SOC-14 1K
A Skill Check <> a Saving Throw (which are only Fort, Ref, and Will rolls).Originally posted by Bhoins:
There already is a saving throw for starship combat, in T20. A 7th level Ace Pilot gets it.
"Once per round, if a vehicle, an Ace is flying is hit for damage, he may make a Pilot skill check (DC equal the attack roll made to hit). If successful, the Ace has managed to evade the attack and the vehicle takes no damage." (THB pg. 185)
You typically cannot "take 10" in situations that would require the above roll.Originally posted by Bhoins:
Now an 11th level character (7 of which are Ace pilot) Ace Pilot, Dex or Int 20, flying his personal vessel with a Skill Focus (Pilot), 14 ranks of pilot skill and PMOS pilot, has a base number of 25 or if he takes 10 that is 35.
Also, doesn't the Agility of the vessel factor into the roll?