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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Jame Benson, Honor Baron, takes 43 points of damage and dies by being shot to death with laser bolts.

Dorotea Innes, Hereditary Countess, takes 40 points of damage and dies by being shot to death with laser bolts.

Harold Calis, Honor Baron MD, has disappeared some time ago and perished of some disease. (Unless ruled otherwise.)

My player-characters have died. Perhaps I shall roll up new ones, but these are no longer in play. Thank you.
Ref says:
Jame Benson, Dorotea Innes, and Harold Calis all fall to the ground their bodies mauled and burnt hundreds of laser bolts emanating from the robotic spiders.

Franklin prepares for the worst and huddles in a defensive ball position he sees his life pass before his eyes.

He feels the dead weight of one human body fall down on top of him, then a second and finally a third. Dark Red human blood from is everywhere as are portions of human limbs. He can hear the scurry of some the spiders jostling over the bodies a fine hum of some sort of sensor device. Then slowly the sound of spiders leaving that particular portion of the ship.

After what seems an unimaginable length of time, Franklin opens one eye then three then six carefully surveying the horrific cold blood yet efficient massacre of sentient life around him.

Then he sees the vacant stare or perhaps it was pleading stare of Baron Jame Benson looking at him in the way that dead men do never blinking and unyielding. He shudders as he pulls himself from the carnage of mangled bodies and burnt pieces of plastic and flesh wielded together.

I must survive. flashes through his brain.

Summoning his inner will, he pulls himself together and finds within him a new fear. Avoid the spiders...and how horrible...must concentrate to survive and find a way off this ship.
OOC: Although, Frank is relatively unfamiliar with the entire layout of the Scout ship he does retain enough from his memory when the computer sent him a flash update earlier. But to avoid pitfalls, he will have to proceed cautiously despite the impending doom.
Looking in all directions at once cautiously, and reaches over to close his friend's eyes. "Such a waste" he thought to himself , "These child races always resort to violence... you were a good man, Baron. i will see justice done in your name..."

If a spider is seen, Frank will "play dead" until he can make a break for the clear hallway at best speed.

(See Pm for questions)
Ref says:
Ussep sees fellow Traveller Jeff Sau-terr running down the corridor toward him crashing literally into him. "Life's a blast, eh, Ussep old buddy. Here take this."

Jeff palms Ussep the holocrystal that he acquired earlier and continues to run down the corridor.

Moments later, Ussep sees a woman running down the same corridor that Jeff was in and spies Jeff pulls out a nasty looking blaster and blasts him. The woman reaches over feels for a pulse and reaches behind his neck and pockets something.

Addressing the horrified bystanders, the woman speaks with a confident tone.

"Ministry of Justice business, Citizens. Do not worry a threat to Imperial Security has been eliminate. Go back to your routine. This man was a fugitive who used nuclear weapons against unarmed trading vessels in the Lanth system." as speaks she holds up a MoJ identity card for all to see.

Ship's security arrive at the scene and insert her card into a reader and seem satisfied. "Now it is about time...Gentlemen, here is my warrant that includes a provision to carry out an execution, if necessary." X was right... Ussep hears the woman mutter. The guards at hand also seem satisfied with call for a stretcher bed.

"Now gentlemen, you will have to excuse me, I have a report to file back on my ship." the woman says coolly.

Frank cautiously moves forward his infrared vision deduces that part of the spiders have gone aft-ward as a series of track lead down that way.

It could be they all went but it is difficult to tell as the markings of blood only reveal about approx individual 96 marks and there were way more spiders.

The view port seems to show that scout ship has become dislodged from the Pride somehow. Without functioning external sensors (which from this location are inoperative), it is impossible to tell where they are but the gravity field seems to fluctuate as if the ship is swinging from some sort of pendulum, as Frank can feel Internal Dampers & Grav Plates are behaving highly erratically.
Deploying his reflec armor, Frank heads at top speed to the Bridge, covering his retreat with the armor to his rear he hurriedly examines the Bridge Iris Valve to see if it is open.
OOC: Piper have you set your PM to ignore me? As you can see above I have written your part back into the game after the attempt to rescue Frank & Jame from the airlock. If you would like out, it's no problem...just this game is losing more players due to Real Life commitments than antagonists...

Ref says:
The bridge Iris value is firmly shut the areas that you passing through show a state of disrepair, it was if something has deliberately rifled through the contents of the ship and made off with the contents or checking. Strewn across the deck several components have been cannibalized for purposes unknown.

Upon activating the manual override of the bridge the Iris valve slides open. There in the pilot's chair is twisted body of Bromgrev a steel support has narrowly avoided impaling him however now rests across his body, faceplate has been shattered by the impact of debris and his are closed.

