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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Franklin makes an educated guess as to where the main airlock actuators are, and gets out his drill. He drills a pilot hole to snake in a tube inspection camera to look where he can cut the actuator and shut the outer door.

With eyes five and six, he checks the Pride's Trajectory and overall ship status if he can. He will also recalculate survival time outside based on current exposure level.

Frank types into the ship channel with his hind limb...

Having managed to dodge Def Heads, over-enthusiastic security officers, and ... stranger things, Usssep has been working his way toward the lifeboat stations.
Passing along an outside corridor, he hears a fair amount of noise as though someone were beating on the hull, followed by the whirr of what sounds like a drill.

He notices the cycle lights flashing over an airlock hatch and moves to investigate. Rising up on tip-toe, he peers through the viewport ...

Tapping on the glass, he waves cheerfully to those inside: "Not good go outside just now. You like come back inside?"

[OOC to ref: Is there any way to shut the outer hatch from here? Failing that, is there a survival locker nearby that might have a portable airlock?]
Ref says:
To make out which wires from the tangled mess of wires and solid circuits actually control the outer lock is FORMIDABLE Task with an HAZARDOUS outcome. Failure may result in openning the inner lock triggering explosive decompression (unbeknownth the character attempting the task) requiring either ELECTRONICS OR MECHANICAL with a INTELLIGENCE to assist. To spot, a survival locker further down the corridor is an EASY task and to set up an Emergency Airlock might prove DIFFICULT with the chaos of many individuals running around the ship and danger of being reported to Ship's security.

Dorothea suddenly collapses into uncontrollable spasms. Her eyes are full open till only the whites are visible. This interferes with the work Franklin is attempting with the drill.
Franklin grips the woman by the collarbone area and puts her out of his way. but then begins to drag her back towards the survival locker, ditching the drill operation.

"Baron. This person is ill. You must try to get to that Survival Locker. Why did that person lock us out here like this? If we survive this, I will see him prosecuted."
"Right." Jame picks up Dorotea and gets her in a grip which minimuzes her spasms. "If we survive this, I want in on that suit."

Then he turns and jumps in to the crowd, carefully manuevering around people where possible and kicking them out of the way when necessary.
Spotting the Droyone in the glass as he passes, he rushes to the inner lock. He holoprojects the words "HELP US. SHUT THE AIRLOCK." bright green galanglic letters in front of the glass. and... "WE ARE DYING OUT HERE."
Uncertain of his ability to open the damaged hatch, not to mention closing it afterwards, Usssep races to the survival locker, climbing over the crowd, if needed.

Tearing the door seal open, he desperately searches for anything that could help to relieve the trapped beings: "Where is all the kfsaazz n'faak crew when you need them?"

[OOC: I'm looking for a manual drive crank, an iris opener, a portable airlock ... anything useful, simple and quick to hand]
Dorotea is still convulsing - she's very quietly moaning something about how people are trying to burn out her brain...
Ref says:
The large black object glides in ever closer sudden there is eruption of green particle beams hitting the liner. The emergency klaxons go off throughout the ship.

The XO reports, "Captain, we appear to be under attack by parties unknown. I have radio'd the Navy SDB who is now decending. In the meantime, cargo 2,3 along with several major hanger bays seem to be effective."

"Can we get a lock on them and fire back with our our lasers?" asked the Captain whilst punching up the numbers on the screen. "Wouldn't you know it,...just our luck, those shots hit the cargo holds for the High Passage ticket holders. And we cannot launch sand in this gravity well."

"Here's coming around for a second pass, she seems to be launching tens of self propelled small craft not more 500kg."

In the confusion, nobody seems to have noticed the thug has knocked out the Naval Officer retrieved the gun and mutters to himself...Just in time, laddies. I thought you weren't ever going to show up..


From the other side of the Reflec Armour, Franklin & Jame can feel the distinct vibration of a cutting tool being used...
Listening to the Klaxons as they begin to sound, Baron W. makes a statement in lounge 5.

"Hey!...They are playing our song"

Time to suit up and find the senior officer up in the bridge.
"It's no use," yells Bromgrev, "that hatch will never open from this side. I'm going to try something else." With that, he races towards nearest emergency access ladder and slides down, sealing his suit with his free hand. Sprinting, he reaches hangar 42 in minutes.

