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Battledress a vehicle?

page 17 LBB1 states
Air/Raft: The individual has training and experience in the use and operation of the air/raft, floater, flyer, and all types of grav vehicles.
The air/raft skill is talking about air cars and g-carriers of any make and not grav belts IMO or the rules would be more specific. note that you can not choose air/raft as a skill under vehicle but you can choose grav belt. short answer is that air/raft is its own class of skill and is applicable only to air/raft related vehicls such as g-carriers, speeders and such.

As Sigg was so kind to point out, (And I didn't think Marc Miller did much more than license it, but I don't have a copy.) Marc Miller didn't write it.
My copy of T4 lists MWM as "original concept and game design" first place on the credits page.
T4 is canon? yes or no
If T4 is canon then battle dress has gravitics.

Adding Grav drive to Battledress is a significant Canon change.
In what way? since canon before T4 never states one way or the other what Battle dress includes your entire argument is based on your opinion and goes directly against the canon as written by MWM the creator of OTU and our canon.

do you think you know more about third imperial history and what may or may not be on 3i battle dress than MWM?

Wihtout other evidence to back it up from another source, I am going to assume it is in the same class as Jump Torpedoes and Fusion Rockets. An error or canon conflict better left ignored in the future.
Thats a cop out.
CT/MT provide no evidence either way and can not be used to support either side of this debate. Just because some piece of equipment isnt described in CT does not mean it isnt there and a good example of that fact is that the sights used on most imperial weapons are generally not described in the CT equipment description.
what sights does a carbine use? a revolver? a auto pistol? peep sight? reactive sights? iron sights? doesnt say.

TnE I am unsure of
T4 provides indisputable canon evidence to support grav capable battle dress.
gosh................if BD has grav < which I don't use >, then why bother with the orbital drops.....just 'fly' in

imho..grav tech unbalances the game and makes technology less interesting. who needs any other form of propulsion on a planet?......goodbye plane/ornithopters/trains/maglev/zeppelins/ships/etc/etc
Dear Folks -

Originally posted by Shere Khan:
gosh................if BD has grav < which I don't use >, then why bother with the orbital drops.....just 'fly' in

imho..grav tech unbalances the game and makes technology less interesting. who needs any other form of propulsion on a planet?......goodbye plane/ornithopters/trains/maglev/zeppelins/ships/etc/etc
Depends on TL and cost.

The "canon" says that transport systems converge at higher tech levels. By TL 15, the difference between a COAAC fighter and an SDB is nomenclature, not design.

If you want the lower-tech stuff, put the PCs on a lower-tech planet. Alternatively, make the grav plates cost more. Alternatively, restrict the transport they are allowed to use on-planet. "We don't let off-worlders use their own air/rafts, 'cause we've found that overflying the natives causes them grief due to (religious sensibilities/taboos/fear/whatever). However, I hear that Mick's Rent-An-ATV down the road has a few near-new TL 12 vehicles for hire..."

As for the BD and grav, you could go the DGP route and have the grav "belt" being a modular grav flight pack add-on. It is not standard equipment for all battledress. See the Forward Observer Battledress for an example.
Originally posted by Shere Khan:
gosh................if BD has grav < which I don't use >, then why bother with the orbital drops.....just 'fly' in
For starters your standard rank and file imperial troops will not be wearing battle dress. they will be wearing combat armor and require drop ships. battle dress will be restricted to a very small very elite fighting force.
Second orbital assault at 100kph would be suicide IMO. High speed high stealth insertion vehicles still have a place in traveller.
Third it can be argued that gravitics on battle dress are as canon as not depending on what one considers canon. I personally consider MWMs T4 canon.

Originally posted by Shere Khan:imho..grav tech unbalances the game and makes technology less interesting. who needs any other form of propulsion on a planet?......goodbye plane/ornithopters/trains/maglev/zeppelins/ships/etc/etc
air/rafts and g-carriers are extremely dangerous to operate in stormy or high wind speed conditions. there will always be a place for alternate forms of transport and lets not forget that grav is both higher tech and more expensive than most other forms of transport.
but lets look at your statement another way...

imho..internal combustion engine tech unbalances the game and makes technology less interesting. who needs any other form of propulsion on a planet?......goodbye horses/dog sleds/walking/running/zeppelins/sailing ships/etc/etc

as an aside who travels in a zeppelin even in the 20th century? :)
Originally posted by Jamus:
Thats a cop out.
CT/MT provide no evidence either way and can not be used to support either side of this debate. Just because some piece of equipment isnt described in CT does not mean it isnt there and a good example of that fact is that the sights used on most imperial weapons are generally not described in the CT equipment description.
what sights does a carbine use? a revolver? a auto pistol? peep sight? reactive sights? iron sights? doesnt say.

