There have been several well thought out posts, Probably more than I expected to get when I started this thread. Of course, that's why I started it. The total information about "L-hyd Tanks" is woefully inadequate compared to the possible ramifications of there use, or non-use.
I didn't consider pulse laser's since most ships in Supp9 don't use them. As to missile's in CT, first they must penetrate the Sand/Laser/Energy weapons barrier, Then the Repulsors (which tend to sweep all missiles out of space, then the Nuclear Damper. So most missiles won't hit a Battleship/Dreadnaught. Now a Planwell with armor 10 can be hurt by a missile, with the Maneuver-1 hit on a role of 2.
This is an example of what I mean. Here is an excellent use of drop tanks allowing a squadron of Azhanti's to reduce travel time by 20% while using drop tanks only twice. While the counter arguement is made what if your orders are changed. As has been stated, star travel in Traveller is very much like the late 19th century. Before radio allowed instantaneous communication anywhere in the world, changing my orders was difficult at best. So an intercept and change is unlikely.
And a fast courier from Jewel to Rhylanor, using tanks only once and cutting trip time 33%. Never thought of that. What an advantage.
And the cost to fit drop tanks to a ships design: .01Mcr
Sometime I'll have to grab all these post's and collate them into a working "doctrine" for jump tank use.
- You assume pulse lasers are not used. THe fact that they make poorer batteries than beam lasers makes one to think so, but never forget about this wonderful -2 to combat damage, that gives you a slighty higher chance to do secondary damage (in the case of pankwells you told about, the chance goes to 2-7, so over 50% chance of doing some minor damage). I also assume that when big ships go to battle, they mostly use nuclear missiles, so the +6 for smaller than 9 factor is offset and they can do secondary damage .
I didn't consider pulse laser's since most ships in Supp9 don't use them. As to missile's in CT, first they must penetrate the Sand/Laser/Energy weapons barrier, Then the Repulsors (which tend to sweep all missiles out of space, then the Nuclear Damper. So most missiles won't hit a Battleship/Dreadnaught. Now a Planwell with armor 10 can be hurt by a missile, with the Maneuver-1 hit on a role of 2.
But they needn't to carry them attached if you have preplanned drop tanks chaches for moving reserve forces (see my second entry on Dec 8th, page 14 this thread).
In the same example you say, your azhanties jump from Rhylanor using drop tanks to Echiste (2313), from there, using internal fuel, to Regina (1910), where the naval base (warned of their arrival by courriers sent before the azhanties leave Rylanor) has ready drop tanks to attach to your azhanties. Using those drop tanks, they jump to 1407 (void hex), from where they jump using again internal fuel to Jewell.
So, the use of presituated drop tanks on your naval bases (only) your 5 jumps have been reduced to 4: a 20% time response reduction.
By the way, for a fast courrier (jump 6) to go from Jewell to Rylanor to ask for those reserves, the route without drop tanks is 4 jump long (e.g. Jewell to Alell (1706), from there to Yurst (2309) or Yori (2110), to Fulacin (1613)and finally to Rylanor. This same message with drop tanks takes 3 jumps: from Jewell (usng drop tanks) to 1709, from there (internal fuel) to Kkirka(2212), GG refueling and to Rhylanor. 33% time saving.
See that your ships only used drop tanks at naval bases, where they are prepositioned, so, should they be reusable (as TL14+ are in MGT), your expense dor using them is nil. If not, your expense I think is affordable if you need those azhanties 'quickly' on Jewell (2 weeks saved from asking to arrival, and even so they take 7 weeks plus time to ready them and refuellings (say one or two days per jump, so another week or two if using drop tanks and some days more if not using them).
By the way, in your example, the drop tanks need to be just the jump fuel (30000 dton), pushing your ship to 90000 dton, so with 3600 dton jump drive, it could do jump 3.
This is an example of what I mean. Here is an excellent use of drop tanks allowing a squadron of Azhanti's to reduce travel time by 20% while using drop tanks only twice. While the counter arguement is made what if your orders are changed. As has been stated, star travel in Traveller is very much like the late 19th century. Before radio allowed instantaneous communication anywhere in the world, changing my orders was difficult at best. So an intercept and change is unlikely.
And a fast courier from Jewel to Rhylanor, using tanks only once and cutting trip time 33%. Never thought of that. What an advantage.
And the cost to fit drop tanks to a ships design: .01Mcr
Sometime I'll have to grab all these post's and collate them into a working "doctrine" for jump tank use.