Look at the costs of 25mm resin vehicles right now and figures. A single figure runs $1.50-3.00 US. Vehicles, even small ones, are often about $12.00 US, but it isn't infrequent to see MBTs in the $40+ range. $19.95 won't take you too far.
Now, you can do like some manufacturers (like Ground Zero) and offer larger order discounts (Platoon Packs).
The idea of doing a ship + crew is interesting, but the ship might well be in the $8-10 range, and 5 figures might well push your bundle up to $20-25.
Most of these manufacturers need to amortize costs over the life of their moulds and expected sales. Sculptors aren't cheap and neither are the raw materials. The price of white metal, at least in the UK, has jumped something like 85% in two years.
It's getting to be an expensive hobby.