since we're dealing with cans of assorted worms, what about the old saw that a ship must have a Live Sophont piloting to enter Jump Space, at all.
keeping the need for 'a living brain' in some fashion controlling the flight is not such a bad idea.
yeah, your torps could have monkey brains. or maybe dogs.
for a lovely twist, I'll remind the reader of a story who's author eludes me, called "Deadman Switch". essentially, it's a universe where it was accidentally discovered that Jump drives work only if a human corpse is at the controls. something makes it happen. but I've always assumed looking at J-Space in that Universe causes major sanity loss.
keeping the need for 'a living brain' in some fashion controlling the flight is not such a bad idea.
yeah, your torps could have monkey brains. or maybe dogs.
for a lovely twist, I'll remind the reader of a story who's author eludes me, called "Deadman Switch". essentially, it's a universe where it was accidentally discovered that Jump drives work only if a human corpse is at the controls. something makes it happen. but I've always assumed looking at J-Space in that Universe causes major sanity loss.