I was making a reference to peaceful groups leaving what they saw as an unpermissive or unacceptable government, only to have the land they settled in eventually run by others who replicated a government type not dissimilar to that their forbears left.Having just come back from a weekend in the Amish area of Indiana, I am not sure you understand how little infrastructure the Amish need. As for whatever you mean by turning the colony in a different direction, people have been trying for centuries to do that to the Amish. The Amish are still here and their numbers are growing.
Yes, I haven't seen an Amish community, but I'm aware of their well-known independence and self reliance. It was not them I was specifically referencing.
The idea was that groups of people may leave the authoritarian Solomani core worlds, establish a colony, then find other colonists arrive who for one of several reasons they can't deny access to. Eventually enough Solomani supporters exist to have the colony support the Sphere. AFAIK only the English-speaking Commonwealth countries are a clear terrestrial example of this, though their original settler populations were all of a different makeup.