TnE I am unsure of
T4 provides indisputable canon evidence to support grav capable battle dress.
Before T4 it wasn't there, thre is no indication in all of canon, besides your one book that it existed. Show me one more place outside of T4 that says it is so. Just one.

OK lets use your logic. Marc Miller's name is listed on the T20 THB and as the first name on the credits page. T20 and QLI's work is canon and approved. T20 clearly states that standard Battledress does not include gravitics and Battledress is a vehicle. There is no statement anywhere else in canon that precludes Battledress being a vehicle and the description of Battledress even implies that it is a powered walking set of armor, so it implies it is a vehicle by its own description and that is wihtout contradiction in any earlier version of Traveller, it isn't addressed. Since T20 was written after T4, then the T4 rules concerning Grav Drive in Battledress is no longer canon because it was suplanted by a later canon source. Battledress does not have gravitic drive and is a vehicle. That is canon according to your logic.

Oh and since the only source I have found on Jump torpedoes aside from Adventure 4, Leviathian, (I found the one that I thought contradicted it.) is non-canon, I guess Jump torpedoes work in all versions of Traveller. (Though Sigg will probably find a canon reference that disputes it, I don't have one.) So therefore because canon says jump torpedoes work, they work in all versions of Traveller and the OTU at large.

Jamus, Traveller was written by several people from various companies with different ideas of what is Traveller. All of that together makes up the Traveller canon. There are quite a few contradictions in canon. I personally believe you have to take the material that is most consistent.

But OK. According to you, there is no evidence in CT therefore T4 must stand alone and be applicable to CT. Fine I have evidence from a canon CT source that says there is no gravitics standard in Battledress in CT. Movement rate of Battledress in Snapshot is the same as movement rate in Combat armor. Therefore a CT canon source flatly contradicts Battledress having useful gravitics. As I recall, (Since I no longer have copies of those.) the same is true of both AHL and Striker. (But I won't be able to personally confirm that before I get my CD.)

In MT. Battledress also has the same movement rate as combat armor and walking troops. Anything that has a movement rate of greater than 1 is indicated in the rules, and the rules state that it will be so indicated. Since Battledress has no movement rate listed it is 1 and therefore does not include gravity drive. (Gravity belts have a movement rate of 22 and are listed seperately and as such.)

(I knew there were indications that there was no gravitic drive in Battledress in CT and MT I just had to be awake enough to find it.)

So I will reiterate that CT says no, MT says no, TNE says no, T4 says yes, GT says only under some circumstances and T20 says no. The No's have it.
Originally posted by Jamus:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Shere Khan:
gosh................if BD has grav < which I don't use >, then why bother with the orbital drops.....just 'fly' in
For starters your standard rank and file imperial troops will not be wearing battle dress. they will be wearing combat armor and require drop ships. battle dress will be restricted to a very small very elite fighting force.
Second orbital assault at 100kph would be suicide IMO. High speed high stealth insertion vehicles still have a place in traveller.
Third it can be argued that gravitics on battle dress are as canon as not depending on what one considers canon. I personally consider MWMs T4 canon.
</font>[/QUOTE]Now T4 is limited in Tech Level. (Look when it is set.) So from LBB4. Infantry Small Arms and Personal Equipment: Extracted from page 43.
Tech Level 13: All infantry is generally now in Combat Armor and equipped with Gauss Rifles.Battledress is issued to selected assault troops.

Tech Level 14: A higher proportion of the infantry is equipped with battle dress, and the standard small arm for such troops becomes the PGMP-13.

Tech Level 15: Most infantry is now equipped with battle dress and has converted to the FGMP-14. The Gauss rifle remains the standard arm of non-powered troops.
Seems to me that at high tech levels canon states that most troops, not just some troops are equipped with battle dress. Not that I can figure out why, it isn't cost effective in CT. But take that background to T20 and it makes sense.

BTW T4 is canon, I have no issue with that. However when there is a contradiction between multiple canon sources you have to have a reasonable and consistent method to decide which is correct.
I missed some important points.

Originally posted by Jamus:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> page 17 LBB1 states
Air/Raft: The individual has training and experience in the use and operation of the air/raft, floater, flyer, and all types of grav vehicles.
The air/raft skill is talking about air cars and g-carriers of any make and not grav belts IMO or the rules would be more specific. note that you can not choose air/raft as a skill under vehicle but you can choose grav belt. short answer is that air/raft is its own class of skill and is applicable only to air/raft related vehicls such as g-carriers, speeders and such.</font>[/QUOTE]So now Grav Belts are not grav vehicles? Air/raft specifies all kinds of grav vehicles. If they aren't Grav Vehicles what are they? Further just because one skill covers an item that does not preclude another skill from covering the same item.

