Except it's not truth.
We can, presently, build high delta-V orbit-to-orbit ships capable of Mars in a few (3-4) weeks with payloads in the 20 ton range, and venus in 2-3 weeks. O.01G, fission powered high-end ion thrusters.
1 - they violate the Space Treaty. No Fission reactors allowed.
2 - they are orbit-to-orbit ONLY, as they're essentially sheets of ion thrusters with a crew/cargo capsue.
3 - It's still weeks (but at least it's not months)
Let's look at closest approach: 75.3e9 m 37.75e9 per half, and 1/100 G
244.5 hours to midpoint
2.9 weeks orbit to orbit
NTRs are known tech, and quite workable, too - higher G, lower delta-V, but still well above H2/O2 rockets
Have you seen the analysis of NTR vs HydroLox for a Mars Rocket ...
Just in case anyone was interested, here is some data on NTR vs LH2/LOX rocket performance from Selenian Boondocks
... it suggests that the benefit is marginal at best. My only point is that it will work with Chemical Rockets just as easily. I was aware of about 8-9 weeks to mars (still 2 months). I read that the problem with speed is the fuel needed for braking at the other end. Diminishing returns sort of thing.
I mean, heck, we could certainly embrace this whole hog and require FTL drives to launch from beyond the Gas Giants so that getting from a world to the Jump Point is an adventure in itself with transfers at multiple inhabited stations and fuel outposts and who knows what else, plus travelling with interesting strangers that could be an adventure all on its own. Some little 0.1G or 0.01G or 0.001G drive just thrusts forever to transfer you from the outer system to the inner system where you can catch a few short transfers to the Mainworld.
The Solar System takes over the job of the old Traveller subsector as the place where the action happens and then FTL becomes an epic leap to a whole new 'system' full of places and encounters to spend months adventuring in.