My first game was Sniper by SPI. Cost me $12 and I got it on my 12th birthday. Long ago. My dad wouldn't let me buy it so I got a friends mom to take me to the game store. About a year later I was playing it with a fiend at our house and my dad saw it. He didn't have a clue what it was, so I was safe. I still have that game andits in good shape. I had a rather uptight father at times.
Krakow is a great module. You are right, its great to run. My first maps wern't all that good, road and city maps I got from an intel friend. Nowadays I use mapqwest and other on-line sources. Makes it easy. I would love to go to Poland and travel from Kaliz to Krakow just to see if I was close in my descriptions.
I also enjoyed The Last Train to Clarksville. (Is that the right title???)
I had some pretty clever players that kept that old train moving.
Oh well. I've tried to get some of the high school kids from the gaming group I sponsor to play the old war games, but they dont have the patience to learn the great games like 3rd Riech and Panzer Leader. Very sad.
With a lot of the old things, movies, tv shows, music, all being redone it's nice to see some of the old games making a come back as well.