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The Traveller Art Thread - Art Only

First my apologies Antony for mispelling your name, twice
, last night.

Second, the link trouble, my link trouble, just bizarre. So it's just me, and just this thread, actually just those posts. The other posts here with links show up and work fine for me but Antony's posts the links don't show (except in "quote reply" mode) and the direct link to the deckplans just shows the caption header for me. Like I said, bizarre. I hate it when my tech screws up.
As a way of avoiding doing what I'm supposed to be doing (you know how it is), I've spent the last few days rebuilding my Scout/Courier model. There's still a few details to finish, but I think it's looking pretty good...

Indeed it is looking good. It has what my players have come to refer to as the battered ship look which is how I usually describe vessels like this to them - a hard working ship, battered but in perfect running order.
^Perfect, with a few parts from the J drive an old TL-10 far-trader, a second hand atmosphere filter from a nice TL-13 yacht to help with “that smell” and some other bits found here and there.
Hi !

Guess nothings represents Traveller better as a Scout ships. Very well done, Andrew.

Antony, You might get a sketch soon


The Crew of the Alactritous Missive, from our on going T20 campaign, about to leave a Scout Base. (Just to show that when you get the lighting right you do get shadows in Daz Studio.
) And before anyone comments, someone else did the shopping for the Vargr, George.

Edited to show new picture, with everyone firmly on the ground and a little more light.
About the female Vargr...

I know Poser and its ilk are primarily used to create 3D ⌧, but aren't Miss Windhorn 1122 and her Gravitic Wonder Bra just a wee bit too much?

Next, we have nude shots of female Vargr in canon, specifically CT's AM:3 and MT's V&V. Each shows female Vargr with more than two breasts, although the upper pair are somewhat larger than the others. If you're wedded to the 'pnuematic' presentation of this Vargr, shouldn't your furry Anna Nicole Smith have additional 'bulges'?

Just my 0.02Cr.

Have fun,
Sure Bill, To be truly canon, the Vargr is not anatomically correct. Unfortunately I don't have a canonical Vargr 3D model. Nore do I really have the skill to create one from scratch. Besides she suits the campaign well. (And that is the real point, now isn't it.

Oh, and about creating 3D ⌧? Not really my line. Matter of fact I can think of quite a few artists that would take odds with that statement. I personally just mark it off to ignorance.

Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
About the female Vargr...

I know Poser and its ilk are priamrily used to create 3D ⌧, but aren't Miss Windhorn 1122 and her Gravitic Wonder Bra just a wee bit too much?

Next, we have nude shots of female Vargr in canon, speicifcally CT's AM:3 and MT's V&V[/i]. Each shows female Vargr with more than two breasts, although the upper pair are somewhat larger than the others. If you're wedded to the 'pnuematic' presentation of this Vargr, shouldn't your furry Anna Nicole Smith have additional 'bulges'?

Just my 0.02Cr.

Have fun,
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Very nice! Although it looks like the guy on the right is levitating a few inches above the ground...
Crap, Now I will have to go back and check. I thought I had him frimly on the ground. :( Oh well, good thing I saved it.
Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
Oh, and about creating 3D ⌧? Not really my line. Matter of fact I can think of quite a few artists that would take odds with that statement. I personally just mark it off to ignorance.

Ignorance? Sorry I hurt your feelings.

As for ⌧, take another look. You've got a female Vargr with pair of zeppelins sticking out of her chest while the female human is wearing shorts that make 'daisy dukes' look a chador and is wearing a 'shirt' about the size of a handkerchief. Yet every male in the picture has full length pants and shirts with sleeves. Odd no?

What do the female players in your group think about that clothing 'selection'?

Oh, and using a poser program doesn't make you an 'artist' anymore than using a CAD/CAM progrma makes me a 'draftsman'.

Have fun,
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
Oh, and about creating 3D ⌧? Not really my line. Matter of fact I can think of quite a few artists that would take odds with that statement. I personally just mark it off to ignorance.

Ignorance? Sorry I hurt your feelings.

As for ⌧, take another look. You've got a female Vargr with pair of zeppelins sticking out of her chest while the female human is wearing shorts that make 'daisy dukes' look a chador and is wearing a 'shirt' about the size of a handkerchief. Yet every male in the picture has full length pants and shirts with sleeves. Odd no?

What do the female players in your group think about that clothing 'selection'?

Oh, and using a poser program doesn't make you an 'artist' anymore than using a CAD/CAM progrma makes me a 'draftsman'.

