The problem with ANY chemical combustion technology (and internal combustion is more sensitive to this than external combustion) is the specific details of atmospheric composition. I know you're stipulating "Earth-like conditions--give or take" ... which basically amounts to Atmosphere: 6 (Standard) exclusively ... all other atmosphere codes need not apply.
If you had to get there using fusion power anyway, assuming it's not your native homeworld ...
{significant look} 
But again, you're starting from the assumption of "Earth-like conditions--give or take" which are actually relatively RARE results from the LBB3.81 world generation process. Not impossible, but certainly rare.
The thing that so many people miss is that solar power
IS NUCLEAR POWER ... it's just that the reactor is "a little further away" and doesn't require regular refueling.

Can still be a slight radiation hazard if you stand in the star light (unprotected) for too long ...