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OTU Only: Gypsy Queen Class Fast Merchant, LBB2, 199Td, J26GP7

(although both designs that @AnotherDilbert provided have no passengers in the accounting, which seems ... ahistorical).
It's a bare chassis for comparison. Add passenger facilities to taste, it does not change profitability potential all that much.

Only Low Passangers are actually more profitable than freight.
Mid and High Passengers can make it easier to fill the ship as we get more rolls in the simple trade system.

AL-1611111-000000-00000-0       MCr 33,3         199 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=1
batteries                                            TL=9
                    Cargo=120 Fuel=29,9 EP=1,99 Agility=1
Single Occupancy                                  120,1      41,7
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             1          199           
Configuration       Flattened Sphe     6                     15,9
Scoops              Streamlined                               0,2
Jump Drive          A                  1    1      10        10 
Manoeuvre D         A                  1    1       1         4 
Power Plant         A                  1    1       4         8 
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-1, 4 weeks            1      29,9         
Purifier                                    1       9         0,0
Bridge                                      1      20         1,0
Computer            m/1                1    1       1         2 
Staterooms                                  1       4         0,5
Cargo                                             120,1         
Nominal Cost        MCr 41,65            Sum:     120,1      41,7
Class Cost          MCr  8,75           Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 33,32                                   
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge     1
Passengers            Mid     0           1       Engineers     0
                      Low     0                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     0
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                     
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 33,32        kCr 6 665          kCr 139              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                 
Bank                 Cr 66 646          High            Cr      0
Fuel                 Cr  2 990          Middle          Cr      0
Life Support         Cr  2 000          Low             Cr      0
Salaries             Cr  2 400          Cargo           Cr 96 000
Maintenance          Cr  1 333                                   
Berthing             Cr    199                                   
Summa               kCr     76                         kCr     96
     Income potential per jump     kCr 20                   
  Yearly yield on down payment      7,7%

With a few staterooms:
AL-1611111-000000-00000-0       MCr 36,1         199 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=2
batteries                                            TL=9
              Pass=6 Cargo=92 Fuel=29,9 EP=1,99 Agility=1
Single Occupancy                                   92,1      45,2
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             1          199           
Configuration       Flattened Sphe     6                     15,9
Scoops              Streamlined                               0,2
Jump Drive          A                  1    1      10        10 
Manoeuvre D         A                  1    1       1         4 
Power Plant         A                  1    1       4         8 
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-1, 4 weeks            1      29,9         
Purifier                                    1       9         0,0
Bridge                                      1      20         1,0
Computer            m/1                1    1       1         2 
Staterooms                                  8      32         4 
Cargo                                              92,1         
Nominal Cost        MCr 45,15            Sum:      92,1      45,2
Class Cost          MCr  9,48           Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 36,12                                   
Crew &               High     3        Crew          Bridge     1
Passengers            Mid     3           2       Engineers     0
                      Low     0                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     1
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                     
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 36,12        kCr 7 225          kCr 151              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                 
Bank                 Cr 72 246          High            Cr 24 000
Fuel                 Cr  2 990          Middle          Cr 19 200
Life Support         Cr 13 600          Low             Cr      0
Salaries             Cr  3 840          Cargo           Cr 72 000
Maintenance          Cr  1 445                                   
Berthing             Cr    199                                   
Summa               kCr     94                         kCr    115
     Income potential per jump     kCr 21                   
  Yearly yield on down payment      7,2%
A little higher cost, a little higher revenue, about the same profitability.
LBB5 is a completely different matter.
The thing about B2 is that it does not use any sort of energy budget, so the fact that you can't get a power plant rating higher than 6 does not matter! That over-gunned Free Trader I mentioned upthread ought to have an Agility rating of negative four, and yet it operates quite normally within B2. Somehow, when you look at it in the HG framework, it's Agility-0 -- and 4EP appear out of nowhere to run the lasers.