Have fun,
</font>[/QUOTE]Actually the female player, and yes I do have one in the group, approved the clothes. As did the male players for their clothes. But hey, it isn't art, in this case it is a game aid.

As for what makes a person an artist, well I guess that would depend on each person's definition of Art. But you are right the tools like Poser or Daz Studio can't make you an artist, what you do with these tools can. Though it doesn't neccessarily mean you are a good artist.
(And I never claimed I was a good artist, I certainly have no intention of quitting my day job because I have turned out a few pictures.

And Bill you would have to try much harder to hurt my feelings. In any case it doesn't change my overall impression of you or the sniping you seem to enjoy.

I do have one recommendation for you Bill, find a game and actually play Traveller. Who knows, you might actually enjoy it.

Okay, I obviously rained on your parade here.

The art in this thread is presented for comment and I commented on it. The end.

Have fun,
Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Very nice! Although it looks like the guy on the right is levitating a few inches above the ground...
Crap, Now I will have to go back and check. I thought I had him frimly on the ground. :( Oh well, good thing I saved it.
</font>[/QUOTE]For a little thing like that you can fix it in photoshop or something similar. Just clone/rubber stamp some of the decking around their feet to remove the extra 'floating' shadows. No need to rerender (unless you really want to

As for the rest, I think being an artist has to do with insight and ability. Yes, anyone can use Poser and crank out pictures, but it takes someone who knows how to use it to make art. I've used Poser to create in various themes, from Sci-Fi to Fantasy and yes, to adult themes. It's not what you're using... it's how you're using it.

I have no problem with the Vargr as I know how hard it is to find obscure models. There are a couple good 'werewolf' models (the one by Sixus1, specifically), but they don't accept clothing worth a lick like this one does. The only suggestion I could make would be perhaps seeing about finding some better textures than the standard ones for it. I know the model is a toon genre characterization so perhaps some good hair textures mapped over the body might make it look more 'realistic'. Her proportions are a bit extreme, but I don't know how the character in your game is so I won't make any judgements there. It was a clever use of what's available and the pic on the whole is good. Believable poses and good lighting. Well done.
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
Oh, and about creating 3D ⌧? Not really my line. Matter of fact I can think of quite a few artists that would take odds with that statement. I personally just mark it off to ignorance.

Ignorance? Sorry I hurt your feelings.

As for ⌧, take another look. You've got a female Vargr with pair of zeppelins sticking out of her chest while the female human is wearing shorts that make 'daisy dukes' look a chador and is wearing a 'shirt' about the size of a handkerchief. Yet every male in the picture has full length pants and shirts with sleeves. Odd no?

What do the female players in your group think about that clothing 'selection'?

Oh, and using a poser program doesn't make you an 'artist' anymore than using a CAD/CAM progrma makes me a 'draftsman'.

Have fun,
</font>[/QUOTE]not to add gas to the fire...
but i guess it depends on your definition of ⌧...LOL

i look at these and find them "suggestive"
but very pleasing to the eye...

i had a boss once show me a definition of
⌧ographic(can't remember the dictionary name)
did you now ⌧ can also include violence?
so some poeple consider movies with violence
⌧...so if you enjoy movies with violence

i also thought he was coocoo for coacoa puffs
but he appeared to be right... :(
Yeah, stuff the moral baggage, Traveller and SF in general needs a good infusion of babes.

Not talking putting every character under the suns those in slinky dresses of the early pulps but surely we find lots of visual references to a culture that is filled with eros, as much as contemporary culture is without crossing over Marc's set line of moral conduct.

Afterall, when one looks over most of the Traveller line, we find the Keith drawings all of the same woman or we find very utilitarian women. We should be celebrating all forms of women. So why not beautiful and exciting images like the ones Blair Reynolds used to draw come forth and multiply?
Indeed. Adult material is for, well, adults. Past that it's the individual's own view on if that's something they wish to see. As an adult a month or so shy of forty, I personally have no problems with that, or creating art on the subject.

In fact, to keep things on topic I'll admit I do have an "R" rated Traveller art. I won't give the link to my gallery at Renderotica as this is a site not geared for that, but those who know how to get there know how to find it. Here is the description I have for the pic I've entitled "Shore Leave":

It had been a long flight, and the crew worked hard unloading the cargo and performing the necessary refueling and repairs. The ship would be docked at the Stellatio High-Port for a few days so the Captain gave the crew some much needed shore leave. It didn't take long for many of them to find the starport's red light district....

(Stellatio is located in the Villis Subsector, btw.)