As examples I give you Autopistol (LBB1 under weapon), Pistol (LBB4) and Handgun (LBB5). (Many of the weapon skills have an overlap.) any of those three skills allow you to fire an autopistol.

Vaccsuit and Battledress, both skills allow you to wear and use Battledress, except Vacsuit doesn't allow you to use battledress with a PGMP-13 or FGMP-14.

<Edited to add> One more example Both from LBB1 Car, from the vehicel cascade skill says it covers ATV's and ATV is a seperate skill. (Though I can't figure out how you can get the ATV skill.
) <End Edit!>

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />As Sigg was so kind to point out, (And I didn't think Marc Miller did much more than license it, but I don't have a copy.) Marc Miller didn't write it.
My copy of T4 lists MWM as "original concept and game design" first place on the credits page.</font>[/QUOTE]And that is absolutely correct as written he designed and created the original Traveller concept and game design. That does not say that he had a personal hand in writing any of the T4 material. (Though he probably retained editorial authority.)

T4 is canon? yes or no
If T4 is canon then battle dress has gravitics.
T4 is a canon source. Absolutely it is. But T4 being canon does not automatically imply that it is correct in all things canon.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Adding Grav drive to Battledress is a significant Canon change.
In what way? since canon before T4 never states one way or the other what Battle dress includes your entire argument is based on your opinion and goes directly against the canon as written by MWM the creator of OTU and our canon. do you think you know more about third imperial history and what may or may not be on 3i battle dress than MWM?
</font>[/QUOTE]I never said I knew more about Traveller Canon than Mr. Miller. However while he created the game, for which I am eternally grateful, and he is a nice guy based on the small amount of correspondance I have had with him. None of that means that he actually wrote all of canon, or even read all of it. Sigg named the author of the particular tome that you are referring to and it wasn't Marc Miller.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Without other evidence to back it up from another source, I am going to assume it is in the same class as Jump Torpedoes and Fusion Rockets. An error or canon conflict better left ignored in the future.
Thats a cop out.</font>[/QUOTE]No, not a cop out, that is evidence of obvious conflicts within Traveller canon.

The rest was handled in another pair of posts above.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
(Though Sigg will probably find a canon reference that disputes it, I don't have one.)
Traveller 1248 Bearers of the Flame, page 12 ;) </font>[/QUOTE]Thanks Sigg,
That is the same source I have. But it isn't published, it is playtest files and therefore not official canon.
Emm, it has been published through Avenger/ComStar.
I have it on my shelf right now, along with its companion volume Out of the Darkness.
I didn't think it was called Bearers of the Flame. My mistake.
OK so it takes the latest release to finally offer some contradiction to Jump Torpedoes, almost 30 years later.
And if they left the text the same, it didn't exactly flush them, just said they didn't work well or very reliably.

In any case it is a simple contradiction in canon that most people ignored in the first place.
I don't want to derail this thread with a discussion about jump torpedos...

but ;)

they were included in the CT rules until the rules were revised in 1981 (could it have been a mistaken omission?), and in that time someone chose to make them part of an official adventure...

fast forward to TNE and the possibly unintentional jump drive rules in FF&S and we have jump capable small craft again

I like jump torpedos, jump capable small craft, even jump drive equipped Battledess - the latter is most definitely not part of canon.

Yet ;)

Is't Traveller canon fun ;)
Now Battledress can't be jump capable unless it is a vehicle.
But T20 does make it possible to have Jump Capable Battledress, if you don't mind you battledress being 100 tons.
Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
Now Battledress can't be jump capable unless it is a vehicle.
But T20 does make it possible to have Jump Capable Battledress, if you don't mind you battledress being 100 tons.

Before T4 it wasn't there, thre is no indication in all of canon, besides your one book that it existed. Show me one more place outside of T4 that says it is so. Just one.
Show me anyplace in CT/MT thats says it does not. Also since you seem to know exactly what is on CT/MT battle dress maybe you could post that info so the rest of us can know.

