OK I am making oversimplifications. Lets keep it simple and pick on everyone's favorite Starship. The Standard Type-S, Scout Courier. There are plenty of canon pictures of both the interior and the exterior.Originally posted by Aramis:
Actually, Bhoins, you're dead wrong about contra-gravity (defined as weight nullification in TNE and T4) existing in all editions. (Perhaps I'm being picayune about semantics. I don't care... you're making erroneous oversimplifications.)
Absolutely. So far we are in 100% agreement. Now here comes the problem with airfoils on starships.Originally posted by Aramis:
Not just stall speed, but also fuel performance.
Higher density is lower stall speed. Higher density is usually obtained by lower altitude and/or higher humidity. Provided that the temperatures don't result in icing or fog, higher humidity provides denser atmosphere (for a given pressure) and thus more lift.
However the Type-S clearly doesn't land tail down. Has nothing pictured in any of the plans or external view that implies that it can vector thrust to any significant degree. And is the ship that is shown turning over at the halfway point in the diagrams for sublight trips.Originally posted by Aramis:
The Type S, under CT and MT, clearly has to vector the thrust, or come in tail-down. Under TNE & T4, it has to do the same, just with less thrust. Under TNE, even with the CG "Floating" at 98%, that's still going to accelerate you into a massive crunch, just not a total devastation crunch... (0.2m/s^2 still adds up to terminal velocity fast enough)
SO you need aerodynamic lift to get off the ground and land safely? Then how does a Serpent land on a Vaccuum world? (Or better yet take off from one?) OR worse yet how does a Fat Trader with only 1G of thrust, without CG, take off from a 1.1G vaccuum planet? (It doesn't.)The S2 Serpent, however, can make a thrust-available or thrust off landing. (Spaceship One established heat shielding is not an absolute requirement....) It's roughly the size of a 727... and will have similar landing roll needs. But, if you have the fuel (not a given under TNE...) you can make a hybrid landing: feather in, rotate, aerodyne approach, flare to stall, touch on engines vectored thrust, lower the nose.
Takeoff: similar issues for the standard wedgie. The lifting airframe, however, can (in atmosphere) gain considerable lift bonus AND can trade forward vector for upward with pretty good efficiency. Most aircraft generate all their lift off the wings, therefore 1G lift at Std Temp, Press, Density and Gravity (henceforth STPDG) in straight and level flight at cruising speed.
Now, Airframes in STPDG situations can be safely assumed capable of 1.1G's of lift at full speed, or more. (Many don't even have a full G of thrust... if thrust is 1G+, they take forever to auto-break-over from the hammerhead stall...) At that rate, the lift generated post-flight is 0.1G, or 1m/s/s, leaving all engine thrust (2G's) for aiding. I can't do the needed math, but I know that you can optimize for somewhere around 2.1 positive g's lift this way, and maybe more. And, when high enough, you begin a rotation to transfer speed to upward climb. Not so important for the Type S2, in that only a few canonical worlds even approach 2G's.
Now, add CG into this. Now, downward force is 0.2m/s/s, so an airframe can/will throw that 1.08G (10.8m/s/s) left into upward climb... again STPDG. So it should be able to climb out at somewhere between 2.2 and 2.8G , vs 1.98G for the non-lifting Type S Wedgie.
Now, one important crunch under TNE: gravitic thrust is non-extant. (Doesn't exist at all in the TNE-OTU). Which means even more problems for both types... For lifting-airframes, it means problems only for takeoff, really. (In many cases, a direct takeoff may be more fuel efficient. Only when Local gravity is very close to the acceleration does the added lift become essential. With CG, the wings need to generate 2% optimal lift to get off the ground; think a 727 with a 200m takeoff roll... and that's the S2A design I posted to the TML many years ago.
Another consideration: a 0.9G thrust aircraft, with high lift wings, can generate up to 4 or 5 G's of effective in-atmosphere maneuver by aerodynamics. (Pipers can cancel themselves... with HL kits, they can be induced to make turns with G-loads in excess of the frame's strength.)
Airframes are a good thing. they add flexibility, in droves. Only TNE's rules provide a clear and present need for them... no-thrust landings.
(they also add potential plot complications. ForEx: the party buys a Type R off-contract for a song; she's in beautiful shape, good engines, etc... offered as is, and in an orbital yard. Problem is her landing gear and aerodyne control surfaces are frozen in a right banking climb... (and for TNE or T4, go ahead an knock out the CG, just to make it clear she's NOT a dirt-lover).
As for glide ratios: I've flow aircraft ranging from 1.8:1 (Beaver on floats with loads of drag from leftover WWII hardware, including a bomb-rack) through 23:1 (Schweitzer sailplane). The fundamental rule of landing is that you stall out when close enough to the ground not to damage the airframe. On the schewitzer, we hit ground effect after flare at abut 20m, at stall +5kts. Throwing the airbrakes on, we finally dropped out of the air (and ground effect) at stall-5kts, 250m down the runway, and rolled to a stop another 50m or so. Those last 3m vertical were not compromised at all until the aircraft finally lost ground effect and FELL 3m. Ground effect does wonderful, weird, and dangerous things.
