Originally posted by Aramis:
Actually, several subsectors have multiple numbered fleets (max is, IIRC, 3, and several are 2), and would thus have two or more subsector fleets in the numbered reserve; they might still be the subsector/duchy's navy.
For example, one subsector with 2 numbered fleets assigned would have (ideally) 2 full strength numbered reserve fleets. THe Subsector Navy therefore is in two "Fleets", with, possibly, one or more others not part of the "Numbered Reserve". Additionally, there could be one or more planetary navies, which could, in theory be activated by either the subsector navy or the imperial navy.
As for duchy navies, each duchy is, with few exceptions, also the subsector. At least, in canonical published data that is so. Therefore, as the head of the subsector government, the Duck is also the titular head of the Subsector Navy; in a few cases, the duchy is 2 subsectors, and thus the DN is 2 SSN's...