"Where's the control panel ... ah, here we are." The bay doors begin to roll back as Bromgrev straps himself into the control couch of the Bad Moon Rising and lights the manoeuvre drives.

The type S careers out of the half-open bay, slewing wildy around the belly of the liner. Straight into a maelstrom of - missiles? Boarding craft? No time to worry about those, got to try to mate with that airlock! firing attitude thrusters, he corksrews his ship into position and slowly, finally mates with the outer ring of the airlock.

In the end, it is chance which defeats his purpose. 500kg of projectile attempts to attach to the hull of the liner. It just happens that the bridge of the 'Moon is in the way. As the ceiling crushes him, Bromgrev has time for one more thought ... I'm glad I'm not picking uk the repair tab for this ...
(To Baron)

"This situation is rapidly growing untenable. Baron, can you guide me with this Airlock system? It seems unecessarily complex. Since I am most familiar with my tool set, perhaps you should be the eyes, and I shall be the hands."

"Is it not the morm on human ships to have some sort of manual override? Some sort of hand cranks to shut the doors?"
Ref says:
Bromgrev can hear the skittering of a thousand legs scraping over his deck plates.

When he turns on the ship's internal monitors, hundreds of Robotic Spiders not more than a half a meter across are scurrying across all the main areas of the ship inserting probes into major functions, opening up ship's lockers disabling any weapons and looking for something valuable...one pauses for a moment over Bromgrev's plastic dinosaur collection before moving on.

The security protocols are like a festive Christmas tree. The computer alerts Bromgrev that the security has been breached by parties unknown and data is currently being transferred.

It becomes increasingly difficult to hold altitude. Suddenly, the Suleiman climbs and then dives straight down. Frantically, clawing the controls switch over to manual Bromgrev manages just to regain control over the battered scout ship. </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />...firing attitude thrusters, he corkscrews his ship into position and slowly, finally mates with the outer ring of the airlock.
Sparks fly and a minor fire erupts in cockpit. The tremendous G-forces causes a girder to come loose.

Frank & Jame hear on their external/internal speaker relay unit on the EMS channel.

"Come-on, its either now or never..." followed by an anguished scream.

The emergency lights turn red then normal as some sort of pressure is established between the reflec armour and the remainder of the lock and outside world. Then there is the vibration indicating engagement has taken place.

With a sudden shutter the pressure seal breaks and swirling clouds once again fill the lock.</font>[/QUOTE]
Franklin flashes back on the signal to its source...

:"Who is this speaking? What is going on here? Please send help to airlock 6D, we are trapped inside. The outer door is open and covered by a piece of reflec. One of our number is having some sort of seizure. There also seems to be something trying to get in through the hull or airlock frame. At least where we are.":

Work wise, Frank searches everywhere for a Manual Override or a place to bypass the airlock and take direct control of it from his comp, with the Baron's able help.

(to baron)
"Does everyone on this ship seem insane to you, my friend? How is your wife? Is she better?"
Seeing the EM directional on the signal, Frank runs to the covered airlock port and peeks through the gap in the weld.

(to the Baron)

"It's a type S. And it's extending. I think this may be the time to go."

He begins to hurriedly deweld the reflec and gets ready to go into the boarding tube. He then turns and drapes Dorothea over his back and tests foot magnets... under normal conditions, Franklin could easily crawl all over the outside of the Pride, but the outside gravity and radiation levels would challenge even the most experienced Vacc Suiter.

"Some Cruise."
Ref. says:
When looking outside, the scout ship seems to have crashed into one of the lower decks of the liner. Fortunately, this part of the hull was predominantly used for storage of H2 needed for jump. Unfortunately, it will take a leap to gain access to its airlock.

The jump seems DIFFICULT given the gravity well and swirling clouds combined with overall danger of both ships potentially moving however HASTE is needed. It will require any ZERO G or VACC SUIT and DEXerity make it a successful leap. Once one player makes a successful leap he can attach a safety line which reduces the difficulty by one for each other member of the party to come across.

There is also the hail of small objects that seem to flying through the clouds with plenty of distractions like this, players crossing over must roll against being distracted.
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