Couldn't you have private facilities that aren't coded? Must a megacorps starport operate 'publically'?
T5.09 p.304
But the focus is
always one world... the mainworld... which is the overall best
planet or satellite in the system.
That mainworld has a starport which, for all practical
purposes, is the destination of interstellar traffic entering the
system. Starports vary in their capabilities and facilities, depending
on the details of the world itself.
Starports (and spaceports) are classified by their capabilities
and by their location.
Spaceports. There is typically one major starport in a
star system. Other facilities, especially those on smaller, less
important worlds in a system, are called spaceports. They
are established primarily in support of in-system travel.
Good quality spaceports are often established in support
of farming projects, mining projects, or small colonies.
The distinction between a starport and a spaceport is
based on facilities and capabilities; the the relationship is similar
to that between local and international airports.
p.308 (T5 master text, there is a cut and paste mistake in 5.09)
The Mission of the Starport
The starport, as an organization, is committed to a mission
(that mission may or may not be clearly or publicly stated).
Typical missions are:
To efficiently provide facilities and services necessary
to accommodate interplanetary and interstellar traffic
for this world.
To produce a maximum of income for the organization
which operates this starport.To insulate this world, to the maximum extent possible,
from outside influences.
To meet the minimum requirements for maintaining
interstellar trade.
Bold is mine
Therefore, you have the canonical backing to pretend that private oragnisation (Megacorp amongst others) have private facilities answering their need. Beside business specific cargo handling facilities and a business/workers movement terminal, they certainly provide refined fuel and and a maintenance workshop, enceforth rate D or even C.
In old time Rethe, the "public" starport is E because the mission was to meet the minimum rlegal equirement for interstellar trade, while The Cartel handled their trade on their highly functionnal spaceports, since both Starport and Spaceport may handle Starship. The official traffic control instalations and services, Starport Central Authority as well as the formal "Port of Registery" for records and related notices are located at the public starport that is the rated starport in surveys.
have fun