The controls for the bridge have been completely smashed by the steel girder pinning Bromgrev into the chair and would be IMPOSSIBLE to repair or even to get to some sort of semblance of working order.

The external view screen shows that ship has been tethered by something higher above ship. A number of the "spiders" seem be climbing steadily along that thread.
Franklin seal s the Bridge Door Manually. He is prepared to weld it if he needs to. Two eyes glance over at Bromgrev...

He imediately sees if it is possible to hack into the scout's Primary Control Conduit, the Ship's "Spinal Cord" He seeks to bypass the smashed controls and control the ship from his Chest Computer.

He quickly sums up and prioritizes his tasks...

Gain control of :
Power Plant or Battery Power
Door Locks
Smallcraft Door
Internal EM sensors
Deativate interior Lights
Deactivate Gravity
Deactivate Life Support
Landing Feet (Magnetic?)
Forward Thrusters

As he quickly opens the Avionics Bay Maintennace Hatch, he checks to see if it is possible to bypass there.
The main thing Frank wants control of is Power. He checks fuel tankage, and checks the fuel purges if they work... He will shut the Jump Shutter over the cockpit if they work....

He broadcasts on comm and looks the man under the beam over see if he is alive.

"I don't know if you can hear me. Sir. If you can, you must let me get control of things, then I can get the beam off of you. Stay Resolute, and I will get you medical attention as soon as it is available."

He transmits on General Comm...

< Help. I am a Passenger Trapped on The Scout Ship. Send Aid Immediately. Help. >
Ref says:
At the point in which Frank fiddles with the power conduct, some the spiders stop their ascent and begin to travel downward from the tether back toward the scout ship.

Looking over at Bromgrev, the situation is grave through blood encrusted eyes, they flutter open looking stained and pleading, "The passenger under the Cargo Bay. Must help, first. Promised." with that his breathing becomes more laboured and lapses back into unconsciousness.

Through the crackle of radio comes a reply, "Sorry <crackle, crackle> INS <crackle, crackle> we have a listing liner somewhere in <crackle, crackle>; atmosphere. I have <crackle, crackle> from the Naval base. Hold your position, <crackle, crackle>. not <crackle, crackle> on its way. <crackle, crackle> Out."

One of the last things Frank sees is that a group of spiders have have clearly attacked the external antenna causing all external communication, including the ships own external cameras to go out. Laser cutting tools are now directed toward the fraying hull closest to the bridge.
Frank says to himself...
"Someone must be controlling these things. Who could make such advanced robotics."

He reaches into the avionics bay, and disconnects a sensor emitter and preamp, and begins to cobble together a signal pulse disruptor...

"We will see how you like a bit of EMP. My mechanical friends."

Frank recalls his youth in the Junior Robotics Club of Zeldar, and begins to rig a one-shot device to get the spiders off his back.
Ref. says:
Backup warning lights flash and then all power dies on the bridge. Frank can hear a distinctive scurrying across the deck plates coming towards him. Clearly, the spiders have bested him once again. They are certainly more intelligent than they seem. What strange and dangerous civilizations lurk out here in Foreven. Fortunately, the Federation is far, far away.

There remains the open conducts littered with live wires and possible exposure to vacuum in parts. It will be DANGEROUS, HAZARDOUS, DIFFICULT but not IMPOSSIBLE for a Hiver to fit through one of these conducts and reseal from the inside ought to slow the spiders down and allow Frank to get to another part of the ship, although the ship's internal piping and wiring is unknown to him and danger could lurk in any corner. Even to proceed cautiously one should CHECK every 10 meters or so. Not to mention that spaces will be quite tight and small needing WILLPOWER to overcome certain fears.

As Frank shuts the Iris, takes a good long look at Bromgrev and the beam. Clearly, this human is in desperate need of medical attentions. But, it would take at least another 3 Hivers to move that beam or one good size Ithklur (Where are the Marines when you need them most <sigh>).

Frank can then hear the deployment of a laser cutting tool as a red dot begins to appear on the Iris value. Internal monitors have long since been disabled by the spiders.

Bromgrev's eyes flutter and implores Franklin, "Passenger, please. Danger." then once again loses consciousness.
Originally posted by kafka47:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ref says: As Baron W. and his "wife" enters the bridges there he sees his trusty lieutenant, holding the Captain and bridge crew hostage. The thug, chortles his throat and turns the "wife".

"Ah, Boss, I did not think that you would show up. The Spider has arrived just in time and we have almost finished emptying out the cargo holds. I have set the controls for a dive deeper into the gas giant. Or we could try to rendezvous with our base but I think the Navy is already sending in patrols. Fortunately, they can't see much due to the fog."

Then suddenly the whole liner shakes with the impact of a very large object into its hull.

"What the hells was that?" asks the lead thug.

