Here's some statistics for people to have fun with.
The cost for building a 2 lane road (in the US) currently runs $700,000 to 1.4 million per km.
The cost for building a multi-lane highway (in the US) is currently around $12 million per km.
Trick question.
If you build Air/Rafts instead of roads ... how many km of roads do you NOT NEED TO BUILD in order to "pay for" all of the Air/Rafts?
Even assuming that inflation since 1977 to 2024 results in a $1 then = $5 now (to keep the math simple for this example) ... that would mean that a Cr600,000 Air/Raft would "cost" the same amount as $3 million worth of roadway construction.
That's basically equivalent to 3-4 km of 2 lane road construction per Air/Raft ... of 0.25 km of multi-lane highway construction per Air/Raft.
Now think about how many km of road construction there is in any "medium size" urban area in a place like the US.
Call it 1000 km of highway and 10,000 km of 2 lane surface streets (just for simplicity).
The cost to build all of those roads is ... 1000*12,000,000 + 10,000*1,000,000 = 22,000,000,000
That's $22 billion dollars to build all of those roads, using my napkin math.
For $21 billion dollars ... and not needing to build ANY roads ... you can construct 7000 Air/Rafts instead. If those 7000 Air/Rafts are operated by a "ride sharing" service operating in that urban area ...

... do you see the picture that I'm sketching?
Point being, Air/Rafts CAN become ubiquitous ... even if most "normal middle class working people" do not own one as a daily commuter vehicle. All that needs to happen is that the community builds Air/Rafts instead of roads. The transportation step change cannibalizes the road infrastructure budget in favor of a gravitic lift budget.