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Favorite Bars & other estabhisments in YTU


Absent Friend
I've run out of ideas at the moment, so I'm shamelessly borrowing and copying from Liam's favorite ship name thread...

"Without getting too detailed, I want to know the names of" [[[bars, restaurants, night clubs, taverns, and other establishments]]] "you found in your campaigns (that you ran, or ran in as players)that stand out in your memory."

"No limit. Hey if its one, Great, five" [[[bars, restaurants, night clubs, taverns, and other establishments]]] "great, ten or twelve, even better. If you've a story to tell add that too. We're here to learn and share with one other."

For my part, I needed a few names/ideas for these establishments and found the various fantasy bar and tavern name generators a bit wanting.

Show us your thoughts and ideas.
plop101 wrote:

"For my part, I needed a few names/ideas for these establishments and found the various fantasy bar and tavern name generators a bit wanting."

Mr. Roseberry,

You asked for it;

Mrs. Clock's Sanitary Lunch - The name of this little diner is a bit of a misnomer actually. No one has ever met or seen Mr. Clock, so whether Mrs. Clock is or was actually married is debateable. Also, the diner is open every hour of the day and thus serves much more than just lunch. As for the sanitary bit, well... Anyway, the food is hot, the portions sizeable, and the service quick. Seating is either at the counter or in booths. Either Mrs. Clock or her 'daughter' Francine are always present. Mrs. Clock own a Glock and Francine once boxed under the name 'The Beastress'. Don't forget to leave a tip.

The Weary Gentleman - The sign outside shows a tired gent napping with his head in his arms at a table. The atmosphere inside is a just bit more lively. The establishment is a noted merc recruiting center; the 'Jimmies' belonging to several merc organizations undertake their business here. The various bodyguards, plug-uglies, security troops, and other hangers on that normally operate with a 'Jimmie' keep the tavern neat and tidy. No rowdies need stay for long and everyone takes all their arguments outside. Any test of your gun or hand-to-hand skills will be handled elsewhere.

The Four Dees - A large, noisy, and busy adult entertainment center. Drinking is strongly encouraged. Dancing to recorded or live music is a main attraction. Games that purportedly involve chance are available. Friendly rentals for lonely sophonts that specialize in private practices best not described can be had at all hours in clean rooms just upstairs. The four 'dees' listed in the name refer to dancing, drinking, dice, and dames.

The No Name - So famous in certain circles that it actually needs no name. Visitors should be warned that they may need innoculations both before and after visiting. The ambience is sullen resignation, the decor is pure scrap heap, and the regulars are the forgotten, the forelorn, and the discarded. Tucked away down a dark alley, the No Name's entryway boasts no door and little light. Any beverages served are most definitely not what the bottle says they are. The bar is an air/raft quarter panel laid across two empty coolant drums, the chairs old shuttle couches, and the tables battered cable spools. The denizens are even worse. At best, you can either hire someone here to do anything you want done. A somewhat more likely occurance is being killed or worse. Worse is what they'll do to and with your body afterwards.

Friendly Wong's Pawn & Loan - Ask who Wong is and you'll recieve polite stares. Ask whether they buy stolen property and you'll be shown the door. Point out your stolen property in a display case and you'll be shown the door by several very large sophonts. What you can do here is recieve a 'loan' on just about any item you can imagine. You can also purchase just about any item you can imagine. Wong's recently made a bundle on a loan secured by one of a merc unit's APCs. The crew had the papers and signed over the APC for a little neck oil and gambling money on a lark. Wong's was quickly able to sell the pawned vehicle to a local security firm for a few percent of its actual price and, when the crew attempted to retrieve their APC, the same security firm handled the ensuing unpleasentness. Browse the shelves, choose your items, pay the cashier, and don't ask any questions.