"Someone seems to have crashed into us, umm, sir."
</font>[/QUOTE]Baron W. looks at his wife and the thug and says "OK boys and girls...Its now officially time to leave. No one moves for the count of 50 or I start the fireworks early."

The Baron, his wife and the thug make their way cautiously off the bridge and down to where there transport awaits.
Ref. says:
The floor plate unscrews relatively easily for Frank. Through the darkness and the sparking wires, Frank can see the cables have been patched and re-routed many times over. Several key components also seem to be missing. Perhaps, the Spiders were building something...the very thought causes a chill to form in his brain casing. Looking at his Oxygen supply, it is time to act especially now as the dot has penetrated the cabin area. There is a flurry of paper and plastic dinosaurs where a partial vacuum has formed.

A much relieved Jeff slumps to the floor.

Baron W. is given a wide berth and allowed to travel down the grav tube where they see their ship. The Queen of Spiders prepped and waiting for them.

OOC: Chuck, am I to assume that you want out of the game?
OOC: Yes, unless I can do something sinister on the Queen of Spiders to create more havoc?
Frank stuffs a few dinosaurs in a pocket, and then bolts for the conduit,

(to Bromgrev)
"I will get help for you, Sir. Stay Resolute."

He sets the transmitter to repeat, hoping to distract the spiders.

Taking the maintennace hatchcover with him, He sticks a foot on it and welds it over the opening to the conduit, sealing it behind him. He heads for what should be a Vehicle Berth Aft on the hapless scout, all the while being mindful of the exposed wiring

OOC Reminder: Hivers can see infrared.
Making his way adeptly through the ruin of the conduit, Frank goes smartly... bypassing the live wires. Three quarters the way, Frank catches sight of the spiders scurrying somewhere from a service vent.

He creeps gingerly on towards the aft section of the crumbling scout ship.

'You'll not claim me, you Low Tech Clunker.' Frank thought to himself, 'Too bad I can't get hold of one of those Robots.'
TAS Local News release for Farpoint 021-1113

* The Count today inspected the damage to the main dome today.

"These explosions are clearly the work of the Ine Givar. We must stand vigilant out here on the Frontier and continue to build bridges to our Zhodani friends, coreward. This was the purpose of the Imperium settling this world to begin with."

As to reports of some sort of tunneling device, the Count immediately dismissed any such work saying that Live 34 reported:

"...they were work of an overactive media imagination campaign. The image shown earlier on was clearly the prototype General Dynamics Snow Remover XX-01, purchased earlier this year to keep the streets of the capital clean and crisp."

Subsequentially, Live 34 was levied a heavy fine by the planetary government for spreading disinformation. Live 34 have subsequentially aired a full retraction and a better image clearly showing that it was indeed the prototype General Dynamics Snow Remover XX-01 in the frame. The journalists who were responsible for spreading such lies have been asked to find work offworld.

The Count further said, the planetary army had a wonderful job evacuating survivors and that medals will be awarded to all in a special ceremony at the Count's orbital residence.

* Reports have been coming in from the Navy, of a major offensive against the Imperial shipping division of Naasirka, whereby the flagship of the sector, the Pride of Naasirka recently constructed at the Nu Earth shipyards has sustained heavy damage.

A Naval spokesperson, refused to comment on the whereabouts of the Pride now several days missing from their docking at Alpha One. Several passengers who did leave the craft, in their own private craft describe a horrendous journey but were appreciative of free coupons for fuel and lodging here on Farpoint.

A local hotelier who recently built the 400 room Starport Hotel worries that the loss of the Pride may hurt the fledgling tourist industry.

Naasirka, in a terse statement said that they were committed to maintaining a strong relationship with the Farpoint government and they never back away from contracts even if it means a temporary loss

As a result of rumours of this attack... stocks of Naasirka on the subsector exchange have fallen 50 points. GSbAG, in return posted record gains with their stock improving a whole 150 points and said this type of investor confidence shows that they remain the number one starship contractor in the sector but will continue to seek partnerships with Naasirka subsidiaries to work together on different projects.

* The permanent representative from Nu Earth said the attack should not be reflected back into the League of Suns, naval capacity. "We have repeated asked for an upgrade of Naval ships from the Imperium, but, if all they sell us is mothballed TL D cruisers, how are we supposed to respond?"

The Count responded, later in the day through his Senschal, that: "...the politics of the situation was especially delicate, given the recent conflict that erupted between the Avalon Consulate and the League of Suns recently. We do not want to antagonize the Zhodani on this frontier for fear of repeating the mistakes made over in the Marches."

* In other news, an Imperial courier from the Core has brought a most esteemed visitor in form of Crown Prince Varan who is here to conduct diplomatic talks with the Zhodani Ambassador before his departure to Capital. He will formally accept the credentials of the Ambassador and try to find alternative arrangements should the Pride not be available for the journey.
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