I'd even say that it might have agility 1 while still using all the lasers. Nothing in B2 says its acceleration is hampered by all that weaponry...

ETA: HG says so, of course. It also says you can't have all those lasers, and yet it does without any problem.

Two different systems that only appear compatible unless you tweak the rules a bit.

ETA2: Calling it a night. Cheers!
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As soon as you start needing to arm these ships against the threat of piracy, crew salaries go up and passenger revenues go down ...
A standard mortgage is about 5% interest rate over 40 years. If piracy was a major problem, there would be no mortgages or the bank would have gone bankrupt.

Even if we assume the "mortgage" is something like 4% interest and 1% insurance, then the total loss rate of all causes must be significantly lower than 1% p.a. (~0.04% per jump) for the insurance companies to stay in business.

Agreed, M-1 merchant ships with tiny computers have negligible combat value, even with a turret or two. The one thing the turret and gunner will do is destroy profitability.

The same ship as the previous post, but with a turret:
AL-1611111-020000-10001-0       MCr 37,7         199 Dton
bearing     1     1   1                            Crew=3
batteries   1     1   1                              TL=9
              Pass=6 Cargo=87 Fuel=29,9 EP=1,99 Agility=0
Single Occupancy                                   87,1      47,2
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             1          199          
Configuration       Flattened Sphe     6                     15,9
Scoops              Streamlined                               0,2
Jump Drive          A                  1    1      10        10
Manoeuvre D         A                  1    1       1         4
Power Plant         A                  1    1       4         8
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-1, 4 weeks            1      29,9        
Purifier                                    1       9         0,0
Bridge                                      1      20         1,0
Computer            m/1                1    1       1         2
Staterooms                                  9      36         4,5
Cargo                                              87,1        
Mixed Turret        Full                    1       1          
  Weapon            Missile            1    1                 0,8
  Weapon            Pulse              1    1                 0,5
  Weapon            Sand               2    1                 0,3
Nominal Cost        MCr 47,15            Sum:      87,1      47,2
Class Cost          MCr  9,90           Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 37,72                                  
Crew &               High     3        Crew          Bridge     1
Passengers            Mid     3           3       Engineers     0
                      Low     0                     Gunners     1
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     1
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                    
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 37,72        kCr 7 545          kCr 157              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                
Bank                 Cr 75 446          High            Cr 24 000
Fuel                 Cr  2 990          Middle          Cr 19 200
Life Support         Cr 15 600          Low             Cr      0
Salaries             Cr  4 800          Cargo           Cr 68 000
Maintenance          Cr  1 509                                  
Berthing             Cr    199                                  
Summa               kCr    101                         kCr    111
     Income potential per jump     kCr 11                  
  Yearly yield on down payment      3,5%
Higher costs, lower revenue, profit margin halved, from a single turret.
The thing about B2 is that it does not use any sort of energy budget, so the fact that you can't get a power plant rating higher than 6 does not matter!
Agreed, in LBB2.

That over-gunned Free Trader I mentioned upthread ought to have an Agility rating of negative four, and yet it operates quite normally within B2. Somehow, when you look at it in the HG framework, it's Agility-0 -- and 4EP appear out of nowhere to run the lasers.
Agreed, the different systems don't mesh perfectly.

I'd even say that it might have agility 1 while still using all the lasers. Nothing in B2 says its acceleration is hampered by all that weaponry...
In LBB2 yes, in LBB5 no...

We have no specific rules how the handle this, but we have examples, e.g. S9, p21:
Skärmavbild 2025-02-06 kl. 10.54.png
M-3, PP-3, Agility-1 in the context of LBB5.

PP-3 = 3 × 800 / 100 = 24 EP.
Four laser turrets plus comp m/5 is 4 × 3 + 3 = 15 EP consumed.
( 24 EP - 15 EP ) / 800 × 100 = 1.125, rounded down to Agility-1.

