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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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"Wait a sec, Baron W., we're still in Jump. We don't want to go from bad to dead, right? But by all means, let's go find a steward, and find out what we can."
Ref. says: The nearest steward, looks blankly at the Baron's essemble and shifts his weight from one foot to another before saying:

"The situation is well under control. Passengers are requested to make their way to the aft section. As a precaution please don vacc suits. The Captain -err-the XO will keep you abreast of further developments."

In the meantime, some of the less important staff - cooks, busboys seem to be going about their business as usual.

A group of stewards are knocking on cabin doors and informing passengers to make their way to the aft part of the ship. They enter selected High Passage suites and the most observant player notices that their pockets are slightly bulkier than when they came in. At the corner, "mail slots" they insert small non-descript bags into the slot for destinations unknown.
Ok then...

I stop another steward and flash him a 1,000 Credistick and ask him politely to give us some better information...for our own safety, of course.
Ref says: One of the gang of stewards stops when he sees the creditstick.

"Now, I am ashamed. 're ye trying to bribe me?" asks the steward." discretely palming the credit stick. "What do you need to know?" he says with a sly smile.

Just then a security man turns the corner. The steward says, "Can't talk here meet me on the Cargo decks Brown 14 in 30 mins. Me & me mates will be waiting for ye." with that he disappears into a Jefferies tube. Even as the doors close, the smile like the proverbal Chestershire feline remains.

Just then there is a public service announcement, "The Entertainment Officer on board is pleased to announce that the Black Deth concert will commence in 40 minutes. Those without tickets and wish attend may still purchase tickets from any of the ships automat ticket vendors located in any the ships lounges. Warning the music played can be quite loud, therefore, earplugs are aviable before the concert at a cost of 20Cr each."
Jame turns to the rest of his party and says, "Well, at least we'll be able to miss the Black Deth's music. Tho' that guy makes me somewhat on edge... Let's take another route down."
Nice slip of the lip, captain or executive officer - do you think there has been a mutiny? This smells like something three days dead to me. If you are going to meet these guys in the cargo area, bring a club or something with you.

Usssep, want to come along with me to engineering still? We can give anyone going to the cargo bay our suit radio frequency so that we can keep in touch.
Ref says: Swarms of "Def Heads are piling into the available Grav tubes in the traditional dress. White Mohawk, leather attire, extensive platinum and copper body piercings and the same vacant faces as their portable players are becoming attuned to the hypersonic warm-ups.

As the players but into one of them. There is a crazed look in the eyes of the individual then suddenly tranquility.
Jeff moves easily with the other Heads, all one in the music. Sure NOW they're Def Heads, but he's old school, as noted by his shaved head and life size skull tatoo on the back of it rather than the newer Mohawk fashion. His leathers still fit, and the style never really changes there, but screwing in the studs for his horns and knuckle points took longer than it used to. Course he used to have help. Even that memory is sweet for a change when experienced to the coursing rhythms from his nearly antique player, lovingly maintained because the new ones just don't have the same bone rattling range.

The tide of Heads ebbs for a moment, a feedback of annoyance ripples through the players, glancing up Jeff sees the reason, familiar looking faces, the passengers from the other night, he feeds back "no worries" rhythm. The annoyed, some might say crazed, looks pass. But hey, they aren't Heads, the tide resumes and surges ever on, to the stage, to rapture...
Originally posted by Jeff M. Hopper:
Nice slip of the lip, captain or executive officer - do you think there has been a mutiny?
"Possible. Captain is not in charge; maybe sick, maybe crazy, maybe XO take shortcut to promotion."

They arrive at the cross-corridor leading to engineering. Peering around the corner, they spot a crewman slumped on the floor; a thin trickle of blood oozing from his mouth.

Moving swiftly to his side, they find that he is alive, but badly dazed. They ease him into a more comfortable position.

"You be okay soon. We call medic, yes? Can you say what happened to you?"
"Well, That was a quick 1,000 Credits with nothing to show for it. At least I got his name and number in case that steward doesnt show in half an hour. Lets get something to drink on the way to the cargo area"
Ref. says: The wounded crew member is fluttering between conscious and an unconconscious state. His words are barely coherent. As Usssep cradles the the injured crew member, he feels a warming comforting sensation followed by a flash of a hideous image that defies words and a feeling of abject terror. The crew member's mind reaches into the Droyne's inner mind and says.

"They...are...everywhere...cannot be stopped. We tried but failed. The Consulate must be warned. This ship is infected..." with that the crew member lapses into a coma.

Meanwhile, at the Defhead concert mysterious yellow lights hover above the heads of the audience. Most of the concert goers fail do notice them. Those that do make a sickly smile and go back to bobbing to the music.

Suddenly the lights converge and a beam of light coalesces from the unison of the balls of light hits a member of the audience and she disappears.

