...I was hoping it wasn't since that would have saved me a rant.
And rob you of the chance to vent some frustration
I do sympathize, and almost went down that path myself instead of my first reply above, some days I'm just too tired to rant.
As Bill noted, there is a metagame reason for the (presumed) brokenness of the Corsair. And there are ways to work it into the game. At times I'd have preferred that they were both spelled out in the offering. Other times I appreciate the latitude to make up my own bits.
As for a published adventure using it I'd presume such (both or at least as applicable) would be included. More work for the adventure writer yes, but one could look at it as legitimate word count padding if being paid by the word
And if not being paid I'd still expect the same background. It is an adventure, that should presuppose more background data. In my opinion anyway. So my adventure with the Corsair may not be quite the same Corsair you have known in your own adventure, and vice-versa. Then you'd probably curse me for changing the ship

Or for having to change the adventure to fit your Corsair
We can argue the broken bits of OTU material to inifinity, or accept that they are not necessarily broken but presented as is for reasons often not explained or meant to be invented by the end user.
For example, germane to the thread, is the Corsair in fact broken because it can't do wilderness refueling? In the opinion of the OP yes it is. In my opinion no it isn't.
Several reasons and operational workarounds present themselves. A few quick examples...
Corsairs always operate out of "safe" ports. That's all but required anyway since you won't operate long without refined fuel, repairs, and annual maintenance. These could be pirate ports or the Corsair could use it's pirate transponder to falsify it's way into a legitimate port.
Adopt the Supplement 9 retcon as applied to the B2 Mercenary Cruiser, another Unstreamlined design that is amended to Partially Streamlined and permitted to skim fuel.
You've got a cargo bay capable of carrying 100ton of craft/ship, steal yourself a craft or two or even a scout ship. The utility of such will far exceed that of simple fuel skimming.