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Traveller Minis!

Which 12 Traveller minis would you like to see produced first?

  • System Defense Boat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SDB Detachable Jump Shuttle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Small Craft-1 (Gig, Ship's Boat, Slow Boat, Pinnace, Slow Pinnace)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Small Craft-2 (Launch, Cutter, Modular Cutter, Shuttle, Fighter)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Asteroid Ship (Fittings to attach to a rock you find yourself)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Xboat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Xboat Tender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Packet (new armed merchant)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clipper (new high jump merchant)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Freighter (new merchant)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Patrol Cruiser

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aslan Family Trader

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Annic Nova

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Survey Cruiser

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Solomani Trader

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Just an FYI:
1. I believe the order of expense in casting things is: Resin, then white metal, then (waaaay more) plastic (styrenes). GW only does it on the sets they think will sell enough to justify the large expense and they're THE big boy in figures. So plastic is pretty unlikely. But ships like the scout courier I saw on Ted Lindsey's site could be easily done in resin or white metal with good detail. If you're as good with Resin as Armourcast or DLD Productions, you can produce phenomenally nice casts in resin. White metal is also good.

2. There are a lot of 1/300th minis out there, even in sci fi. But few that look as sharp as the astrin, trepida, etc. and nothing that looks like vargr or aslan stuff. These minis would be small, easier to sculpt, and more cost effective to produce than their larger counterparts. People could then use a modified version of Ground Zero's Dirtside or some other similar 1/300th scale sci-fi game or someone could work to do like the guys for Power Projection did to license a Dirtside variant into the Traveller flavour. Or just use Striker II, that works, though some vehicle designs and alien rules would be nice extensors. (Striker III?)

3. If making 25mm figures, the old Grenadier Imperial Marines were nice, as were the Adventurers. Reprising them (or things like them) in white metal would be good. Right now, if I want to simulate Marines in BD, I buy Ground Zero's United Nations hardsuit and Zhos can be simulated with Denizen/Ainsty's Ventaurians (just don't by the helmetless version or you get yoda headed aliens!). Dark star makes some of the 1/300th scale flavours of the Ventaurian line.

4. If ships were made, I'd like to see them made in 1/1200th scale. This should let you do a fair range of ships. I did like the older casts of the ships originally done (I have all of them), but they weren't in scale to one another (the free trader is heftier than the patrol cruiser!). That was a bit of an annoyance. Hopefully that part won't be repeated.
Haven't written anything for some time (sorry), but I would love ANY starship minis that are quality product--go for all of them please!

Well, we are under the impression that ship minis would be much easier to produce than character figs. Ok, we've got a pretty good 3D modeller in our midst (Hi Ted!) who seems to have quite a few ships all ready rendered. All we need to do do take them to a company who does rapid protyping to create masters, create molds, and hand them off to a caster who will create the final product.
Originally posted by hunter:
We consider the Scout/Courier, Free Trader Beowulf, and Close Escort as compulsory. In addition, but in addition, we are considering a total of 12 from this list below.
Funny, that's not what the poll says. Anyway, I think the Asteroid Ship is hilarious: "Fittings to attach to a rock you find yourself." I voted for that one just for the novelty of it!
For another detour of this thread.

If vehicles are produced are you going to do the standard 1/300th and/or the 285th scales or are you going to use the "N" scale (10mm) that seems to be becoming more popular?

Also Mark Siefert, saw your thread over on TheMiniaturesPage.com on which scale to do player character minis. 28mm--I like to paint a player character mini as something I can recognize.

Lord Iron Wolf
Originally posted by Lord Iron Wolf:
For another detour of this thread.
Also Mark Siefert, saw your thread over on TheMiniaturesPage.com on which scale to do player character minis. 28mm--I like to paint a player character mini as something I can recognize.

Lord Iron Wolf
I agree, bigger is better for skirmish and RPGs. However I would go for "true" 25mm because there are lot of great sci-fi lines (e.g. GZG and Denizen) that could supplement the Traveller line.
And Denizen already pretty much makes Zhodani (Ventaurian armour has the same clamshell look).

I like true 25mm as it gives lots of size for detail but doesn't look quite so overblown as most 28-30mm stuff.

I wouldn't go 10mm. It has some following, but really isn't (I think) that huge except among some vocal minorities. 1/300th is still a popular scale for historical games and thus there are a lot of other sources of generic trucks, jeeps, etc. And tracklayer tanks and APCs.

The one downside of 28mm is for sci-fi skirmish. A modern AR can hit out past 300m (M4) with facility and lethality. If you use 1" = 2m (WYSWIG, good for terrain and cover), your typical 4x8 or 6x8 board covers no more than 188m x 144m. The ENTIRE BOARD is well within lethal range of an AR. Most of it is also within somewhat effective range of an SMG! Heck, even a good hand grenade toss should be able to cover 10-12".

If you scale down to 15mm, you can go 1"=3m and then your 6x8 becomes 216m x 288m. Better, but still not perfect.

Stargrunt 2 uses 1":10m, but then 25mm figures are waaay out of scale. (The correct figure for this scale is about 5-6mm or 1/300th). And it is a squad based game.

But even then, you only get 720m x 960m. That's inside sniper rifle ranges and MG ranges. Probably from any central location, an AR can reach the great majority of the board.

