G K Zhukov
I too like "real 25mm" scale - it's more in line with the classical sci-fi feel of Traveller. I'll leave 28mm for W40K, VOR, VOID and the like.Originally posted by kaladorn:
I like true 25mm as it gives lots of size for detail but doesn't look quite so overblown as most 28-30mm stuff.
Besides, "real 25mm" size would make this hypothetical range compatible with the hardish sci-fi ranges from GZG and Denizen, not to mention the old Grenadier and RAFM sets.
This "big" scale would be suitable for roleplaying and skirmishing on starship deck plans, etc. The range could consist almost entirely of adventurers, marines, mercenaries and aliens, with the occasional air raft/ATV/speeder (small vehicles).
The other scale would be 6mm (1:285 or 1:300), and that should be where armies and military vehicles like grav tanks and APC's appeared. This scale would obviously work for tactical wargaming on a outdoor scenario (i.e. Striker).
But maybe we are all being carried away a little off-topic. I would like to see that 1:1200 starship range first!