Originally posted by GypsyComet:
IF you were going to bring the Saving Throw mechanic to starship combat, it's DCs would be set by the weapon's rating (not necessarily directly), while the ship's bonus to the roll would be set by the appropriate defenses. Some defenses would provide constant bonuses, while others would have limited goes per turn.
This mechanic would make starship combat very much like the combat seen in Mutants & Masterminds, a D20 superheroes game. Somewhat more generic details can also be seen in the WotC book "Unearthed Arcana".
There already is a saving throw for starship combat, in T20. A 7th level Ace Pilot gets it. (Though he can get it at 4th level if he already has Vessel (Starship), Vessel (Small Craft), Vessel (Aircraft) and Vessel (Grav).
"Once per round, if a vehicle, an Ace is flying is hit for damage, he may make a Pilot skill check (DC equal the attack roll made to hit). If successful, the Ace has managed to evade the attack and the vehicle takes no damage." (THB pg. 185)
Now an 11th level character (7 of which are Ace pilot) Ace Pilot, Dex or Int 20, flying his personal vessel with a Skill Focus (Pilot), 14 ranks of pilot skill and PMOS pilot, has a base number of 25 or if he takes 10 that is 35.
Now a Spinal J, has a base to hit number with an average gunner, 11 (Skill ranks and specialization) +18 (Factor J Spinal) +9 (Computer model number) or 38+ a D20, giving the gunner PMOS gunnery, that gives a take 10 to hit score of 48 and if it is a spinal meson an automatic critical hit. (Still toast.)
Was this actually playtested?