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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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"Please pardon my impulsiveness, milord. But we are going now."

Giving Dorothea over to the Baron temporarily, Frank attaches a tether to his Bandolier and the to the outer airlock frame.

He then runs full speed from the inner airlock door and launches himself with everything he has at the Scout's Door. Immediately, the relentless pull of the massive Gas world began to rip him from his course towards oblivion... at the last second, Franklin's second limb snaps out and siezes the lip of the Scout's airlock frame holding on with maximum power applied to his magnetic glove.

His ringed muscles strain as he scrambles the rest of his arms, now leaden with gravity, towards the lock. He struggles to the EVA cleat outside the Scout's frame and tethers off to the Pride. He beckons to the Baron weakly...

"(krracckle...sssss...) ...ome on (ssssss) ..aron"
Ref says:
As Baron W. and his "wife" enters the bridges there he sees his trusty lieutenant, holding the Captain and bridge crew hostage. The thug, chortles his throat and turns the "wife".

"Ah, Boss, I did not think that you would show up. The Spider has arrived just in time and we have almost finished emptying out the cargo holds. I have set the controls for a dive deeper into the gas giant. Or we could try to rendezvous with our base but I think the Navy is already sending in patrols. Fortunately, they can't see much due to the fog."

Then suddenly the whole liner shakes with the impact of a very large object into its hull.

"What the hells was that?" asks the lead thug.

"Someone seems to have crashed into us, umm, sir."
With a drunken yell of, "Bad Vargr! No biscuit!" Matt Jeffers launches himself through the hatch at Baron W, wrapping his legs around the Baron's waist, his left arm around the Baron's throat, and with an empty bottle of scotch in his right hand begins to try and bash the Baron's forehead in.

(OOC - sorry I've been away, life happened, but I'm back and ready for some fun! Don't worry everyone, I've got a plan!)
Ref says:
The lead thug points his revolver down at Jeff's head, in a coup de grace position, "Who is this dunderhead? And, how did he gain access to the bridge?" The thug cocks the safety off and looks to the Baron's wife "Should I waste him?"

Out of the corner of the screen a Navy SDB is coming around, "Hang on, Pride! Help is on the way." The Spider banks around launches two missiles and there is the blinding flash of nuclear explosion whose shock wave causes the stabilizers on the Pride to falter. The EMP aftermath fries several circuits living the computer to rely upon its fiber optic backup graded two factors less.
Matt Jeffers looks at the Baron, the Baron's wife, and the thug.

"Crap, I jumped the wrong bitch."

Then he throws the empty bottle at the thug.
Jame looks over at Franklin. "She's not my wife - maybe you're thinking of that OTHER Baron."

He proceeds to help the Hiver open the hatch.

He then takes Dorotea and follows him out the hatch - "Whe- I- get off a- Far-or-, -m trans---rin- my p-ss-ge."

Before he goes, he makes sure that his companion (and why can't she be his wife, once this is all over?) is securely attached to the tether.
Ref says: Frank pulls Dorethea on board, the Scout ship who seems to be recovering but still has a vacant look. As the airlock cycles, Frank's atmosphere indicates trace elements from the GG's atmosphere have leaked into parts of the ship through possible hull breaches. Girders, chairs and live wires are strewn about beyond the airlock. The lights, including emergency lighting seem to sporadically on or off in different parts of the ship.

There is a persistent whistling from the winds going through the pressure gaps in the ship, occasionally the ship rocks from what would appear to be lightening bolts striking the hull. The computers seem to be fried by some sort of electromagnetic pulse.

Meanwhile, on the bridge… The bottle flies from Jeff's hand and the rogue easily avoids the bottle as it harmless shatters against the walls of the bridge. "This man is starting to annoy me, even though we just met. I haven't killed anyone on this mission. Can he be the first?" Jeff sees the thug's finger tighten on the trigger.
After seeing Dorothea aboard, Franklin begins a quick visual survey of ship status, then begins to work on Damage Control He Prioritizies trying to get the Life Support, Computer, and M-Drives back on line. He uses his Infrared vison to see changes in atmosphere temperature, to see exactly where all the leaks are in the hull, how bad it is.

"Look around for any oxygen tanks or Rescue Spheres. This ship might not make it."

Frank begins lmost automatically repairing things, often working on two systems at once. Any major holes or obvious leaks get patched with a temporary seal of Vacc Patch, stuck on with Suit Goo and then with any sort of metal plate wleded over the join. He looks into the Computer to see if it physically fried or restartable. He then speaks to his computer:

"Computer, call up baseline Type S and overlay with current proximity scan. PRIORITY: Calculate time to deadline of escape in this ship if possible."