OK lets use your logic. Marc Miller's name is listed on the T20 THB and as the first name on the credits page. T20 and QLI's work is canon and approved. T20 clearly states that standard Battledress does not include gravitics and Battledress is a vehicle. There is no statement anywhere else in canon that precludes Battledress being a vehicle and the description of Battledress even implies that it is a powered walking set of armor, so it implies it is a vehicle by its own description and that is wihtout contradiction in any earlier version of Traveller, it isn't addressed.
Battle dress is created using the vehicle design rules but is not in CT/MT/striker considered a vehicle nor is it treated as a vehicle in T4. T20 is the first traveller set to make that leap.
Battle dress is no more a vehicle than a vacsuit or combat armor.

Since T20 was written after T4, then the T4 rules concerning Grav Drive in Battledress is no longer canon because it was suplanted by a later canon source. Battledress does not have gravitic drive and is a vehicle. That is canon according to your logic.
Can you provide page info from T20 that states that no 3I battle dress have gravitics? even MT wouldnt make that claim. look up 3I imperial assault battle dress in dressed to kill (MT Journal #1 by Tom Peters). it has a modular grav pack which suggests grav was not unheard of for battle dress pre-T20. stealth/scout/commando suits of battle dress are not described as having grav. Is it possible to you that there may have been more than one model of BD? Now the headache would be determining which form of battle dress is standard or if the various modular packs come standard with the battle dress and included in the 200KCr cost.

Your logic about T4 vrs T20 is kinda silly in that one implicetly states grav on BD while the other does not state no grav on battle dress and gives rules for designing grav capable BD.

Oh and since the only source I have found on Jump torpedoes aside from Adventure 4, Leviathian, (I found the one that I thought contradicted it.) is non-canon, I guess Jump torpedoes work in all versions of Traveller. (Though Sigg will probably find a canon reference that disputes it, I don't have one.) So therefore because canon says jump torpedoes work, they work in all versions of Traveller and the OTU at large.
Why not?

Jamus, Traveller was written by several people from various companies with different ideas of what is Traveller. All of that together makes up the Traveller canon. There are quite a few contradictions in canon. I personally believe you have to take the material that is most consistent.
I agree. If one source claims something is and no other source claims that that thing is not I will go with the first.
T4 states grav on BD.
CT/MT/GT/TnE do not state grav on BD either way. Show me one source that states there is no grav on any type of 3I battle dress. Show me one source that is canon that says "no grav on battle dress ever" can you?

But OK. According to you, there is no evidence in CT therefore T4 must stand alone and be applicable to CT. Fine I have evidence from a canon CT source that says there is no gravitics standard in Battledress in CT. Movement rate of Battledress in Snapshot is the same as movement rate in Combat armor.
Wasnt snapshot a rules set for ship board combat? kinda doubt a BD troop would be grav boosting down a 2 meter wide 2 meter high passageway.

Therefore a CT canon source flatly contradicts Battledress having useful gravitics.
I disagree

As I recall, (Since I no longer have copies of those.) the same is true of both AHL and Striker. (But I won't be able to personally confirm that before I get my CD.)
same though this convo may force me to the ebay cave :devil:

In MT. Battledress also has the same movement rate as combat armor and walking troops. Anything that has a movement rate of greater than 1 is indicated in the rules, and the rules state that it will be so indicated. Since Battledress has no movement rate listed it is 1 and therefore does not include gravity drive. (Gravity belts have a movement rate of 22 and are listed seperately and as such.)
Very logical argument. again we would have to see exactly what MT journal #1 says about it but I am not convinced. until you explain to me the exact capability and what specific equipment is on CT/MT battle dress I will keep a open mind. I would suggest you do the same.

(I knew there were indications that there was no gravitic drive in Battledress in CT and MT I just had to be awake enough to find it.)
The only indication of this is that a person walking in battle dress moves at the same speed as a person walking in a vac suit. though the argument is logical it does not conclusively prove anything other than that.

So I will reiterate that CT says no, MT says no, TNE says no, T4 says yes, GT says only under some circumstances and T20 says no. The No's have it.
CT says nothing either way.
MT says yes on some models of BD (if MT journal is considered canon)
TnE .. show me where it says no grav on BD
T4 says yes on most models of BD
GT says yes on some models of BD
T20 allows for grav capable battle dress so again yes.

Now T4 is limited in Tech Level. (Look when it is set.) So from LBB4. Infantry Small Arms and Personal Equipment: Extracted from page 43.

Tech Level 13: All infantry is generally now in Combat Armor and equipped with Gauss Rifles.Battledress is issued to selected assault troops.

Tech Level 14: A higher proportion of the infantry is equipped with battle dress, and the standard small arm for such troops becomes the PGMP-13.

