounge.


Customs has finished setting up their biometric scanners in the forward lounge and began to process passengers wishing to go planetside. Providing them with the usual warnings and cavets. As the short range shuttles begin to their decent planetside. The captain looks sternly out the viewpoint. He is joined by another figure whose face is in shadow.

"Don't worry, Captain all is falling into place as it should."


In the security cells, Dorethea is woken by the presence of armed guards wearing psi helmets accosting the prisoner in the next cell. They are carrying a large needle which they inject into the base of his head. No-o-o-o is the last final grasp that penetrates deep within Dorethea's head. The prisoner is wheeled away still encased in protective medical coccoon.

In her mind's eye she can see a surgery where a doctor holding a sharp scalpel is cutting flesh peeling away skin on the frontal lobes and then utter blackness.

Moments later, the guards return and roughly enter Doretea's cell, "Ok, now trouble, it is your turn."
Jame says, "I don't think we outta be either restricted or tagged. Now, I'm not going to say anything if you let us depart, but if you tag us, I'm going to file a complaint." If there's a law supporting him, he cites it.


In security, Dorotea sits up and says, "Where the hell are you taking me? And what did you do to that last fellow?!?"
Baron W. Nods at his wifes suggestion

"Soon my dear, very soon.
First I need to find out who is trustworthy before we confront the captain and security officers.
INI Command (Imperial Naval Intelligence) was very strict about who we flashed our Id cards to.

Something definately is not right with this ship and the Commander knows more than we have been told!

I believe Lord Jame may also be more than he has let us believe"
Father Steven nods at Hiver, and smiles as he denounces the officer who broke his camera. He shakes his head gently at the suggestion by Jame.

I'd love to indulge you my company sir, but there is a pressing matter at hand, and a killer on the loose. May I take a rain check on that lounge 5 trip for the time being? God be with you all."
Listens to the officer haranguing an Imperial officer on diameter law. and at Kzogengh

...Turning to Kzogengh, "Agent, sir, under provisions of Section 33b Subsection F of the Imperial Criminal Code, may I suggest that these suspects be issued with tracking devices that would prevent them from fleeing and restricting access planetside and deny them altogether access to any non-approved vehicle.

I do so by invoking the Planetary Charter that Farpoint joined the Imperium with which effectively limits your authority to that above 100 diameters from Farpoint. Whilst, it is true that we are not in orbit around Farpoint it was recognized at the time of ascession to the Imperium we retain shared sovereignity in the system's space, as a further security measure under the Imperial Homeland Security Act of 1006."

"Might I remind the good officer the need for such is unnecessary--the Good Imperial officer here has viewed the evidence, and neither the Good Hiver, nor Lord Jame are on the recording as the murderer--YOU sir, are impeding an Imperial Officer with the Emperor's backing of the law! Now will a 100 diameters or ten make a difference when you obstruct justice or not?"--Steven says smiling calmly. "Argue it another day, the killer was a crew member--no one else was issued such laser weaponry aboard, none but officers." Steven waits for the tableau to break upon this news.
For emphasis on his last point, Father Steven drops the killer's PDL laser cartridge into the evidence bag with the datacrystal held in Kzogengh's paw.
"That's unfortunate, Father. Perhaps, if not in lounge five, then on-planet?" After the other responds, Jame says further, "I am not aware of God, but I hope that you find what you seek."

Jame nods firmly at Father Steven's comment to the Planetary officer.
Then Lord Jame, I shall pray he one day reveals himself to you," Steven nods, and looks again at Kzogengh, and the Planetary Cops. "While you dither, milords, a killer, probably one of the crew's officers, if not in his or her clothing, is escaping justice."

Utters silent prayer to St Lucia of Syracuse, patron Saint of the Blind to open the eyes of this dunderhead dirtside berk of a Crusher.
Looking over the red-faced officer before he goes.

"Indeed. I shall be in Lounge 5, if I may buy you a drink when we meet again. We can discuss these robotic devices you are concerned with. I would certainly like to know about that. Perhaps you could bring my new Camera then. Human."

Frank sweeps the debris that was his old camera into a bandolier pouch, nods, and heads off for Lounge 5.
b]Ref says: [/b]The Officer turns and looks the Champlain directly in the eye in a piercing stare that would make any man or beast quiver in their knees.

"Ahh, Padre, I do like an educated Priest as much as any atheist. Notwithstanding, in this instance, I am not to sure that you are being terribly helpful. These canisters are indeed from a laser but nothing of a magnitude that could have harmed anyone. If you look here at the inscription..."

For use with surgical lasers only

"As to the theory that only the crew has access to this type of weaponry. This is true but it has been my experience that murderers are not adverse to smuggling weapons aboard starships even if the individual components would not seem not what the seem to be. Afterall, just earlier this morning, my fellow officers seized a cargo of agricultural equipment destined for the barren moon Tripolis and finding all the components needed for the construction of gauss rifles for the Rebel scum. Now that particular container, we are tracing its origins but we do know it was from the Rim.

So, padre, I do appreciate your insight but if you would allow police work to be done by the proper authorities - that being the police. Your cooperation is appreciated."

"Now, then Agent Kzogengh, I do believe that I have reasonable grounds that a dissolvable tracking device implanted into the bodies of these individuals will not hamper their Imperial law nor harm them in any way and I do believe that our sovereignty is concurrent with the Emperor's will."

Back in the holding cell, the officers push Dorethea pinning her against the wall.

"We did what we do every mind ripper, we solved the problem. Now, the chief says that you are free to go but keep in mind, we got eyes all over the ship and even one small infraction that would get you sent back here. One noble more, one noble less. Nobody likely to care out here on the frontier. The Frontier is a dangerous place. Now, SHOO!"


Grechen's hand reaches back to her backside and the unmistakable low hum of an energy weapon being activated can be heard in Jeff's ear.

"Cool, remember, honey-bunny..."


In the engineering section, a drive hand is checking the instruments when the holographic paneling morphs and crackles. The right side of her face and her right arm were withered and wrinkled, no more than half their normal size. The rest of her body was scared and scorched to the point that it was dry as dust. It crumbled at a touch. Overriding all public and private comm channels is a low growling whisper...

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