Ref says:
The quick visual inspection for this portion of the ship seems to convey countless minor leakages. However, when the computer spits out the layout of the entire ship there are multiple fractures and multiple areas where the Hydrogen & Helium have flooded entire areas. Then the image flickers and dies clearly affected the EMP from the outside or someone just put that into a flash memory and now it is permanently gone.

As Frank trods over the deck, there are times that one foot feels heavier than the other.

Life Support: seems to exist in some parts of the ship and not in others.

Computer: permanently fried due to an EMP

M-Drives: Forward thrusters working but directional thrusters permanently off-line.

His pocket computer estimates that the odd of the ship being able to sustain its current position and their survival is his lucky number: 8321251461 to 1.

The lead thug, who has been listening on the Communications headset responds, "Understood, Spider. Just blast that scout ship off the hull, still waiting on Madame to make up her mind, if we going to junk this thing or strip her down."
(Moving back to exit rapidly) "We're not going to make it. We have to get off this ship. I read several Hull Fractures in addition to several incidents of Hull Crazing. We must go. Now."

"Let's go back and find some other way out of this. We may as well go along the Pride's hull for another Airlock. We have nothing to lose."

Franklin looks out the window to see if he can see where the cutting sound comes from.

"I know this may be difficult. But you should leave your wife here. I can barely move out there with all the gravity. I dont think I can carry her. She will slow us down. At least she will be unconcious when the end comes. (looking at cable in hand) Or..."
Originally posted by kafka47:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ref says:
Meanwhile, on the bridge… The bottle flies from Jeff's hand and the rogue easily avoids the bottle as it harmless shatters against the walls of the bridge. "This man is starting to annoy me, even though we just met. I haven't killed anyone on this mission. Can he be the first?" Jeff sees the thug's finger tighten on the trigger.

</font>[/QUOTE]Pushing off from the Baron, Matt Jeffers aims himself shoulder first at the thug and jumps.
Ref says:
The thug is knocked successfully to the ground but still retains his sidearm firmly in his grip. "Why you little sh*t..."

Jeff hears the unlocking of the rifles of the remainder of the thugs.

"Okey, boys, ice the man."


Frank and company, overhear a deep moaning and then it promptly cuts out. The Scout shakes as grapplers are shot out and latch onto the hull. From the area behind them, there is a distinct sound of metal against metal, like the pitter-patter of a thousand little feet.

Between you and the door there is one...no two...no four...wait a moment eight robotic spiders, etc. crawling along the deck, walls and celings.

Each "spider" look rather menancing with the stub of some sort energy weapon mounted to their head. As laser targeting dots appear on the bodies of each of heroes.
Franklin hands the Baron the end of the Tether, keys the Airlock, and dives with all his strength back towards the Pride. He keeps his limbs curled until he gets close to the Hull and then snatches out to catch it with his Magnetic Gloves.
The Baron calls for Franklin to wait, and then finishes tying Dorotea to the tether. When he's finished, he yells "Go, go!" at the Hiver. Meanwhile, Dorotea is coming out of her haze...

"Dorotea, c'mon, you gotta help us out here!"
Originally posted by kafka47:
Ref says:
The thug is knocked successfully to the ground but still retains his sidearm firmly in his grip. "Why you little sh*t..."

Jeff hears the unlocking of the rifles of the remainder of the thugs.

"Okey, boys, ice the man."
Mayy Jeffers looks up at the thugs and yells, "Yesh! Kill me! Quickly before its too late!"
OOC: Everyone on the Scout ship takes 12D6 damage to each of their characters, pls.

Ref says:
A venable shower of laser bolts emanating from the "spiders" striking each of the characters in the corridor as they dive for airlock.Could there been another way? Well, there was always the open corridor... There are multiple burn marks along their vacc suits, as the atmosphere begins creep there is choking from toxicity of gases. As they fall to the ground. Again the thought, Could there been another way?
OOC: Everyone on the Scout ship takes 12D6 damage to each of their characters, pls.

Ref says:
A venable shower of laser bolts emanating from the "spiders" striking each of the characters in the corridor as they dive for airlock.Could there been another way? Well, there was always the open corridor... There are multiple burn marks along their vacc suits, as the atmosphere begins creep there is choking from toxicity of gases. As they fall to the ground. Again the thought, Could there been another way?
OOC: Everyone on the Scout ship takes 12D6 damage to each of their characters, pls.

Ref says:
A venable shower of laser bolts emanating from the "spiders" striking each of the characters in the corridor as they dive for airlock.Could there been another way? Well, there was always the open corridor... There are multiple burn marks along their vacc suits, as the atmosphere begins creep there is choking from toxicity of gases. As they fall to the ground. Again the thought, Could there been another way?
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