The Stafford Street Ecumenical Mission - Run by ex-Imperial Navy Chaplain Bari Turokan, the Mission provides many services. Anyone entering the Mission can find a hot meal, a safe place to sleep, a change of clothes, and a little hope. Eternally patient, Chaplain Turokan can find you a job, can help you break an addiction, can spot you a grubstake, and can help you feel human again. No one is turned away. The Chaplain may be viewed as an easy touch by newly arrived sophonts but the community's attitude towards him will quickly disabuse anyone of that idea. Work a con on the Chaplain, grind a few credits out of him, cheat him, or otherwise do this saintly man wrong and you'll have a whole lot of people breathing down your neck very quickly. The day to day protection of the Chaplain is handled by two enormous male Aslan know as 'Frick' and 'Frack'. You really don't want to get their fur up either.

Hope all that nonsense helps you Dan!

Club Foot. Popular if somewhat seedy Star Town club. Usually crowded with young adults, especially Noble rakes and rakettes. Known for its eclectic mix of live music. The club's decor is corrugated metal sheeting, chain link fences and discarded/barely working tech. The bar, tables, gaming tables (pool, foosball, etc) and pinball/video/computer games are all on the first floor. In the basement, reached by a wide stairway, is a dance floor, a raised band stand and the restrooms.

Dante's. This popular club has nine levels, just like Dante's version of Hell. The main level, the largest, is the top floor, located at ground level; each successive level is smaller, and is located beneath the one above. The floor/ceiling of each level is clear, allowing those on one level to look through. But the strobing/shifting colored lights and clouds of fog on each level make seeing anything more than just vague shapes difficult. As you descend in levels, the amount of clothing worn by the patrons decreases, and the decadent fetish activities tolerated/encouraged on that level increase in number and in degree of kinkiness. Access to each level is strictly controlled by bouncers. To gain access to a level beyond the main level, you must know the correct password. The password is changed every four weeks.
Originally posted by plop101:
I've run out of ideas at the moment, so I'm shamelessly borrowing and copying from Liam's favorite ship name thread...

"Without getting too detailed, I want to know the names of" [[[bars, restaurants, night clubs, taverns, and other establishments]]] "you found in your campaigns (that you ran, or ran in as players)that stand out in your memory."
Klub Klone, a startown dive on Regina. The bouncers and bartenders all look alike. A hangout for ex-navy and scout types who may or may not be in the small package trade. I should have Uncle Dennie drop in sometime.

Native North American Joe's Smoke Shop, the only place on Regina where one can purchase M&T cigarettes, when they're in stock, of course. Pay no attention to the tall mouthy drug dealer and his short silent partner outside the door. :D
Larsen Whipsnade writes:
The Stafford Street Ecumenical Mission - Run by ex-Imperial Navy Chaplain Bari Turokan, the Mission provides many services. Anyone entering the Mission can find a hot meal, a safe place to sleep, a change of clothes, and a little hope.
Ole Turokan. I miss him. I've named a Gionetti class light cruiser after him. He deserves it. [sniffle]

Thanks for the other ideas [SANITARY FOOD?? :eek: ]
jwdh 71 writes:
Hey Larsen, you forgot Earthbucks and Kinkies!
Earthbucks? Obviously a coffee juice establishment

Kinkies? Photo copying and adult entertainment?

Paraquat Johnson posts:
Club Foot. Popular if somewhat seedy Star Town club.....
Dare I ask how it got its name? ;)

'Dante's' is interesting. I might park that one on Mora for my IMTU campaign.
Leslie Bates posts
Klub Klone, a startown dive on Regina. The bouncers and bartenders all look alike. A hangout for ex-navy and scout types who may or may not be in the small package trade. I should have Uncle Dennie drop in sometime.
What tech level is Regina in YTU? I'm still back in 1105, my Regina is still TL10, so the clones would be imported in my TU. It works though.

Native North American Joe's Smoke Shop, the only place on Regina where one can purchase M&T cigarettes, when they're in stock, of course. Pay no attention to the tall mouthy drug dealer and his short silent partner outside the door. [Big Grin]
Ye olde smoke shop. I didn't think of that. Hmmm...
Jak O'Malley's Really Really Real Irish* Pub.

*:The warning under the name says: Jak O'Malley's never been to Ireland. Or Earth, fer that matter.

