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The Traveller Art Thread - Art Only

Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
You all talk about ⌧ as if it's a bad thing...
nope not at all...just one person was
inserting "⌧" into the discusion of
the drawings after viewing them...

i just illuminated that there are a couple
different ideas on what it might include...

like not a few young lads i was a ⌧ freak in my younger years....

ya'all did notice i like the drawings and
found them "pleasing"?

the more naked/semi-naked women the better...LOL
Now did anyone consider that the scout base might be having trouble disposing of its waste heat due to a busted radiator? Perhaps that female “attire” is called for. As for the floating man and the Vargr, ummm, anatomy that can be easily accounted for by the fact that the station is currently operating on low power mode. The AG system is only at .23 of normal. AG units generate heat so they are trying to reduce heat generation as much as possible.

Now as for ⌧, a Vargr female, Human female and three human males could make for something interesting but it would take Hiver director to really do it justice. ;)

One thing I did think was odd was the lack of firearms or blades. What perfect situation for a GM to spring something fun.
Thanks one and all for the kind comments.

Originally posted by Kurega Gikur:
Now did anyone consider that the scout base might be having trouble disposing of its waste heat due to a busted radiator? Perhaps that female “attire” is called for. As for the floating man and the Vargr, ummm, anatomy that can be easily accounted for by the fact that the station is currently operating on low power mode. The AG system is only at .23 of normal. AG units generate heat so they are trying to reduce heat generation as much as possible.

Now as for ⌧, a Vargr female, Human female and three human males could make for something interesting but it would take Hiver director to really do it justice. ;)

One thing I did think was odd was the lack of firearms or blades. What perfect situation for a GM to spring something fun.
The Clothing for the males is dictated by the general description of those characters and the tastes of the Players. (And the fact that finding a good pair of shorts for a male is a real pain.)

The lack of weapons is something brought about by the parties current tendency to get off at high law worlds. And further while within the Starport Grounds you are only at LL3 or so, IMTU, Firefights in Starports, especially Class B or Class A, tend to draw an Imperial Marine Squad or more, in a hurry, usually the Marine Quick Reaction Force. (Which is generally BD equipped and has excessive firepower superiority, for virtually any contingency.) Marines, IMTU, don't believe there is such a thing as overkill or too much firepower. If the Marines have that reputation, it tends to tone down the amount of firepower people are willing to carry about within a Starport. Further Marines have a reputation for stopping the people involved in the firefight, usually rather permamently, before asking if anyone has any questions.

Thus far the problems that have been encountered in a Starport setting have been resolved without the use of weapons. (Though it did highlight the problems inherent in the D20 system. D20 still has the same problem as AD&D did way back when. Characters of respectable level will beat on each other until doomsday without anyone gaining a significant upper hand.) Firearms and other lethal weapons in T20 are truly lethal. Especially compared to sparring for several hours. You wear light armor in T20 and you can have a fist fight for hours and only score a couple of Bruises. So a Brawl is less likely to provoke a response from the officials. However a firefight, which can harm bystanders and damage property will draw a response in a hurry.

This is our starship from the TNE play-by-post campaign, "Dawn of the New Era". According to our Referee, the ship's former crew, a Aslan Ihatei group was set upon and killed by a fearful mob at the beginning of the Great Collapse. Our group first beheld her in an orbital junkyard, the ship's condition is a reflection of generations of tinkering by the yardmaster.

I run Claudius of Fornax, a Hive Federation Technical Advisor, with the goal of bringing civilization and infrastructure back to the Wilds.
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
This is our starship from the TNE play-by-post campaign, "Dawn of the New Era".
Mesire, Baron! Yet again you astound me. That's gorgeous. It reminds me of the uber-ship from Skies of Arcadia - which is a good thing. Love the red and gold paint scheme too.

I do have one teensy, weensy, tiny, minor criticism though:

I prefer your forward swept straight wings to the oh-so-bloody-ridiculous-looking, curved, 'Flash Gordon' wings usually pictured on Vargr ships.

We hates them! They burns us! They buuuuuurns!

Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
The deckplan used for the ship was the "Vargr Scout" as it was the one supplied by Referee. I theorize this may have been a ship captured by our doomed Aslan.
That would explain it!
Originally posted by N.I.C.E. Labs:

I have no problem with the Vargr as I know how hard it is to find obscure models. There are a couple good 'werewolf' models (the one by Sixus1, specifically), but they don't accept clothing worth a lick like this one does. The only suggestion I could make would be perhaps seeing about finding some better textures than the standard ones for it. I know the model is a toon genre characterization so perhaps some good hair textures mapped over the body might make it look more 'realistic'. Her proportions are a bit extreme, but I don't know how the character in your game is so I won't make any judgements there. It was a clever use of what's available and the pic on the whole is good. Believable poses and good lighting. Well done.
I checked out several of the werewolf offerings and found they all had one different anatomical Vargr inconsistency. They use normal human feet. So I can go with Furrette/Furraldo for Vargr (and Aslan for that matter) with just two mammaries or werewolf and no mammaries and the wrong feet. I guess I should learn how to make a figure so I can build Traveller Aliens from scratch. (Like I really have time to do that.
) I think I'll stick to Furrette and Furaldo, after all the cost factor definitely plays a role as well.
Nice pic Bruce! I think George is hot (the Vargr) and dipicts a vargr very nicely to me. I am new to traveller as are many of our intrepid band of adventurers so the little things like extra breasts mean very little to us. As I read through this post I would feel downtrodden if I were better than life and want to stop creating art (thats what I call it no matter what anyone else says!) and I think you are doing a great job both with the adventure and the pics you've created for it. Dont let the man get you down Bruce. By the way that is my character sitting in the middle of that last pic... aint I cool!!!

Right Click> Save Background As...

I really like this model (well, let's face it, I really like all of your models). It has a sort of B5 Quality to it. Almost Narn-like.
I love that base too. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but rustic, autumnul, earthy colours work quite well for Vargr, I think.

Never heard of it. Interesting look to it, though now that I see more pics of that particular ship, their design system isn't all that great. That's one thing I've always liked about Traveller. There's more to a ship than it's guns. Seeing the other angles of this ship there's no room for fuel, ship systems, not to mention the crew.

Too bad I bought the 3D model before I knew what it was. Oh well, I can fiddle with it and see if I can mesh it into Traveller.
Ok... here's a case of look before you leap. As I mentioned above I bought that model. It's just a simple prop, not a complete figure. It's not scaled to poser figures and even if it was it's just an inanimate object. The whole thing is one piece, so you can't move the turrets, there are no entry ramps, landing gear, or anything else that makes a ship a ship. If I had known I wouldn't have bought it.

Oh well.... at least I only blew eight bucks. Will do the same on a bad movie rental....