Originally posted by Fritz88:
Scarecrow, we played plenty of role-playing sessions at the Air Force Academy with alcohol in hand!
Oh yes, I too have enjoyed the occaisional session while under the influence. I'm sorry to hear about your friend too.
I guess what I was trying to say is that here in the UK we are, sadly a nation of drinkers and no past-time seems to be given any credibility amongst the masses unless it involves alcohol. So football and nightclubs are okay, roleplaying and bowling and going to the theatre etc etc are to be frowned upon. Actually going to the cinema is an exception to this rule - not sure why.
I don't drink anymore. Not for any particular reason than my wife is tea-total and loathes drunkards. She equally hates pubs and bars so our social life tends not to include alcohol atall - and I feel much better for it - it is, however murder trying to get our friends to do anything other than 'go down the pub.'
Talking of my wife, I've never bothered trying to get her interested, and I really don't think she would be. For a start, she frowns on anything that involves violence - whatever the reason or justification - and I think on the whole is about as interested in roleplaying as I would be in, say, shoe-shopping. It's just not her thing.
I actually remember sitting next to her, once flicking through the T20 PHB and she was glancing across and commented that it looked 'very violent.' I explained that it depends on how you play it etc.. but haven't gone really beyond that. In spite of this, she enjoys the occaisional video game (usually the cutesy variety - but then that's my preference too) and loves board games.
I've gotten previous girlfriends to roleplay but they more often than not gave the impression that they'd rather be, say, shoe-shopping.
And then there's Kaye, who is the sole female member of my current group. her games of choice are Vampire, Werewolf and Shadowrun. I know the group ran a Traveller session a couple of weeks before I joined them and I believe she sat it out, I don't think she's really into Sci-fi. More a Fantasy/Horror type (she is a goth afterall).
She's also a creative manager (aka lead artist) at my current company and coincidentally enough, she is actually giving a lecture at the 'Women in Games' conference in Glasgow (I think) in a couple of weeks time.
PS - my wife would like to point out that she is not particularly interested in shoe-shopping.