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Does anybody have the civilian vehicles book ?

I just ordered the civ vehicles book from amazon ( from an affiliated dealer, as amazon has it as a preorder) does anyone have this yet? Anybody want to post a review/ impressions/ whatever ?
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I have it on order myself. I have been waiting patiently for a while to have a vehicle creation system for MT.
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I think they're referring to Mongoose Traveller since this is the Mongoose Traveller forum. Admittedly I thought it was common parlance to refer to Mongoose Traveller as MGT.

Or are you just being facetious, Ewan? :D

I think they're referring to Mongoose Traveller since this is the Mongoose Traveller forum. Admittedly I thought it was common parlance to refer to Mongoose Traveller as MGT.

Or are you just being facetious, Ewan? :D

Apologies, always one to promote the sale of Traveller products I just reeled off the URLs without checking the context. And I should know better! but on the bright side I did get a laugh out of it :)

It would have helped if they had used MGT of course, and then I wouldn't have needed to check the context.

Applogies once again.

Best regards,

Civilian Vehicles

I have it and it looks pretty good to me. I am having some problems getting the armour to match spreadsheeting the example vehicle this could be a failure in my understanding or a continuing Traveller tradition. The first grav vehicle came out perfectly as soon as I got the spreadsheet built. That is as far as I have gotten so far.
Actually, I didn't refer to it as MT. I just asked if anybody had the Civilian vehicles book. I asked the question in the Mongoose Traveller section, so I assumed that the version of Traveller it applied to would be understood. (sigh...back to waiting for the l4d2 demo...)
The first grav vehicle came out perfectly as soon as I got the spreadsheet built. That is as far as I have gotten so far.

Please share the spreadsheet!? Will be making a ton of vehicles in the future.

I just recently picked up the book (had to wait until it was on the shelf of my FLGS). It looks good at first glance, hopefully there are not any problems with the vehicle creation system. The vehicle builder seems to cover any sort of vehicle while not being overcomplicated. It would be a let down for FFS fans, but is still detailed enough to handle any vehicle (hopefully well, don't know yet). About as complicated as the MGT starship creator.
Spreadsheets for Civilian Vehicles

I built one for wheeled vehicles to follow the example. And a second to do the grav vehicle. I need to run another sample through each of them to see what I get. They are not things of beauty but if anyone wants them after another test they are Microsoft 2000 Excel workbooks.
Actually, I didn't refer to it as MT. I just asked if anybody had the Civilian vehicles book. I asked the question in the Mongoose Traveller section, so I assumed that the version of Traveller it applied to would be understood. (sigh...back to waiting for the l4d2 demo...)

You didn't, but the followup, by Madarin, did... :rofl:

I have it on order myself. I have been waitint patiently for a while to have a vehicle creation system for MT.

And I, too, am considering getting it as a VDS for MegaTraveller...
I need more coffee in the morning or something. I was referring to Mongoose traveller. I have to call the store again see if they have it. Anyways I want to do a few designs with the old fashioned graph paper spreadsheet. I like making all my own vehicles so i can make for a different feel for my games.
The current postal issues in the UK is obviously holding mine up. I normally get it before any board announcement of its release.

Where is it, Matt? Damn yer eyes ,sir! :D:D
(Apologiez, I'm not at home zo I don't have my fully functional keyboard - my EZZ and EKZ keyz do not work on my laptop!)

I've had for a while now. Been building zome wheeled and tracked military vehiclez at TL10 (az no ground vehiclez appear in Civ Vehiclez after TL9, zo maybe the zame in Mil Vehiclez...), and there are a couple of izzuez.

The higher tech armourz are heavier per point of protection than cryztaliron, even tho they take up lezz zpace - I'm going to houzerule that myzelf.

Getting the power iz hard. Trying to replicate an M1, and it'z only pozzible if it only haz 30 pointz of armour or zo. Which zeemz a little low to me.

Alzo, the ground prezzure factor iz unclear. The vehiclez lizted zeem to have a figure 10 timez what the formula zhould give - adjuzting my M1 zimilarly meanz that the M1 will not be able to reach the zpeedz it zhould.

However, I think theze izzuez are eazily zortable and it workz rather well at zome levelz. A little fiddly az if you need to alter the baze volume everything needz recalculating, but after a bit of practize it becomez zimple.
(Apologiez, I'm not at home zo I don't have my fully functional keyboard - my EZZ and EKZ keyz do not work on my laptop!)

I've had for a while now. Been building zome wheeled and tracked military vehiclez at TL10 (az no ground vehiclez appear in Civ Vehiclez after TL9, zo maybe the zame in Mil Vehiclez...), and there are a couple of izzuez.

The higher tech armourz are heavier per point of protection than cryztaliron, even tho they take up lezz zpace - I'm going to houzerule that myzelf.

Getting the power iz hard. Trying to replicate an M1, and it'z only pozzible if it only haz 30 pointz of armour or zo. Which zeemz a little low to me.

Alzo, the ground prezzure factor iz unclear. The vehiclez lizted zeem to have a figure 10 timez what the formula zhould give - adjuzting my M1 zimilarly meanz that the M1 will not be able to reach the zpeedz it zhould.

However, I think theze izzuez are eazily zortable and it workz rather well at zome levelz. A little fiddly az if you need to alter the baze volume everything needz recalculating, but after a bit of practize it becomez zimple.

Okay, everyone now read that out loud in a French accent... :)
I'm enjoying mine. There are so many possibilities just from looking at the designs presented.

I mean, the G/Train alone presents the possibilities for heist scenarios a la the "Train Job" episode of Firefly, but also a scenario where the characters' appointment to meet with the Patron in transit to discreetly discuss their job turns into a completely different scenario as one of the passengers turns up dead, and the characters have to work out Whodunnit ...

Be advised that though the Design Sequence appears to be very nice (simple but with sufficient options to keep the average gearhead happy) both Civilian Vehicles and Military Vehicles have identical design rules.

I mean that the first third of each book is identical in layout and wording. This is not a case of get Civilian Vehicles to get your design rules and then buy Military Vehicles to get additional options. If you just want design rules you only need to buy one of the two. Not quite the "Upgrading the vehicle creation system from Civilian Vehicles" as promised on Military Vehicles' product page.

Saying that there appears to be a fair list of interesting vehicles in there so get both and support your FLGS and your Mongoose friends. It's absolutely packed with Traveller goodness.

I'll not criticise the artwork, but I hope Mongoose didn't fork out too much money for it. A lot of stock 3d models (many free) which I would happily have done for them for nowt.
It's pretty crunchy and I would have preferred more vehicle options as in gadgets, luxuries etc. I'm hoping Military Vehicles fills this gap. I'd like the construction to be different for MV's (more expensive, better materials) but oh well.

Favorite Civilian Vehicle?

G/Bike (ie. Imperial Scout Bikes!)