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Will you buy NEW Traveller?

Which new Traveller items would you buy?

  • Total voters
We've got two new versions of Traveller coming out soon: T5 and MGT. My first inclination was to guage interest in these two new products.

But, then I thought, why not present a hypothetical asking the question, "Will you buy NEW Traveller products IF new products for the edition in question were published?"

In other words, if someone was publishing new CT supplements, would you buy them? Will you buy new T20 items? Would you buy TNE items (using that game system) if they were published? Would you buy new T4 books?

Of course, not all of the Traveller editions have new items that will be published. I'm simply asking, if new items were to be published for that edition of Traveller, would you buy them?

Will you buy MGT?

Will you buy T5?

Will you buy new CT products if published?

Will you buy new T20 items?

Will you buy new T4 items if published?

What would I buy, given unlimited purchasing power? All of it. Absolutely all.

What do I plan on buying? The MongT core rules book, the T5 book and the CT hardcopy reprint books that I don't have (I have Books 0-8 and JTAS 1-25).
Just to be clear, we're talking about the game system here in this poll.

I know new TNE items have been published using that Traveller background but not necessarily the TNE rules set.

This poll zeros in on the actual rules set. New TNE items would use the TNE rules. New GT items would use the GURPS rules set.

A new MT item would be published using MT rules--not systemless or multi-system items set during the Rebellion era.
What would I buy, given unlimited purchasing power? All of it. Absolutely all.

Jame, we're not talking about what you'd buy given unlimited purchasing power. Heck, if money weren't an option (if they were giving it away for free), I'd grab it all too.

What we're interested in here is what you will (or would) buy given your current resources.

It looks like you checked all the choices as if you had unlimited resources, but in your post, you describe buying only some items--not all.
I would buy new stuff for the old editions - I have been, so no point in stopping now. I chose CT because that is what I Ref and Play. I also added MT, T4, T20 because in the past those editions of the game have provided some good material for my CT games. Finally I chose T5 and MGT - call it Speculative Trade if you will. I hope that when products from these lines hit the shelves/web-stores, that I will too find new good material that I can add to my CT game at some point.

I suppose that is why I am in full support of companies like Avenger, BITS, and QLI. Aside from Far Future putting out the reprints and the CT CD-ROM, they are the only publishers ( I am aware of) that put out CT Compatible material. Still there are non-pay sources that are damn good - Stellar Reaches, Children of Earth, Freelance Traveller, and right here on CotI.

I guess my bottom line is as long as the new releases are CT compatible or convertible - and GOOD - then I will most likely buy them.

I will certainly buy TNE stuff if published.
I will probably buy some T5 books when they come out, but all that will depend on the T5 CD when it arrives. I plan to use whatever I can use from T5 in TNE campaign and if possible tweak it for TNE rules.

MGT is not on my shopping list. And it will probably not be on it in the future either.
The poll results are interesting, though granted they may be skewed since not a lot of people have cast a vote. The desire for a return to CT is pretty strong! In a close second is T5. I'm looking forward to T5/RTT for fresh material from MWM, but I will most likely only be using it as fluff for CT. The only thing that will likely prevent me from using T5 as a stand-alone product is the task system. I'm an obstinate 2D system sort of guy, so I'm not sure I would like the fist-o'dice method.

That being said, I'd have to agree with Jame/Supp4 though: if I had oodles of cash, I'd get it all!:D

Looking at the poll results (I've just voted, btw) it seems there are a helluva lot o' CT grognards out there........ ;)
I will have to think long and hard before I buy another Mongoose product. I have been less than impressed with those I have bought in the past...
While I don't have unlimited money, I would certainly be interested in getting most anything Traveller related. I will just get things as money is available - just as I have been for many years. As for T5 and the Mongoose versions, I will be getting whichever book(s) have those ship design systems first probably.
For me, MT or MGT.

MGT is likely to not be anything but rules books. (IE, no adventures, no setting materials, even tho MJD is writing the marches...)