With LBB2 it can do 3 G guns ablaze, with LBB5 it can only do 1 G.
When not in combat it can do 3 G as normal (aka Emergency Agility).
Different systems, different results, as expected.
Just for giggles tale a LBB:2 scout /courier - install a triple laser turret.
Now rate it in HG80...

2EP available -- can't power the turret (3EP)

or to reduce to absurdity - take the scout and fir the triple turret, and install a model 6 coomputer by removing the air/raft and cargo.

Now rate it in HG80...

2EP availabe -- can't power the computer 6 (5EP), or the turret (3EP)

Conclusion. Use LBB:2 for PC scale ships :)

HG80 by introducing EPs created more problems for itself - note HG79 just stuck with pp 1->6

I wonder what would happen if EPs were just removed from HG80, use maneuver drive rating as the defensive DM (agility in old money)...
Just for giggles tale a LBB:2 scout /courier - install a triple laser turret.
Now rate it in HG80...
None of that matters in HG80 because 12 armor makes you immune (mostly immune, you can still take weapon-1 hits, but why bother packing weapons when nothing can touch you and it uses EP? Presuming you're large enough to avoid the autocrits due to hull size, but that's 300T for rating 9 weapons, and the Merc Cruiser pasted above had nothing larger than 4) to any weapon other than mesons, nukes, and spinals, none of which pirates should have. And a Rating 3+ Meson screen will make you immune to non-spinal mesons, so then you're only vulnerable to nukes and spinals.
I wonder what would happen if EPs were just removed from HG80, use maneuver drive rating as the defensive DM (agility in old money)...
The choices and trade-offs would disappear and we could have everything and the kitchen sink in our warships.

FM-A146692-F79900-55009-0      MCr 1 269       1 800 Dton
bearing     1     11  1                           Crew=37
batteries   1     11  1                             TL=15
     Troops=20 Low=38 Cargo=108 Fuel=780 EP=108 Agility=6
Dual Occupancy                                      108     1 582
                                     USP    #      Dton      Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             A          1 800        
Configuration       Needle/Wedge       1                      216
Scoops              Streamlined                                 2
Armour              15                 F            288       518
Drop Tanks          1 200 Dton                                  1
Total tonnage       3 000 Dton                                  
Jump Drive          Z                  4    1       125       240
Manoeuvre D         Z                  4    1        47        96
Power Plant         Z                  4    1        73       192
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-6,4, 4 weeks        6,4       780        
Purifier                                    1        30         0
Bridge                                      1        36         9
Computer            m/9                9    1        13       140
Staterooms                                  5        20         3
Staterooms, Half                           52       104        13
Low Berths                                 38        19         2
Cargo                                               108        
Bay                 Missile, 50 t      9    1        50        13
Triple Turret 2/bat Beam               5    1         2         6    2 turrets organised into 1 battery.
Single Turret       Fusion             5    1         2         2
Triple Turret 4/bat Sand               7    1         4         3    4 mounts organised into 1 battery.
Nuclear Damper                         9    1        20        50
Meson Screen                           9    1        40        60
Ship's Boat         30 Dton                 1        39        16
Nominal Cost        MCr 1 581,69         Sum:       108     1 582
Class Cost          MCr   328,79        Valid        ≥0        ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 1 268,55                                
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge    11
Passengers            Mid     0          37       Engineers     3
                      Low     0                     Gunners    18
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     5
               # Frozen W     2          38          Flight     0
                  Marines    20                     Marines    20
All the drives, all the armour, all the screens, all the weapons, frozen watches, marines, small craft, and lots of free space.
And dirt cheap.

