Depending on how you do it, electric vehicle engineering can be a form of Air Independent Propulsion (AIP), unlike chemical combustion for heat power sources.
That's a nice idea you've got there.
How are you going to pay for it? 
Not to put too fine a point on the issue, but J6 capability IS NOT CHEAP.
To give you an example, LBB S9, p20 features a 400 ton TL=15
Fleet Courier (armed) with J6/2G capability, requires a crew of 5 (pilot/navigator, engineer/engineer, medic, chief gunner/gunner, gunner/gunner), whose salaries are NOT CHEAP(!), and costs MCr254.54424 to construct at a TL=15 shipyard that has the class in volume production.
You're proposing to carry something like THIS around
as deadweight tonnage ... just in case you might someday need it?
I'm sorry, but investing in fuel purification plants, a regular schedule of routine annual overhaul maintenance and proper procedures of only jumping from 100D+ from the nearest gravity well will
substantially mitigate the risk of misjumps at a FAR LOWER COST than carting around a "just in case" J6 courier (and crew!) with you, everywhere you go.
Different locations feature different (stellar) environments, which then call for different kinds of ships with different capabilities when self-recovery becomes an important factor.
Who knew?
The moral of the story being ... additional fuel to double jump with (either via drop tanks or by demountable tanks or collapsible tanks) is a far more (economically) viable solution to the problem than paying for another set of jump drives (J6 no less!) and hauling those (expensive!) drives around everywhere you go, "just in case" you might need them.
I don't know about you, but if that kind of misjump mishap is "too possible for comfort" ... I would be investing in double jump capability via fuel options, rather than trying to buy a whole other starship to cart around with me everywhere "just in case" it might be needed. Being able to self-recover (thanks to fuel options) is going to be a LOT cheaper and easier to sustain than any kind of TL=15 J6 "hyper tech" that spends most of its time on standby, not doing anything (because nothing went wrong).