Bureaucracies being what they are, would the jump 4 route be replaced? Or just tied into a more direct jump 6 route?
Bureaucracies being what they are, would the jump 4 route be replaced? Or just tied into a more direct jump 6 route?
For a jump 6 network you need jump 3 for the secondary network.
If a world is powerful enough politically to be able to make waves, it's almost certainly powerful enough to rate an X-boat connection in its own right, so it would still be included in the net.Worlds on the existing x-boat network will not take kindly to being bypassed by a newer network.
The venerable jump 4 x-network is so inefficient that IMO there no other explanation for it than that nobody with any clout really cares about how inefficient it is. Hence my explanation that ever since the X-boats were superceded by IN couriers as the primary carrier of Imperial governmental despatches, the X-boats have been nothing but a huge boondoggle.The venerable jump 4 x-network already displays a considerable lack of clear design intent since it doesn't make the most of the jump 4 capability.
The venerable jump 4 x-network is so inefficient that IMO there no other explanation for it than that nobody with any clout really cares about how inefficient it is. ...
The routes were set up so the economic powerhouses and the politically savvy worlds were connected to the network - or at least that's what should have happened.
In reality the folks at GDW just drew lines on a chart and didn't even look at what they had joined up.
I would tend to believe that powerful factions and like individuals outside the Imperial Court-government would operate it's own courier services to increase efficiency-expediency and maintain 'secrecy' and confidentiality concerning said communiques.
Mind private-inhouse networks not as broad or expansive as the Imperial Network but very likely operating faster ships and more direct routes.
Which is why no one who can afford to would fail to fund a courier network of his own suitable to his needs. And there are a LOT of people who can afford to fund courier networks of more limited scope than Imperium-wide.The first mover advantages in stock markets and business alone would pay for such a system many times over.I would tend to believe that powerful factions and like individuals outside the Imperial Court-government would operate it's own courier services to increase efficiency-expediency and maintain 'secrecy' and confidentiality concerning said communiques.
Mind private-inhouse networks not as broad or expansive as the Imperial Network but very likely operating faster ships and more direct routes.
Oh I know how they did it.
Now add that the rules revision made the ship design they produced to make the network viable broken and you can see that the setting was an afterthought.
The problem there begins with the fact that the most populated world in the sector ought to have a better starport than a Class E. Random UWP generation is a great way to spark the imagination, but unvetted UWPs are an abomination.In reality, they rolled UWP and rolled the likelyhood of Xboat on another chart. If you have a class E starport, you wont have a Xboat link even if you are the most populated world in the sector (Rethe, 33 billion is without Xboat link)
The people at GDW did a lot of good stuff, but they pulled some Grade A boners too. These are the same people that had Al Morai employ J4 ships on J1 routes.Many X-link are J2: Regina-Extolay or even J1: Regina-Jengh. As such they are probably handled by S courrier with a model A J-drive as the B J-drive of the Xboat would be a waste of money there.
Another manifestation of the 'the rules define the setting' fallacy. Logically there would be a hull size between 100 and 200 where a model B J-drive would produce a J3 capability (Or a model A+ J-drive that gave J3 to 100 tonners). But in order to keep the ship design rules simple, these options are not available to game players. But they would be available "in reality".As to the J-3, the model B J-drive goes from J2 for 200 tonners straight to J-4 for 100 tonners, so unless you design a J-3 model (see above), the "basic" Xboat with jump governor will do in the OTU.
Those bases represented a significant contribution to the local economies, though. To a major world an X-boat station would represent petty cash (The claim that an X-boat link will enhance interstellar trade is... um... questionable). And, to repeat, a world important enough to have enough clout to affect decision-making at Scout HQ would rate an X-boat link in its own right. Close down the J4 link and it would get one of the new J6 links instead.For the rest, we simply try to rationalize an OTU floating on a see of dices.
Remember when after the cold war redundant bases were to be shut-down? Every local politician brandished a protest sign with the number of lost jobs in his riding. Lets not dwell on RW politic, of course. Just figure what the reaction would be at consolidating/repositionning the assets of the "old" Xboat network! :CoW: Cheaper in political capital to graft the new to the old.
I'm surprised that they would care about such a very small pork barrel. :devil:Since the money is yours and the political capital is mine, are you surprised that Lord Rethe would increase his political capital by siding with those in the Moat that would waste your money to save their pork barrel.?
Unless they could make money out of it. A sector-wide press service would want their news as hot as possible and would cooperate with news services in other sectors. If a fraction of the population of a sector paid a credit each every day to get their foreign news, we'd be talking about trillions of credits.Beside, all those with the clout to set-up/use a private/commercial "Super-J" have no interest in democratisation of informations or having the TI competing with them.
A population of 26 billion people would have enough billionaires going back and forth between Regina and Rethe to support a J5 passenger liner service. Quite likely a daily service, though I haven't run the numbers, so I'm not sure about that.(I know, because Lord Rethe run two private J-5 courrier services: one to Regina and one to Rysek(Rhylanor)+J-2 to Calephena(Rhylanor) so to have at least one week lead on the public commercial services from Regina and 2 weeks on stuff from core)
Perhaps not, but that would make a efficiently run organization very reluctant to have one- and two-parsec links.To me, to savings of customizing x-boats to handle the shorter routes does not save enough to justify losing the flexibility of being able to switch out elements.
Depends on how many couriers the IN anticipate a need for in war. However many that would be would need to be employed in peacetime, and what better way than to take messages between navy facilities?The IN would use Fleet Couriers in a covert network for high priority traffic, but even this is a much smaller capability.
What commercial advantage would an X-boat link provide that frequent passenger liners don't?The X-boat network is the internet of the 3I. To the extent that timely information and communications support commerce, being on the X-boat link is going to commercially benefit a system.
..... What commercial advantage would an X-boat link provide that frequent passenger liners don't? Hans
I'm seeing X-boats actually transporting high-priority passengers like say an officer of the Imperial Court or some such person-persons, either for keeping said party's 'itinerary' off the radar or said person's arrival at a 'hot-spot' quiet.
Simply saying that fewer persons who know that 'mister-X' is on the move to lop off a few heads (figurative not literal) or deliver some highly sensitive documents with the least chance of loose-lips-sinking-ships, bundling them on an X-boat would be most efficient and effective means.
I think that's what the Imperiallines system is for. Alternatively, navy couriers if the official isn't going to inspect Navy stuff. Hans
The problem there begins with the fact that the most populated world in the sector ought to have a better starport than a Class E. Random UWP generation is a great way to spark the imagination, but unvetted UWPs are an abomination.
And, to repeat, a world important enough to have enough clout to affect decision-making at Scout HQ would rate an X-boat link in its own right. Close down the J4 link and it would get one of the new J6 links instead.
Those bases represented a significant contribution to the local economies, though. To a major world an X-boat station would represent petty cash (The claim that an X-boat link will enhance interstellar trade is... um... questionable)..
Unless they could make money out of it. A sector-wide press service would want their news as hot as possible and would cooperate with news services in other sectors. If a fraction of the population of a sector paid a credit each every day to get their foreign news, we'd be talking about trillions of credits.
News from the core going directly to Rethe probably would beat the commercial routes, since they would presumably detour through Mora, Rhylanor, and Regina.
A population of 26 billion people would have enough billionaires going back and forth between Regina and Rethe to support a J5 passenger liner service. Quite likely a daily service, though I haven't run the numbers, so I'm not sure about that.