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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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"Yes, definetly. We should find a qualified pilot along the way, though." Jame pulls out his handcomp and starts trying to find one, seeminglly oblivious to both Franklin's statement about Dorotea being his wife and the hopeful look she gives him upon it.
OOC: In response to Jame's keyboarding on the Ships message jobber board, a new message appears.

"Wanted skilled small craft pilot, capable working of high G environment. Payment upon What in the fracking Inferno???????"

Pilots may now enter the board...

Ref says:
The inner airlock leading back to the ship seems jammed from behind the port window. The Baron & Frank see the smiling face of the Law Enforcement Officer that they dealt with earlier shaking his head and walking away. Meanwhile, the klaxon indicating the outer lock has been activated and is cycling has been engaged.
OOC: To Open Airlock from inside the ship
Staggering. Lockpicking, Mechanical 5 min

Failure results an acceleration of the outer door being cycled at a faster rate.
Franklin eyes the man narrowly from the Airlock port window. Helmeting up, he begins to work on the Airlock Immediately. (Skills to Consider: Eng-3, Comp-2, Vacc-3, Electronics-1) He is furiously working to reverse the outer door's cycling and keep it sealed. If he cannot outright pick it, He will try to bypass/trick it with his handcomp into entering a cleaning or maintennance cycle, locking closed the outer door and opening the inner. Two of his eyes scan the room looking for a emergency rescue ball or emergency Vacc for his freind...

OOC: Franklin does NOT experience Panic or Fear as a human would. He is driven mostly by a strong survival instinct.

"If I cannot do this in time, Milord, you are going to have to brace for decompression. I can cover your face and ears , but you are going to have to hold your breath and tightly shut your eyes. We have little time to escape this."
OOC: To attempt to fool the computer to initate a close of the outer door.

Staggering, Electronics 3min (Uncertain)

Note: Natural Decompression will occur not explosive. Jame & co. do have Vacc suits, as I understand it. Rather, they would have to brace for regular opening of an airlock. So long as they are in the ship. The ship's grav plates protect them against the G-force of the GG.

However, if they would leave the ship, to say try another airlock located halfway down the ship they must make the above task rolls.

Ref says:

The wall on the outer door commences with the countdown...

In the light of his suit's external spots, Frank exposes the tangle of wiring and conduit beneath the Airlock Access Panel, pulling various strange looking tools from his bandolier...

"This looks bad. Not sure If I'll make it..."


The howling winds of the gas giant begin to buffet the ship and ship's engines groan and whine under the pressure of trying to keep the ship from sinking further.

"Captain, this is SDB Commander Layton, again. You seem to be sinking beyond the level of the navigational buoys, we are dispatching a tug to your position. Try to maintain, your position. Again, try to maintain your altitude. Can you confirm your status." the message is announced in the Captain's ready room on the secure channel.

The Captain has a laser pistol pointing at him and the young Naval Intelligence officer by a sinister looking hoodlum. "Tell 'em to disengage, NOW!"
Franklin sort of shrugs to the Baron as the outer door begins to open... the bright reflection of the Gas Giant below blazing through the crack in the door. He tunes to the Baron's comm...

"Are you all right, Baron? This radiation will cook us if we go out. But. Ah."

Franklin deploys his Reflec Armor, a 2 meter diameter circle of Reflec Material sewn on to a foldable spring steel hoop. He jumps at the Airlock jamb, clamping it over the opening with four hands. Hoping it will lend some protection from the forces outside.

(Activates comm, signing rapidly.)
"Mr. Jones? This is M. Franklin. I don't mean to disturb you, But one of your crew just tried to space me and another passenger. We need immediate assistance. We are in Airlock 55c, Deck 16. Help us before we die from exposure. (Message Repeats until answered.)"
Ref says:

The bit of spot welding to the Reflec Armour holds and acts a provisional shield from the unfriendly environment outside. What the Armour lets in fortunately the Vacc suits compensate for.

The sizzling crackle of electromagnetic radiation is wreaking havoc with the personal com system and Franklin is unable to get a clear response if his message has been acknowledged.

(The whole scene looks rather amusing from an outside perspective 3 humans and a hiver locked in a confined space looking and bracing what looks to be a mirror.)


The ship turns nose downward and is making a clear descent deeper into the bowels of the giant out of range of the SDB communication. The tug is hesitant to go deeper as it is already moving up and down extremely ferociously from the winds of the storm.

Passengers begin to shriek and stewards are powerless in asking them to remain calm and return to their quarters.

A swarm of multicoloured globes emerge in different corridors of the ship, when a globe touches a passenger/crew member they simply vanish.