MT, well, I'd be willing to run with it if a simplified ship and vehicle system appeared, even if it were not set in the OTU.
Hey, for me, T20 has a great many things that should be ported over to the TOGL for people to integrate into their MoTrav games....

Ship and Vehicle design, Trade and Commerce...

BTW, Hunter, FYI my play copy is shedding pages... and all I use it for is Ships, Vehicles, and T&C!
Probably none...
I wouldn't buy anothing like that without being able to look them over first.
For rules?...why? I have put together my own set as a bastard child of several already. I doubt I'll change.
For adventures?...why? I do not play with the OTU so lots wouldn't apply to what I've made over the years.
For everything else...I'll most likely do my own*.

if something looks good, I might buy it regardless of ruleset ( I can convert, after all ) and not limited to any Trav ruleset.

as a result, I didn't vote

* but as I have no group to play with, I have no limit on time...if I don't have something ready by next weekend...so what? If I had a group and were to ref, I'd buy stuff just to save time....and I'd still be rule agnostic.
I'm sticking with MT all the way (well, CT too I guess). I went to TNE when it came out but was highly disappointed. I also purchased T20 when I found the book dirt cheap, but it just didn't fit right.

I'm a builder more than a player. Played when CT came out and loved it, but not a lot of time now. I love designing starships, worlds, etc. MT the right fit for me. DGP stuff is tops.

Just My Thougths
I'm pretty much a rules virgin - I have T4, and have no great love of the rules. But I do like the setting and background info. I remember MT vaguely (but I remember it enough to know I like the rules better than T4:smirk:) But given that I haven't had years of play to get such a big love on for existing products, I'm really excited for T5.

When I get my CD, I'll get to peruse it's contents without thinking to myself "that's suckier than the way they did it in CT/MT/T20, etc. etc."

There is no perfect ruleset. There are only workable rules that you get more familiar with and fond with over time, and tweak to your style. No reason to believe T5 won't be that.
MGT is likely to not be anything but rules books. (IE, no adventures, no setting materials, even tho MJD is writing the marches...)

Then that will be a mistake. I know rule books and supplements sell better than adventure scenarios, but gamers needs something to play (and the easier it is on the GM, the better. He can always tweak an existing adventure easier than he can create a scenario himself.)

Whenever I look at a new game (doesn't have to be Traveller--I'm talking about any rpg), I always look to see what kind of support the publisher is devoting to adventures. A game like the WEG Star Wars game? Lots and lots of adventures. I bought 'em all.

Then, on the other hand, there's Fading Suns. Man, what a cool looking game that seemed to me. It looked like Dune with a twist. I thought I'd eat it up. But, the problem was--no adventures! None! (I think one or two may have come out later.) The entire game was just background and supplement material.

Whelp, that turned me off. I thought the game was right up my ally, but I didn't buy it because there was a lack of adventure support.

As an rpg consumer, I'm a firm believer that a game publisher needs to "support" its rule supplements with adventures. The adventures themselves may sell less than the supplements, but I believe the adventures encourage more sales of the supplements (especially if that supplement is needed for the adventure).

I always thought it was smart the way WEG wrote their Star Wars adventures. In the text of the adventure, they'd always reference other items that may be useful in running the adventure. You didn't absolutely need the other stuff, but if you wanted extra equipment, then "A" supplement may be helpful, or "B" supplement may be helpful because it contains additional info on this or that alien race, or "C" supplement may be useful because it covers background info on this or that section of space, etc.
To be honest, I'm surprised that T5 and MGT is rating as high as it is on the survey.

In a way, that's a very good thing. Even though I'm not a fan of either, I like to see Traveller healthy.

EDIT: Other surprises...

I'm surprised to see the TNE rule system as high as it is, and I'm surprised that the MT category isn't higher than what is shown.

And, since I'm used to seeing CT rule on these polls, its interesting that CT isn't the highest.
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I will continue to buy supplements and adventures that are compatible with CT - that means they could be written for CT, MT, T4, and perhaps T5 and MgT.

Minimal conversion effort is important to me. If it slots into CT readily, I'll have a look.