Bah, humbug!
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None of that matters in HG80 because 12 armor makes you immune (mostly immune, you can still take weapon-1 hits, but why bother packing weapons when nothing can touch you and it uses EP? Presuming you're large enough to avoid the autocrits due to hull size, but that's 300T for rating 9 weapons, and the Merc Cruiser pasted above had nothing larger than 4) to any weapon other than mesons, nukes, and spinals, none of which pirates should have. And a Rating 3+ Meson screen will make you immune to non-spinal mesons, so then you're only vulnerable to nukes and spinals.
Scouts don't generally have Armour 12 or Meson Screens.

If you have a warship you are presumably fighting warships, and they will presumably be using nukes.
Scouts don't generally have Armour 12 or Meson Screens.

If you have a warship you are presumably fighting warships, and they will presumably be using nukes.
Well, that's a huge oversight, I think.

Why not take the armor and ignore bad guys? Particularly at TL14+, where the armor weighs half. And then you can ignore the pirates. Even a 100-tonner with armor 12 can ignore the Merc Cruiser, none of its weapons are high enough to draw an autocrit. 13% of your tonnage (for 12 armor at TL14+) is certainly worth that benefit? What can you carry in 13 tons that's worth more than your whole ship?
Why not take the armor and ignore bad guys?
It costs a lot, it kills your profitability.

Take the 199 Dt ship from above:
AL-1611111-000000-00000-0       MCr 33,3         199 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=1
batteries                                           TL=12
                    Cargo=123 Fuel=29,9 EP=1,99 Agility=1
Single Occupancy                                  123,1      41,7
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             1          199          
Configuration       Flattened Sphe     6                     15,9
Scoops              Streamlined                               0,2
Jump Drive          A                  1    1      10        10
Manoeuvre D         A                  1    1       1         4
Power Plant         A                  1    1       4         8
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-1, 4 weeks            1      10          
Purifier                                    1       6         0,0
Bridge                                      1      20         1,0
Computer            m/1                1    1       1         2
Staterooms                                  1       4         0,5
Cargo                                             123,1        
Demountable Tanks   J-1                     1      19,9       0,0
Nominal Cost        MCr 41,66            Sum:     123,1      41,7
Class Cost          MCr  8,75           Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 33,33                                  
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge     1
Passengers            Mid     0           1       Engineers     0
                      Low     0                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     0
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                    
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 33,33        kCr 6 666          kCr 139              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                
Bank                 Cr 66 662          High            Cr      0
Fuel                 Cr  2 990          Middle          Cr      0
Life Support         Cr  2 000          Low             Cr      0
Salaries             Cr  2 400          Cargo           Cr 96 000
Maintenance          Cr  1 333                                  
Berthing             Cr    199                                  
Summa               kCr     76                         kCr     96
     Income potential per jump     kCr 20                  
  Yearly yield on down payment      7,7%

Add Armour 12:
AL-1611111-C00000-00000-0       MCr 95,4         199 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=1
batteries                                           TL=12
                     Cargo=71 Fuel=29,9 EP=1,99 Agility=1
Single Occupancy                                   71,4     119,3
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             1          199          
Configuration       Flattened Sphe     6                     15,9
Scoops              Streamlined                               0,2
Armour              12                 C           51,7      77,6
Jump Drive          A                  1    1      10        10
Manoeuvre D         A                  1    1       1         4
Power Plant         A                  1    1       4         8
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-1, 4 weeks            1      10          
Purifier                                    1       6         0,0
Bridge                                      1      20         1,0
Computer            m/1                1    1       1         2
Staterooms                                  1       4         0,5
Cargo                                              71,4        
Demountable Tanks   J-1                     1      19,9       0,0
Nominal Cost        MCr 119,27           Sum:      71,4     119,3
Class Cost          MCr  25,05          Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr  95,42                                  
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge     1
Passengers            Mid     0           1       Engineers     0
                      Low     0                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     0
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                    
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 95,42       kCr 19 084          kCr 398              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                
Bank                Cr 190 838          High            Cr      0
Fuel                Cr   2 990          Middle          Cr      0
Life Support        Cr   2 000          Low             Cr      0
Salaries            Cr   2 400          Cargo           Cr 56 000
Maintenance         Cr   3 817                                  
Berthing            Cr     199                                  
Summa              kCr     202                         kCr     56
     Income potential per jump     kCr -146                  
  Yearly yield on down payment     -19,2%
Triple the cost, half the revenue, massive losses every jump.

