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Third Imperium Fanzine

Three more tidbits:

* I passed along some of the comments here on the forum to Mike. "That warms my heart"
* He had some free time, a scanner, and one missing piece - the Traveller Chronology insert from Issue #6, so he sent a scan my way. I've added it to the PDF for #6. (Warning - it's a low quality scan and the original is fairly sketchy, so I didn't bother with deskew/OCR. But it's interesting archival material)
* Someone asked if the Traveller Starship Counters were available. Sadly, Mike reports that it was a project that was never finished - the original artwork is also AWOL.
Do you still need an uncropped issue 4 - I don't come here much anymore, but I can send you a PDF - email me at elliotvernon AT lycos DOT co DOT uk
WOW! I just downloaded these and took a quick look. This all came out after I dropped out of the Traveller universe for a couple of decades! This is GREAT!

Hunter/Sigg: Any way to buy Joshua a MOOT membership as a way of saying THANKS?!?!?!?!?!?!
I only discovered this in its last days, getting Issue #11. I must say, this is a fantastic find! Fantastic!

Nice work, Joshua. And big thanks to Mike for being so willing to share! I really enjoyed his work and have used the Assassin class as presented several times.
Originally posted by Flynn:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by ravs:
I'd never seen these before. Absolutely chock full of imaginative goodness. Brilliant look and feel. It's so.... Traveller.

When I read fanzines like this I almost wish we were still in the pre-computer publishing age.


This fanzine is the biggest motivation behind the production of Stellar Reaches. This is what I want SR to be like. Interested contributors may find inspiration from the pages of this wonderful fanzine.

With Regards,
</font>[/QUOTE]Stellar Reaches is brilliant too, Flynn, but what I really like about Third Imperium is the cohesiveness of the whole. Virtually all the the material detailed in the articles appear in the adventure which ties the material together. It just works brilliantly.

I just finished reading all of the 3rd Imperium magazines from the site and I agree with all the other posters that they are wonderful. They were all written after I dropped off the Traveller map, but since they span Traveller/MegaTraveller and the beginning of the Rebellion, they are great at showing one way that the Traveller community adapted to the change and tried to incorporate the new story line. Very good stuff!
Originally posted by ravs:
Stellar Reaches is brilliant too, Flynn, but what I really like about Third Imperium is the cohesiveness of the whole. Virtually all the the material detailed in the articles appear in the adventure which ties the material together. It just works brilliantly.

Thanks, Ravs. I'd like SR to be like that, too, but I'm just happy to get any material at all, and would find it very difficult to get themed material, I think.

With Regards,