OK, lets look at the maths of your house rule:
Spoiler Alert: MASSIVE CHERRY PICKING incoming
Z is the 24th lettered drive, so it must have 24 × 200 = 4800 PotentialTonne performance, right?
In a 5000 Dt hull it would produce 4800 / 5000 = 0.96 rounded to potential 0.
RAW, the Drive Potential Table, says potential 2.
The ENTIRE RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE TABLE "breaks the pattern of the left hand side of the table" in order to produce the values entered on the table in RAW LBB2.81, p22. The "magical Drive-Z" phenomenon is widely known and obvious to everyone on these forums, because the TL=15 drives "cheat the rules/pattern" that were established for all of the other tech levels and letter drives.
C is the 3rd drive, so it must have 3 × 200 = 600 PotentialTonne performance.
In a 150 Dt hull it would produce 600 / 150 = potential 4.
RAW, the Drive Potential Table, says potential 3.
Show me the 150 ton line entry on the LBB2.81, p22 table.
I'll save you the trouble of answering my rhetorical point.
IT DOESN'T EXIST ... because LBB2 (as written) simply "defaulted to the next row down the table" for all intermediate tonnages between table rows, penalizing them unnecessarily.
To answer your question more fulsomely, despite the
obviously biased framing of your question ... it's the 200 ton row that reports code: 3 for a Drive-C ... not the 150 ton row.
Thank you for playing.
V is the 20th drive, so it must have 20 × 200 = 4000 PotentialTonne performance.
In a 600 Dt hull it would produce 4000 / 600 = potential 6⅔ and 40 EP.
RAW, the Drive Potential Table, says potential 6 and 36 EP.
LBB2 doesn't concern itself with EP at all, so your point is invalid on its own biased claim to merit using your own framing of criteria.
A power plant that is (exactly, integer) code: 1.000 @ 4000 tons generates 40 EP.
If you want to fight me on that point ... go right ahead.
You say ... code: 1 @ 4000 tons = 40 EP.
I say ... 40 EP = code: 1 @ 4000 tons ... and code: 2 @ 2000 tons ... and code: 4 @ 1000 tons ... and there are interpolations that matter at intermediate tonnages as well (because I can do math and these equivalencies are EASY to compute, because LBB2 drives).
An intellectually honest interpretation of how EPs "work" necessarily dictates that a power plant that generates 40 EPs in a 4000 ton hull will ALSO generate 40 EPs when installed into ANY SIZE OF HULL if the LBB2 power plant (insert drive letter here) remains unchanged.
If you want to fight me on that point ... go right ahead.
J is the 9th drive, so it must have 9 × 200 = 1800 PotentialTonne performance.
In a 2000 Dt hull it would produce 1800 / 2000 = 0.9 rounded to potential 0.
RAW, the Drive Potential Table, says potential 1.
It's called a TYPO ... also known as an errata (of which there are plenty in LBB2.81, besides this one).
Also known as a mistake.
Yes, yes ... I know. No one made any mistakes in the publication of LBB2.81 RAW ...
These four examples illustrates four situations where your house rule differs from RAW, and they are all from this thread.
You do whatever you want, but that is your house rule, not RAW.

And the
Most Holy RAW™ must never be questioned, examined nor found wanting in any way!