In fact, ground effect is so profound, that an entire category of powered flight is devoted to it exclusively. THe soviets used a heavy lift airframe, designed for maximumization of ground effect, as a form of low-drag boat. (were it not for trees, it could work overland, as well.) Now, some use companies are making sporting craft in this range. They fly, but their lift is only 1G+ while in ground effect. (Said ground effect occurs above water, too...)
THe other question about CG is if it is variable gravitic decoupling; ie, can you get less than 98% nullification, or is it all or nothing. in an all or nothing situation, it can result in some seriously sudden transitions. EG, S2A rolling with CG off down taxiway, flips CG on and LURCHES upwards.
I am not disputing that a lifting body or lifting surfaces might be nice to have. I am questioning their usefulness vs. cost when other means of lift are possible that aren't dependent on atmospheric pressure, composition or other atmospheric conditions which can radically change the lifting properties of your airfoil.Originally posted by Aramis:
No, the apache and cobra wings are not lift neutral... they also are not significant for lift, either.
Lifting Airframes are exceedingly useful in atmosphere, which, in any realistic (Or TNE/Late Hard Times campaign) are where the vast majority of the populations are.
The additional cost and maintenance do add up; CG is not a replacement for it (Cost is about the same in TNE... but usually both are better).
TNE creates a fuel-limited setting. Lifting Airframes (which, until final draft, was what Airframes were described as in T20, BTW) provide a safe and fuel efficient way to land a spacecraft (as you yourself said, 98+% safety rate... and both failures were the result of take-off damage). CG can make a 1:1 into a 50:1 glide slope. WIthout lifting airframes, the CG simply lowers impact speed and terminal velocity.
There is CG in T20 but it isn't in the Starship design sequence. (Of course it wasn't in the starship design sequence from LBB5 either.) However it is explicit in the vehicle design sequence. (Grav Vehicles such as the air/raft would require CG to function.) And in the vehicle design sequence the amount of thrust to negate gravity is negligible and not part of the thrust calculations for the speed of the vehicle. The downward component also appears to take no appreciable mass. Extrapolating to Starships it makes sense. Now reading what DN had to say about HEPLAR then TNE drives and FF&S design stuff would be quite different. But for CT, MT and T20 while CG lift isn't explicit it may definitely be implied.Originally posted by Aramis:
Cost effectiveness? well, you lose 6.66 to 10% of cargo tonnage, and add 10% to the cost of the hull, under T20. But, you also gain the ability to make a no-engine landing in atmospheres. There is no CG (effectively) in T20; our thrust is supposed to overcome local. (1G won't on most size 8-A worlds). Additionally, you have increased maneuverability in atmosphere for high-G rated designs (like the Type T).
Now I didn't say airframes weren't worth it. I said, with the ability of Contra Gravity to generate lift then lifting surfaces were not worth it. Airframes implies a craft specifically designed to operate within an atmosphere minimizing the Coefficient of Drag. Generated lift may be one of several methods. Contragravity lift, such as the air/raft, Aerodynamic Lift, using wings or lifting bodies, or Thrust based lift, such as Helicopters and Harriers. Contragravity lift being the one that would be most effecient because it could be used in a wider range of circumstances and locations.
BTW, if the T20 airframe isn't wings, it's NOT worth it. It was wings, and I'll PM hunter to clarify that for second printing... it's that much an issue. Under FF&S, airframes always include lifting structures.
Actually my problem isn't the design sequence at all. I like it as is. My problem with the design sequence is the application, apparently incorrectly, of the design sequence that produces the "Standard Designs." here it is apparent that in the original thinking 1000Vls, not 1400vls is one DTon. And the designer of the small craft forgot to notice that all small craft require a small craft bridge which includes 2 seats. That is my only nit pick with the design sequence. Well that and the fact that you strip an old computer and an old powerplant out of a Type-S before turning it over to a detached duty Scout and replace them with brand new replacements. Since sensors are now tied to computer level and a Type-S Scout has insufficient sensors to see a planet right in front of it. Minimum sensor level that makes sense for a Scout Ship is 4. To have Level 4 sensors and arm the ship with a laser would require more power than the powerplant produces. Hence it was obviously replaced along with the sensors.Originally posted by Aramis:
None of us really tested big ship combat during the T20 playtest. Dr. Skull said he'd played one or two, and they were working at that point, but that was well before a number of other changes.
Also, a very late change to Prior Experience rates massively upped skill totals.
And, no, there is NOT CG in the design sequences, in the FF&S sense. There is gravitic thrust. (Again, this is important, because the nature of the two in operation is very different.)
And starship design is unlikely to get changed. Combat, maybe a little. Hunter was fixated on the HG derivative.... Airframes and simplified computer rules are about the only real changes we got him to make for the design process (and to be honest, all that we felt were needed in the DESIGN sequences).
Your problem, really, is not the design sequence, as the combat system grafted on. Realize that a lot of late-on changes happened.