This is the singular challenge of sci-fi skirmish games - your weapons have huge ranges relative to your figure scale.

So, there are some reason to consider smaller scales, based on that argument, but I still like 25mm. But I'll really be annoyed if someone then considers the skirmish rules to be written in such a way as to make hitting anything 100m away impossible with a rifle... the refrain 'but its a game' really makes me wince....
Originally posted by kaladorn:
And Denizen already pretty much makes Zhodani (Ventaurian armour has the same clamshell look).
All except officer wih the helmet of. I'd need to find a human head (with a turban) of the same scale.
Hey, it won't be that long til 3D printers are availiable for home use. Imagine that, downloading the templates and then 'printing' out as many mini's as you wanted. You could have incredibly high detail then (I've seen some of the results - custom action figures aren't far off). Don't know about cost, however.

Give it a decade and we'll all be making our own minis at home.
To be a cynic,

If the pictures produced by Traveller X are any good they will be ripped off by some wargaming company. I don't know how many types of vehicles and characters I have seen that are direct copies of a well known game or movie/tv series.

I can get all the stuff I need for 2300 AD from Ground Zero Games from characters to vehicles to starships simply by ordering their stuff.
Traveller being as big as it was, has other unofficial stuff floating around.

Yes, scale will always be a problem and it will get worse as weapon systems improve. Scale is problem in science fiction in general. I remember one university set up a solar system to scale. The sun was a four foot diameter sphere on campus. Pluto, you had to drive 30 miles to get to!

Modern combat you could use an auditorium for a skirmish and the whole campus for a small battle.

Ground Zero Games has done one thing that I like. Their 25mm resin vehicles they have also done in 1/300th along with various armies. It makes it real easy to "jump scale", if you need to go from individule to squad scale. It would be nice if Traveller did that too.

One other nice thing about Traveller, the characters weren't always dressed up in space suits or battle gear. They were civilians with weapons and a whole lot more flexible that way.

Lord Iron Wolf
To be an equal cynic, an idea isn't necessarily unique just because X did it first. Copyright for one area does acknowledge the discipline of spontaneous creation. Furthermore, if a games company isn't going to make figures that look like their stuff, they shouldn't be surprised if someone else does. (That's just pragmatic)

As for 2300, FCT troops or Denizen Mid-Tech Marines do a decent job for USMC. At the same time, they're all copies of the Aliens USCMC at some level. Kafers or predators - GZG Kra'vak. Of course others all produce predators. And did Predator predate Kafers? Hmmm. M9 = Goliath II hovertank. Rommel Hovertank = German tank with remote gun. One of the APCs looks a lot like the Gauntlet. But in many cases, form follows function and a certain amount of similarity is going to naturally accrue. And since almost every bit of game art has some earlier inspiration, who is to say who borrowed from whom?

And most importantly, as a gamer, who cares?

But I challenge you to show me 25mm Vargr, Aslan, Virushi, Newts, Droyne, etc in production now by anyone (or reasonable substitutes). I've been looking...

You can get 1/300th Ventaurians too from Dark Star, though Mark's comment about the unhelmeted ones and their yoda heads is right. We'd have to do some 'reheading' to make them Zhos.

Yes, it would be lovely to have 25mm and 1/300th stuff both of the same lines. However, I'm hoping to just see one or the other to start with!

For the RPG, armed ships crew or adventurers matter a lot. But a lot of enemies could have vacc suits, CES, combat armour, etc. And if you want to wargame any of the OTU stuff (5FW, etc), then you do want more of the 'heavy hardware' and suited guys.
For Vargr there was a miniatures game a while back 2-3 years? that had some spacesuited figures with wolf heads. I forget the name.

Aslan, seductress from ral partha based on a man-kzin wars book cover from larry niven.

Newts, virushi (were-rhinos) and droyne; I can't say I've seen them anywhere--or k'kree/hivers/vegans for that matter.

Some of the aliens are very specific to the game world and begging for a "cease and desist" order. This may keep the knock off artiste's from copying them.

I hope when traveller minis come out they have the aliens in a pack of 4-5 to allow a group of PC's to interact with a small party of a distincct type of aliend, or allow a player a choice of characters if he decides to play an alien.

Lord Iron Wolf
If you think of who makes Vargr, let me know.

I'll look for the Aslan if you say they can still be acquired today.

(When you said Vegans, I had a momentary image of radical vegitarians but then realized you meant the ones from Rimward...

Yes, I would very much like to see (and would buy, if anyone who is attempting this project is listening) 5-10 poses of each race (at least). I could easily see buying a platoon of aslan or vargr. Now, some, like Virush, newts, K'kree, etc. I could see having fewer of. But the big PC races or the ones you might fight (Aslan, Vargr, various human minor races, etc) could well justify quite a few figures.
FYI currently 3d printers can cost $25000 and materials cost $1 - $2 per cubic inch.
Really only used for prototyping atm but by the costs you can see its not that far away being able to make a minis line and a profit (probably takes too long per mini to be cost effective yet).
My 10 year estimate was very conservative. Here's an article
that suggests a self-replicating printer could be produced for $500; and gives some boggling thoughts on robotics and nanotech.
$1-$2 per cubic inch isn't bad, if you consider $2-4 per figure in white metal. The $25K front end price is something else, mind you....