Note that you need Armour 14 to be safe from pulse lasers.

Particularly at TL14+, where the armor weighs half.
ACS generally operate off the major trade routes, where high-tech shipyards are rare.
High-tech ships are a logistical problem.

And then you can ignore the pirates.
How often are you attacked?
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OK, ignore the practical problems and make it TL-15:

AL-1611111-E00000-00000-0       MCr 73,9         199 Dton
bearing                                            Crew=1
batteries                                           TL=15
                     Cargo=96 Fuel=29,9 EP=1,99 Agility=1
Single Occupancy                                   96,3      92,4
                                     USP    #     Dton       Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             1          199           
Configuration       Flattened Sphe     6                     15,9
Scoops              Streamlined                               0,2
Armour              14                 E           29,9      50,7
Jump Drive          A                  1    1      10        10 
Manoeuvre D         A                  1    1       1         4 
Power Plant         A                  1    1       4         8 
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-1, 4 weeks            1      10           
Purifier                                    1       3         0,0
Bridge                                      1      20         1,0
Computer            m/1                1    1       1         2 
Staterooms                                  1       4         0,5
Cargo                                              96,3         
Demountable Tanks   J-1                     1      19,9       0,0
Nominal Cost        MCr 92,41            Sum:      96,3      92,4
Class Cost          MCr 19,41           Valid      ≥0          ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 73,93                                   
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge     1
Passengers            Mid     0           1       Engineers     0
                      Low     0                     Gunners     0
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     0
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
Estimated Economy of Ship     Standard                                     
       Ship price     Down Payment         Mortgage       Avg Filled
        MCr 73,93       kCr 14 785          kCr 308              80%
Expenses per jump                       Revenue                 
Bank                Cr 147 854          High            Cr      0
Fuel                Cr   2 990          Middle          Cr      0
Life Support        Cr   2 000          Low             Cr      0
Salaries            Cr   2 400          Cargo           Cr 76 000
Maintenance         Cr   2 957                                   
Berthing            Cr     199                                   
Summa              kCr     158                         kCr     76
     Income potential per jump     kCr -82                   
  Yearly yield on down payment     -13,9%

Still completely unaffordable for a small trader...
The choices and trade-offs would disappear and we could have everything and the kitchen sink in our warships.

FM-A146692-F79900-55009-0      MCr 1 269       1 800 Dton
bearing     1     11  1                           Crew=37
batteries   1     11  1                             TL=15
     Troops=20 Low=38 Cargo=108 Fuel=780 EP=108 Agility=6
Dual Occupancy                                      108     1 582
                                     USP    #      Dton      Cost
Hull, Streamlined   Custom             A          1 800       
Configuration       Needle/Wedge       1                      216
Scoops              Streamlined                                 2
Armour              15                 F            288       518
Drop Tanks          1 200 Dton                                  1
Total tonnage       3 000 Dton                                 
Jump Drive          Z                  4    1       125       240
Manoeuvre D         Z                  4    1        47        96
Power Plant         Z                  4    1        73       192
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-6,4, 4 weeks        6,4       780       
Purifier                                    1        30         0
Bridge                                      1        36         9
Computer            m/9                9    1        13       140
Staterooms                                  5        20         3
Staterooms, Half                           52       104        13
Low Berths                                 38        19         2
Cargo                                               108       
Bay                 Missile, 50 t      9    1        50        13
Triple Turret 2/bat Beam               5    1         2         6    2 turrets organised into 1 battery.
Single Turret       Fusion             5    1         2         2
Triple Turret 4/bat Sand               7    1         4         3    4 mounts organised into 1 battery.
Nuclear Damper                         9    1        20        50
Meson Screen                           9    1        40        60
Ship's Boat         30 Dton                 1        39        16
Nominal Cost        MCr 1 581,69         Sum:       108     1 582
Class Cost          MCr   328,79        Valid        ≥0        ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 1 268,55                               
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge    11
Passengers            Mid     0          37       Engineers     3
                      Low     0                     Gunners    18
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service     5
               # Frozen W     2          38          Flight     0
                  Marines    20                     Marines    20
All the drives, all the armour, all the screens, all the weapons, frozen watches, marines, small craft, and lots of free space.
And dirt cheap.