Yes, it really _is_ spelt** "fer."

This is kinda lame, but for an adult themed place, "Virginity and More for Your Credit." I don't think more needs to be said.

For another bar, "Vilani Joe's Beef, Booze and Braised Bruallki."

**: Isn't "spelt" used in Britain?
Jame #1 posts
Jak O'Malley's Really Really Real Irish* Pub.
Yeah, I seen one like that. A Irish pub in the Palace Station casino in Las Vegas. Interesting.

For another bar, "Vilani Joe's Beef, Booze and Braised Bruallki."
I gotta say it. "EAT AT JOE'S" :D

Great ideas everybody. Keep those thoughts coming.
In every world i've ran from greyhawk to birthright there been one bar to show up some where. The jiggle belly . people from around town from the rich to the poor would stop by for the drinks and entertainment.
each customer that would come in gets a ticket for a chance to get a night stay with a dancer and the grand prize is night with big mama the owner 400# of pure joy. well once again it will be in the next world i make but thin time in the far future.

Walleye posts
The Jiggle Belly.

Well here's what I have thus far [not counting posts on this thread]

From the Arba landgrab, in addition to the Lone Star and Brubecks, I have:
Good Time Eneri's, and

Lee Ho Fooks' Terran Gardens
Vargr friendly!
Specializes in "big dishes of beaf chow mein"

My IMTU brain storming rough draft of ideas has the following listed:

pub establishment list

6 Night Clubs

The Playpet Club
A upscale adult entertainment establishment.

The Polyhedron Club
The newest nightclub in Credo.

The Cube
The original Credo nightclub. Lost market share to the Polyhedron Club when it opened, but has been making a comeback of late.

Kit Kat Club: [Ref note: from movie "Cabaret"]

Pluto's on Regina
[Ref note: extrapolation from movie "Pluto Nash" Yes, I sat through the whole thing

Areola's: [Ref note: actual RW establishment at Mandalay Bay Resort, Las Vegas]

2 Inns
Travellers Aid Society Hostel

Dragon's Inn

8 Taverns/Restaurants
Brubecks [Ref note: per GT Starports]

Cafe Eclipse [Ref note: per Babylon 5]

Cafe Terra [Ref note: per TML write up]

House of the Blues [actual RW establishment chain]

Samboanga's: Popular Navy hangout. [Ref note: Idea from movie "They were expendable"]

Starhaven Tavern: Popular Scout and Belter hangout [Ref note: per Introductory Adventure 1]

Iron Shulgili: Fine Vilani cuisine [Ref note: spawned from TML post and TV show Iron Chef]

Astro Burger: [Ref note: per GT Behind the Claw]

6 Dives
The Monty Haul: The infamous dive. Medical insurance for clients preferred.
[Ref note: Spawned from the TML]

Tarasco Bar [Ref note: from the movie "Desperado"]

Regina's House of Dolls [Ref note: actual establishment in Fort Smith, Arkansas]

Stardust Lounge [?]

The Outpost Bar: Home of the MPG Drink. Don't ask...
[Ref note: Idea from the Sierra game Outpost.]

Wuhers' Cantina [Ref note: from Star Wars: New Hope]
Originally posted by plop101:
What tech level is Regina in YTU? I'm still back in 1105, my Regina is still TL10, so the clones would be imported in my TU. It works though.
My Regina is TTL12 and has been for a long time. I thought a two step jump in TL in five years a bit much to swallow. Combined with the fact that Regina is able to build jump-4 ships, which means that its space TL is at least 13, I decided that the 1105 figure of 10 was an error. So my Regina is TL12/Space TL 13.

Ok, here’s what my alcohol addled mind came up with last night for a location for you. Now I know why I don’t drink anymore. I don’t know how I spelled everything right buzzed at 2:30 am. Boy, I put some weird references in this one.