Greater mayhem breaks out as fans scream and wildly run toward the exits.
(OOC: this was not part of the act)
Jame can hear not only the screaming, but Def Hed singing "Do not shake what you got - let it all rot!" and turns to his party. "That sounds serious - I think we better get movin'."
Ref says:
Wisp like smoke tendrils are emerging from Stateroom 808. The nearest pair of security officer, one them punches his com.

"Sir, sorry to distrurb, you. But, we do seem to have a breech on the 8th deck. I have intiated the emergency protocals."

"Well done, Trooper. Now see, if we can get an accurate scan. Once you detect the flux level registering between 80-90 Mlcrft units. You can go in." is the reply.

A look of sheer panic comes over the officers' face.

"Don't worry, Hari. You got kids, I'll go." says one of the troopers to the other.

Moments later, there is an ear-piercing scream. The second trooper emerged, his body was absolutely white, completely drained of blood, and his bones and back were snapped. Great and deep claw-wounds injured his chest and legs, and he lay in a position impossible to an intact human body.

Needless, to say, the first trooper's hair turned white from fright and ran yelling, screaming and bumped into...
Originally posted by kafka47:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ref. says: The wounded crew member is fluttering between conscious and an unconconscious state. His words are barely coherent. As Usssep cradles the the injured crew member, he feels a warming comforting sensation followed by a flash of a hideous image that defies words and a feeling of abject terror. The crew member's mind reaches into the Droyne's inner mind and says.

"They...are...everywhere...cannot be stopped. We tried but failed. The Consulate must be warned. This ship is infected..." with that the crew member lapses into a coma.

</font>[/QUOTE]Usssep! Usssep! Is the guy OK? Will he make it? He looks completely fracked.
NPC wanted![OOC]: Is there a Doctor in the house?

Originally posted by kafka47:
Ref. says: The wounded crew member is fluttering between conscious and an unconconscious state. His words are barely coherent. As Usssep cradles the the injured crew member, he feels a warming comforting sensation followed by a flash of a hideous image that defies words and a feeling of abject terror. The crew member's mind reaches into the Droyne's inner mind and says.

"They...are...everywhere...cannot be stopped. We tried but failed. The Consulate must be warned. This ship is infected..." with that the crew member lapses into a coma.
Usssep says: "Unconcious, yes; maybe worse. Can not tell, never studied xenobiology. Human plumbing arranged all ... funny."

"You check see if still breathing? I should call for medic, yes?"
Originally posted by Piper:
NPC wanted![OOC]: Is there a Doctor in the house?

Usssep says: "Unconcious, yes; maybe worse. Can not tell, never studied xenobiology. Human plumbing arranged all ... funny."

"You check see if still breathing? I should call for medic, yes?"

I'll do that. Yup, glad I had First Aid training in the Space Cadets. Yessir.

Oh God, this is gross!

(OOC: Watch as a college student with good intentions, a weak stomach, and Medical-0(CT)/Medical+1(T20) tries to administer First Aid...)
NPC activity:
'Hey, Skeeter, Anything?' Lefty Calhoun called across the corridor to the opposite stateroom.
'Not a frakkin' thing. I thought these passengers were supposed to be rich.' Skeeter slumped in the doorway.
Lefty craned his head around the door and called to the open doorways of several other staterooms. 'What about you guys?'
Heads emerged briefly and called out various responses:
'I got me a wallet!'
'Buncha gold. A diamond necklace.'
'Some ⌧o vid-sticks'

'Pffft' Lefty was feeling dissapointed and was about to tell them all to forget it, when he noticed the two passengers approaching from the upper accessway.
Baron, Jame, that means you.
Jame, hearing something about a wallet, halts and stops the Baron. "I think something's up. Glad I brought my sword." Saying that, he draws it.
OOC: STILL need a medic to even act as a NPC stand-in...

Ref. says: Seeing the panic on the Droyne's face, a passenger triggers the emergency response intercom and informs the computer that there is a medical emergency.

The computer responds by sending in a Medical bot who picks ups the body and carefully places the body into a medical evac unit. Looking over the instruments, the bot confirms the diagnosis as coma and severe trauma. He advices Ussep to remain here until a proper sentient medic arrives.

In the meantime, the body seems to be undergoing convulsions and the medicalbot is trying a wide variety of seditatives to calm the crew member.

The crew member's eyes turn a deathly white as the pupils look upward although Ussep can feel his presence in his inner mind. The mind is relying a chaotic array of images mainly of a childhood, maturing then adult. The last image is that of large cosmic whirlpool akin to what they saw on the Upper Observation Deck. Then the face of a bearded man laughing. Then utter blackness.
See Library Data on the Technical Details of the LARP. Visions, Jumpspace
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