In a small ship universe:
How many soldiers could a 5000dTon troop transport ship fit? Would you need to have them all be frozen to make more effective use of space?
Based on other threads related to this, let's assume:
1) you can get in 9 troops (and their pack and weapon and ammunition - I'm assuming no battledress and such) per 2dTon of space*, with the accompanying 2dTon of common area and life support (you're gonna
need that life support space for 9 guys per 2dTon
2) the command section has staterooms, so don't count in the calculations;
3) something akin to a cargo hold is where the troops pass their time, a la World War II troop transports;
4) each soldier needs about 1dTon of supplies after they land;
5) those supplies are coming on another ship;
6) you have about 1/4 to 1/3 of the ship available for transport area;
then I would say you can get about 3,000 to 3,600 troops in that size of a ship.
If you further assume:
7) fast drug, and they just get into their hammocks and don't move for the trip (mostly)
then you might pack in 1/2 again as many? Call it 4,000 to 5,000.
As far as freezing them - not if it's an invasion force.** If it's an expansion force, then you could do that. I don't think you gain anything in numbers over not freezing them if you use my numbers above - a low berth requires 1/2dTon per berth, whereas my numbers squeeze it out to a little less than 1/2dTon per berth.
Mind you, you're gonna want an airlock between the hold and the rest of the ship. The crew is
not gonna want to smell *that* during the trip.
How many of said troop transports would be needed to invade a million personnel defense force (say 1% of a Pop 9 planet)?
Have to double up on timerover here: 1% of a pop 9 planet would be 10,000,000, not 1 million.*** As to invading against any particular amount...
1) Again, as timerover says, that 10 million under arms becomes something closer to 100 million (or more) as soon as the homeland is put under threat - unless you are liberating the people, possibly. (But, never underestimate how people will fight to remain under an oppressive system, as long as it's
their oppressive system.)
2) The general rule is a minimum of threefold the defending force - but that isn't applied across something like a planetary surface. You will need three times whatever a local fortification or position will hold as a defensive force,
plus enough reinforcements to have that 3x force when you get to the next battle - lather, rinse, repeat. BTW, that 3x figure brings you to "assured victory" according to the standard, but it doesn't guarantee it won't be just your command element left standing at the end - that's a
lot of replacements.
3) As timerover says, not all your force will be combat troops. Some will be combat support and some will be combat service support. This can be partly mitigated with direct-from-orbit delivery of supplies, but it still factors into your 3x calculations. The flip-side is that your enemy also has those non-direct-combat troops, but it also has the entire civilian populace from which to draw supplies, police forces, storage, intelligence, etc. Remember that 1% to 10% increase "under arms"? It makes for an effective 1% to 15-20% when you take into account combat support and combat services support.
4) You would also need an occupation force, over and above the combat force you have maneuvering against the enemy. These folks would need to hold the ground taken by the combat force. It would need to be a mix of military police and actual combat forces and a sprinkling of special forces.
* a 3m x 3m area, with 3 sets of racks/bunks/hammocks, stacked 3 high, using the end-space for their packs and weapons.
** If it's a "hot landing", where these troops have to get off and away from the landing area rapidly, unfreezing folks is going to be too laborious and too time-consuming. If you're bringing them in to a safe area where you can wake them by platoons and such, then freezing would be acceptable. [If it's an assault landing, then you aren't going to use a 5kdTon ship packed with troops, you're going to use multiple smaller, very well-armored ships, onto which your assault force has transferred before descent, and from which they can emerge rapidly, spouting death and destruction unto their enemies.
*** Actually, it would be anywhere from 10,000,000 to 99,000,000. I assume anything over that would just get estimated up into the next pop value.