X-boat tenders are supposed to chase down and collect X-boats that arrive in their system. How many you need depends on how long it takes to chase down an X-boat (maximum time, not average, to prevent random chance from creating a situation where an X-boat is allowed to sail off into deep space) and on how many arrive in a system for that period of time. Oh, and they have to accelerate departing X-boats to the appropriate departure vector too. Frankly, I'm at a loss as to how to figure out how many you'd need.
Personally I think it would become a lot easier if some genius were to think of building some X-tugs to do the fetching and dispatching. But so far it's been 500 years and apparently no one has thought of that. Go figure.
Anybody else think that the X-boat canon could do with a drastic rewrite?
Mongoose has the 12G tug which, common sense says, are likely used for x-boat tenders, and for low energy transfer orbits. Two tugs wouldn't take much room in the tender, and would do the job.
I sketched out a MgT fueling station operation using a surplus tender, fueling shells, a skimmer, and several tugs, skimming the gas giant based from the tender, with tugs pushing the shells in transfer orbits back to the high port, and tugs there catching them and sending them back. Ended up not using it, but the tender is great for that sort of thing.