Amidst the chaos, a solidary woman stands tall clenching her teeth, "Not going to die, today." siezing a laser rifle from a dazed security officer jumps into the grav tube.
Franklin taps out a message to the ship's general comm Channel...

"Route Artificial Grav Generators into Jump Feild Projector. Route Main Power. Create Grav Bubble. Then Maximum Acceleration. Hurry. " (repeats)

Computer Input: Franklin calculates maximum survival time of full outside radiation exposure based on initial readings. Overlays with Distance to nearest accessable Airlock. Add base speed of 5m per second. Run Simulation...

He also takes a quick reading to see how much they got already.
Ref says:
Route Artificial Grav Generators into Jump Feild Projector. Route Main Power. Create Grav Bubble. Then Maximum Acceleration. Hurry.

The Engineers look at each other in puzzlement,

"Who the hell is sending this message? If we follow this course without a shift to our heading we are going to impact the core of the gas giant. Damn interfering fool. Hope one the passengers don't see it..."

Two laser bolts down the engineers. A Defhead laughs, blowing the barrel of the weapon. Looks at the instruction that Franklin has mounted begins to manipulate the controls accordingly.

For a moment, there is serenity as the grav bubble encapsulates the ship, it bobs like a cork in water. Power failures are triggered throughout the ship. The ship is listing toward the core. The Defhead is about to engage the thrusters on full when the controls crackle and a electrical discharge envelopes the Defhead. The fate of the Defhead resembles that of the earlier crew member:

The right side of his face and his right arm were withered and wrinkled, no more than half their normal size. The rest of his body was scared and scorched to the point that it was dry as dust. It crumbled at a touch.

The electrical discharge arches back into console from which it sprung.


With the momentary loss of gravity, the Naval Intelligence Officer kicks the weapon out of the thug's hand and catches it in mid air and points it down at the bewildered thug.

"Who's your daddy, now, boy" she asks with a smile. "Captain, reestablish contact with the SDB tell them we want that tug down here, asap."


A figure dressed in black and face encapsulated in shadow is watching the whole scene in the ready room on a holoprojector. He shakes his head, "So close, yet so very far...release the machines." from the depths of the cargo hold there is a rumbling boring sound as the sound of cargo containers being sawed from the inside.


"LIVE 34 ­ news on the hour every hour ­ LIVE 34 ­ broadcasting to Farpoint all day every day ­ LIVE 34 ­ constantly updated every minute of every hour ­ LIVE 34 ­ sport, weather, business, local news, inter-planetary affairs ­ LIVE 34 ­ live, independent, accurate, comprehensive ­ LIVE 34 ­ all news, all day, every day ­ LIVE 34."

"Reports are coming in of an explosion."

"On the line now is the leader of the FDP."

"The President is about to begin his address."

"We can see bodies in the wreckage."

"Something is burrowing its way out from beneath the main dome."

"Oh my god, its horrible, it's not possible, it's..."

static fills the screen
"Please, Lord. That would be very helpful. Can you try to recycle the airlock as I was? I got close. Maybe a fresh perspective is just the thing. I only have my tools unfortunately."

(Looks at the other two... "Who are they?" He wonders...)

"Are you all right? I think we can get out of here soon. But it may be difficult."
Ref says: The strange implements that the Hiver presents are making the work difficult (-3 dm) but it soon becomes evident that some sort of damage is done from inside the ship and trying to "repair" the inner lock is going to be an IMPOSSIBLE task with the possibility of HAZARDOUS results.

Anyone looking from the ship will see a mess of wires with several of them being live. Anyone with MECHANICAL, could attempt the DIFFICULT task with similar HAZARDOUS results.
OOC: I would want to try to imbed tasks into the narrative this way, what do others think? PM your thoughts.

And come on you guys! Longer posts please, otherwise who would want to join in. Let's make this fun!
Ref says:
The bridge crew looks at Franklin's message. "Who's this joker taking over the public com system. Can't he see we are trying to deal with the crisis the best way we can. Times like this everyone wants to be a Scout...'shouldn't n'ver left the Navy." barks the XO.

"Perhaps, he is just trying to be helpful, sir." says a nervous bridge navigator, "And, maybe he doesn't know our aft thrusters are off line."

The bridge crew is working frantically to restore the ship's controls. Every effort is met with sparks flying over the place.

Meanwhile, the whinning in Cargo Bay 13 increases as a circular red spot begins to form in one of the cargo containers.
Ref says:
Franklin searches in vain for something that would cut through starship inner plating for a manual override. Similarly, the bolts that are holding the floor in place seem very secure. From the edges of Reflec Armour, Jame can see something very large and black against the background of the Gas Giant pulling alongside the liner.

OOC: Tell me how you plan to jimmy the outer lock and I will formulate the task role.
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