Tech Level 15: Most infantry is now equipped with battle dress and has converted to the FGMP-14. The Gauss rifle remains the standard arm of non-powered troops.
What is the average tech level of the 3I in 1106? in CT it states average TL is 12. so though there may be a few worlds out there capable of fielding BD equipped troops in mass that is not true by and large. My point stands.

Seems to me that at high tech levels canon states that most troops, not just some troops are equipped with battle dress. Not that I can figure out why, it isn't cost effective in CT. But take that background to T20 and it makes sense.
TL15 is 3I max and would be rare in the extreme.

BTW T4 is canon, I have no issue with that. However when there is a contradiction between multiple canon sources you have to have a reasonable and consistent method to decide which is correct.
I am still not seeing how assuming CT BD has grav is a canon breaker.

So now Grav Belts are not grav vehicles? Air/raft specifies all kinds of grav vehicles. If they aren't Grav Vehicles what are they?
Grav belts are grav vehicles of course. however depending on how one interprets things G-belts would not be covered by grav skill.
Traveller book pg 111 states
Grav vehicle skill is necessary to operate a grav vehhicle. Air/raft skill is a synnonym for grav vehicle.

The you will note that air/rafy describes a basic type of vehicle. Gcarrier also specifically states it is a grav vehicle and is piloted using air/raft skill followed by speeder which also states the similarity to air/raft and GCarrier. in each entry it specifies that all three vehicles are piloted using air/raft skill.

now read Grav belt.
one- it is not called a vehicle it is called a grav transport.
two- No mention is made of using air/raft skill to pilot.

So in answer to your point no Grav belt is not used with air/raft skill.

Further just because one skill covers an item that does not preclude another skill from covering the same item.

As examples I give you Autopistol (LBB1 under weapon), Pistol (LBB4) and Handgun (LBB5). (Many of the weapon skills have an overlap.) any of those three skills allow you to fire an autopistol.
No different that air/raft GCarrier and speeder.

Vaccsuit and Battledress, both skills allow you to wear and use Battledress, except Vacsuit doesn't allow you to use battledress with a PGMP-13 or FGMP-14.
which proves what exactly?

<Edited to add> One more example Both from LBB1 Car, from the vehicel cascade skill says it covers ATV's and ATV is a seperate skill. (Though I can't figure out how you can get the ATV skill. [Smile] ) <End Edit!>
The difference between driving a coupe or a 4x4 chevy. again this does not support your argument.
Also ATV is both a marine and a army service skill.

And that is absolutely correct as written he designed and created the original Traveller concept and game design. That does not say that he had a personal hand in writing any of the T4 material. (Though he probably retained editorial authority.)
It is my belief that MWM actually wrote the bulk of the T4 rulesbook. I could be wrong.

T4 is a canon source. Absolutely it is. But T4 being canon does not automatically imply that it is correct in all things canon.
Where is your canon source that states in absolute terms that BD does not have grav? you are reading a lack of information to mean no when what it really is is a lack of information and nothing more.

None of that means that he actually wrote all of canon, or even read all of it. Sigg named the author of the particular tome that you are referring to and it wasn't Marc Miller.
MWM wrote T4 the rules book i believe but he did not write the T4 emperors arsenal. that said battle dress described in the T4 rules book has gravitics. MWM would have had to approve this I would think. maybe not but...
I do know that the last page of T4 shows the traveller dream team which is a image with MWM center back surrounded by the other people who helped with T4.

No, not a cop out, that is evidence of obvious conflicts within Traveller canon.
What conflict do you keep posting about? there is no canon conflict as canon does not specify what is or is not on BD prior to T4. what we have here is not a canon conflict it is ego and opinion. since you have decided that 3I BD does not have grav regardless of a lack of evidence to support your conclusion and directly opposed to canon material that states opposite you view you are trying to prove that you are right even if it means ignoring canon or discarding canon.

The rest was handled in another pair of posts above.
You proved nothing.
CG started appearing on battledress at the point when design systems evolved to the point of being able to generate battledress, and someone went 'you know what would be useful on battledress? Intrinsic contragravity'.

The place to check for a CT reference, assuming you don't believe a lack of evidence against is evidence for, would be Striker. If CT battledress has CG, Striker would give battledress troops movement rules reflecting this (I don't have Striker, or I'd check). I'd lay odds that it doesn't give them CG movement, though it may give them enhanced ground movement.

In any case, if battlesuits in T4 have CG, and battledress in CT doesn't, it just means that not all models have CG.
You can't build battledress with the Striker design system. There are no leg or arm systems. I think you can borrow these systems from book 8, but I've not tried to do this.

I think the MT design system is complete enough to build a battledress system. But I've never tried it, it has too many broken bits.