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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Ref says:
With a noticable pop the ship exits from jumpspace and returns to N-Space. Applause echos throughout the ship.

The ship's bulletin board begins to advertise all odd jobs for troubleshooters.

OOC: check out library data for more information on Farpoint.
Lifeboat 4FR...

With the drop to normal space Jeff comes full awake, an old habit and reaction to his sensitivity to jump transition. His ears are still ringing with music and he's having trouble focusing, the young women lying next to him stretches and rolls over taking the covers with her and promptly falls deeply asleep again...

<OK, guess it was a good concert. Where am I and where are my clothes?>

After a brief look around the lifeboat he finds his stuff and gets dressed. Going back to the makeshift love nest he lays down again to wake up the woman, pausing for not wanting to disturb the sleeping beauty, but they need to get out of here. Him to report for his duty fitness exam, if he's not already late, and her to her stateroom. Being in the lifeboat in jump is one thing, but to be in it without cause in normal space is quite another. If it wasn't for his crew ident getting them in security would already be here.

He leans over and kisses her to wake her up...
"Right...Where are you staying while your'e here?
My wife and I will be down at the new spa. I feel I need a good back rub (and a few more drinks after that ride)"
As soon as they're out of hearing range of the rogues, Jame says "Of course I'm not down there. That was entirely for the benefit of those people back there. If you don't mind, I'll be going to see if there's a theatre onboard."
Franklin watches the exchange between the humans intently. he moves out of his cabin and presents himself to the two.

"Greetings. I am M.Franklin of Zeldar. Who might you be?"

(OOC: Zeldar Spica 2133 B898864-F Tp O:2235 804 Hv. )


(Frank raises his head to eye level)
"Do you gentlemen mind company? I have not left my cabin since launch, and a social call may just be the thing to sweep out the cobwebs, as the saying goes.(To Baron J) I would be happy to discuss my research, Sir. But bear in mind it is a work in progress..."
"OK...I would like to see what has been going on also.
I'm just getting curious about this new ship and the trouble they seem to be having"
"You'd be welcome to join us. As a matter of fact, you're the first Hiver I've actually spoken with. It's all right about the research; I was more interested in escaping those gentlemen from earlier."
Ref says:
Meanwhile, on the bridge...

"Captain, INS Shuttle Ventress, is requesting permission to dock and remove cargo alotment 51." the com officer reports.

Without even looking up from his reports, "Granted."

Moments later, there is a hissing as the two ships couple as the airlock cycle releases 4 individuals dressed in black Naval security fatigues flanked by two marines in full battledress guarding the entrance to the airlock. The security personnel enter the grav lift asking politely for anyone occupying the lift. They make their way to the Upper Observation Lounge.

Returning to the parked shuttle, they are escorting a young man in his twenties in grey hooded cloak, his face shrouded by the hood from underneath the cloak one can see the trailings of a saffron robe. The young man is confident and in his walk and regal in his air.

The next lift brings down a floater with a large crate with seals of the Imperial household. Both are loaded into the shuttle. (Perhaps, it is your imagination but you could swear that you hear a distinctive cracking and hissing sound.)

With that the Shuttle uncouples and disembarks.


The woman beside Sawter wakes up and stretches where upon he notices an elabourate tatooing on her back of some sort of long reptilian animal. Her deep blue eyes look questioningly, at Sawter. "You did it, right? We cannot afford any mistakes."


The ship's computer announces that: "Passport and immigration control is being set up in the forward lounge. All passengers with valid visas are requested to present their documents before disembarking the ship. Only those with valid documention will be permitted to on the ship's intraplanetary shuttles or access to their ships in tow.


Jame and the Hiver overhear a scream eminating from the Med lab. A frail old woman emerges, "Somebody's killed the Doctor..."


Lefty and company disperse as they see Ship's security coming down the corridor. Turning to Lefty, the Officer-in-Charge. "You purser, shouldn't you be in the forward lounge assisting passengers with passport control? No wait...[hearing something over his comdot]

I think that you had better...
<Oh shit> Jeff wonders what it was he did, or was supposed to, and why he can't remember what it was, or if he did, at least remembering her name, if he even got that, fades from his mind as a concern. Still staring blankly at her tattoo he stalls.

"Sorry, I was just lost in your ink. Nice work, what is it, a Cerellian?" as he traces the length of the reptilian tatto with his finger.

So you know, I am in the process of doing a muppet-like show about movies. As a side project, The material overruns are already slated to build a hiver puppet, along the lines I believe you yourself have presented, Lord Crow. I hope to be done by December or so. Having a "real" hiver around will make for some interesting photographs! I already see pulling up to an ATM in my truck and having Frank reach out and stick in a card (hehe). This hiver would be for "fun" and not for commercial use. That is, unless mark wants to bankroll a convention tour for him. (hehe)

(pardon the aside, Oh Game Master)
"So who do we follow to find out more about what happened while we were in Jump space? We can not get a straight answer from the crew!"
OOC: NPC or regular character: Law enforcement officers needed

Ref says: The woman turns sheet white, "Oh my Gods of the Seven Elysium Planes...first there is dead hipo in the medical lab and now I am seeing a talking starfish. It must be those pills that the good Doctor proscribed back on Terra Prime."

As Frank and Jame peer into the Med lab. There see two limp bodies one of Doctor Oomph and the other of another human colleague slouched into a corner.

A squad of Farpoint Law Enforcers are accompanying the immigration control officers. Seeing the woman's fright ask the old woman if they can be of any assistance.


The woman jumps up and stares at Jeff.

"Don't tell me, you don't remember when I had this done? You told me that you had a certain fondness for Terran slitherers."

From underneath the bed she pulls out a rather large and impressive firearm.

"X said, you were expendable, now I can see the implant is clearly not restored your memory. We had better make sure that the Imperium does not get what's inside your head."

With that she cocks the gun and a steady hum of power activates.
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