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Why no Vampire Fleets ebook?


1. Does anyone know of an electronic copy of Vampire Fleets for sale anywhere? No luck looking on Drivethrurpg and other usual suspects.

2. I do see hardcopies for sale rarely-- at US$50 or higher. I really want to complete my TNE collection, and I think Vampire Fleets would help for my campaign. Is it worth fifty dollars? Any opinions?

Best Wishes

$50 is a bit steep, and there are some TNE books that I would definately not recommend you get for that price.

Vampire Fleets, however, might be worth it.

It's got a lot of background/sourcebook material that appears no where else, and a pretty unique adventure. It practically is a campaign sourcebook - and you could easily pick up where the book leaves off if you want to expand the campaign from there.

If it were $30? Sure. $40? Probably. $50? Tough call.
I bought a copy last year after I bid $60 (and lost to someone who bid $75).
I bought it through another source for $35 and I would have paid $50 because I owned it before and knew what valuable information it contained.
Do we expect a TNE CD with all of this stuff on it? That might be what to wait for, since it won't be $75...
Originally posted by General Johnnie Reb:
I bought a copy last year after I bid $60 (and lost to someone who bid $75).
I bought it through another source for $35 and I would have paid $50 because I owned it before and knew what valuable information it contained.
Could you give us a short list on the contents mon General? Maybe a rating how useful they are for those

+ Using TNE rules but the MT/CT/SG-Games GT timeline

+ Playing 1248
Traveller Wiki to the rescue:

The adventure itself (in three parts) is exceptional: But it requires the Virus to be around as the major parts of the adventure involve a) getting captured by a Vampire ship, b) Landing on a planet conrolled by several Viruses, c) escaping from said planet, and <items deleted to avoid spoiling the adventure>. Like most adventures, converting it to another ruleset will require regenerating the NPC and some equipment, but otherwise it's all set to go. You should know the TNE NPC personality generator (using the deck of cards).

The first two additional parts: Vampire Highway and Promise are also excellent looks at the effects of the Virus in the 1200-1248 timeline. The first discusses the highway and the state of the vampire ships therein. The second describes a high-tech, high population world in the long aftermath of the Virus infection.

The Robots is an extension to Fire, Fusion, & Steel version 1 (For TNE) to allow building robots. Unless you use FF&S1, this section of the book is of no use to you.

I got mine in the used section of my FLGS for cover price. I wounld't pay $50 for this book, but only because I don't like the TNE that much.
I also purchased my deadtree via my FLGS, at the time offpost from Ft Campbell KY. $50 smackers for it on ebay?

tjoneslo is correct, if ya dinnae have FF&S the robot creation section/ portion is lost on ya--but, the 2 adventure sections themselves are still workable without that.

And I liked the setting, FWIW--my gamers disliked the minutae of FF & S. T20 is a happier compromise however, we've both discovered.