Bah, humbug!
Now try it at something other than TL15, and without Z drives. Make it a 30,000t light cruiser.

Try building a TL 13 jump 4 60,000t cruiser with everything maxed.

At the lower TLs there are still trade offs to be made for warships. Even at TL15 a true warship 15kt and above will require trade offs.
Now try it at something other than TL15, and without Z drives.

Make it a 30,000t light cruiser.

Try building a TL 13 jump 4 60,000t cruiser with everything maxed.
Why would I want something so deliberately inefficient?

We all know riders beat ships silly:
BR-K3066G3-D43307-448L8-0     MCr 17 137      18 000 Dton
bearing     L   1 LL111                          Crew=252
batteries   L   1 LL111                             TL=13
                    Cargo=348 Fuel=1080 EP=1080 Agility=6
Dual Occupancy                                      348    21 421
                                     USP    #      Dton      Cost
Hull, Part Streaml  Custom             K         18 000        
Configuration       Cylinder           3                    1 800
Scoops              Partial                                    18
Armour              13                 D          5 040     8 064
Manoeuvre D                            6    1     3 060     1 530
Power Plant                            6    1     2 160     6 480
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-0, 4 weeks                  1 080        
Purifier                                    1        27         0
Bridge                                      1       360        90
Computer            m/7fib             G    1        18       100
Staterooms                                  4        16         2
Staterooms, Half                          248       496        62
Cargo                                               348        
Spinal              Meson L            L    1     5 000     3 000
Bay                 Missile, 50 t      8    1        50        13
Bay                 Particle, 100 t    8    1       100        36
Bay                 Repulsor, 100 t    7    1       100        11
Triple Turret       Beam               4   20        20        60
Single Turret       Fusion             4   20        40        40
Triple Turret       Sand               4   20        20        15
Nuclear Damper                         3    1        20        45
Meson Screen                           3    1        45        55
Nominal Cost        MCr 21 420,66        Sum:       348    21 421
Class Cost          MCr  4 498,34       Valid        ≥0        ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 17 136,53                              
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge    11
Passengers            Mid     0         252       Engineers    53
                      Low     0                     Gunners   132
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service    56
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines     0                     Marines     0
All the agility, all the armour, all the screens, all the weapons, and the best size-DM we can hope for.
Did I mention cheap?
Tech Levelbridgejump drive(Jn.)man. drive 6power plant 6armourfuelTotal

Before weapons, screens and crew etc.

So there still have to be trade offs for warships. And of course battleriders trade off jump mobility...
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Yes, powered weapons, a combat worthy computer, or anything at all that uses power will reduce the power available to the M-drive.

Agility-6 requires the full output of a PP-6.
I am going to go out on a limb here [I hate the idea, but as has been pointed out to me, this IS how LBB2 works] ...

  • The LBB2 PP output is only needed for the MD during the "Movement Phase" of combat (when the Movement Software is loaded so Movement CAN take place) ... right.
  • During the "Return Fire" Phase of Combat, completely different software is loaded so the ship is not even capable of movement, therefore the EP are all available for the Weapons.
If the EP are not available, then the CPU slots should not be available, either. The Phases are either consecutive or concurrent, but the software cannot be run in consecutive phases while controlling equipment that needs continuous power and control.