In space, no one can hear you drink Jim Beam,


THE ENGINE ROOM BAR - The first people you see when you walk into Regina Highport’s The Engine Room entrance is a Vargr couple checking IDs at the door. The Vargr male introduces himself as Gvarrzaekh (“I’m Gvarrzaekh, so watch yourself”) but does not introduce the Vargr female (Dzaerrgoekn) that’s with him. Since the entry is dimly lit, if the characters pay close attention, they may see that the female is wearing a collar and is on a leash tied to Gvarrzaekh’s belt. She only speaks Gvegh. Gvarrzaekh will direct you to the coat room where (as no one is normally wearing a coat) you will be asked to leave all of your weapons and non-essential equipment (that usually just leaves only your money) by an older man in a Scout jacket that has the name-tag Bolen on it as well as several bars and awards (Retired Scout Frant Bolen). You are given a chit – he says your belongings are redeemable when you leave and have a good time. As you walk out of the entry foyer, you see what used to be a decrepit engineering deck from a decommissioned 150 year old Chrysanthemum-class Destroyer Escort named Crimson Glory (the plaque is still on the wall by the door). Since you had to leave your belongings, you wonder if anyone has ever gotten a Giger counter in to check for residual radiation. Like most general public canteens, the place is packed. A bar has been set up where the Jump Drive used to be, the space where the Maneuver Drives were are now small alcoves, and the Power Plant has been replaced by a stage with an undersized dance floor in front of it. A small band is playing something that the dancers are having trouble following – except the two lovers that are stuck together like glue and can’t take their eyes off of each other. The upper level (called Heaven by the staff) looks to have been converted into private rooms – the original stairway is in front of one of the alcoves, and seems in need of repair. Dart boards and other games have been set up in front of the old (yes, still existing) life-support station. Tables and small couches make up the rest of the room. The floor is still the original engine room grating, and most of the original lighting (including the power plant failure emergency lights) is still in working order. There are worn yellow and black warning strips all over. The house specialty of Scout Stout is served by pints (and usually taken with peanuts). The bartender is She’auri. A tall, drop-dead gorgeous blonde, of obvious Cassilldan origin, and hair that an Aslan would envy. She is a constant fixture behind the bar – which leads many people to think that she’s really an android. Her clothing is usually short or not much, but she wears a dark green silk dress with gold trim and a high collar on Saturdays (if asked, she says it’s a pattern from Old Earth). She is stunning and sultry when she talks, even more so when she laughs. She knows just about any drink ever made. Next to her is the Hiver Forati (of Forati’s Fungus Factory next door to the Engine Room), covered in jangles, beads, and gossamer silk. He has a translator and vocal synthesizer and can understand Galanglic very well. There is a full bowl of fungus in front of him. He’ll pick up what he calls a ‘shroom and offer it to you – it smells like week-old sweaty socks. If anyone actually tries it, it tastes like chicken. He will recommend various drinks – some of which don’t exist – and then offer to get you a Scout Stout instead. Always within sight of Forati is the Ithklur Urbu. He only responds to Forati and stands like a statue by the bar all night unless there is trouble – which he then takes care of on Forati’s command quickly. Every rare once in a while, Urbu plays a mean pinball. Circling the room is a two and a half meter tall and chubby Hana Saka by the name of Zarathustra. He keeps an eye out for trouble and is such an imposing presence that most trouble never happens. He is very friendly but speaks in broken or pidgin Galanglic. Walking around serving drinks is a Llellewyloly who goes by the name of Curly and is probably the fastest waiter “behind the claw.” Curly doesn’t say much except “wha’cha want?” and “here ya go” but can carry four trays of drinks at one time. Don’t give Curly chewing gum – it throws off his balance. Next to Curly, there is a younger local woman named Jilia with a Sylean accent. She almost never serves drinks as she almost always spills them. But she talks to everyone at the bar and is very friendly, so no one ever complains that she does just about nothing to earn her pay. Sometimes, she’ll play darts with customers. Every once in a while, Jilia leaves with one of the Fighter Jocks. Then there’s the serving ‘bot S-H17 called Esaitch. It’s about ready for the scrap-heap. It’s vocorder is gravelly and it’s slow, but it gets the job done. Although, if it gets knocked over one more time, it will probably break down. As for the regulars, there’s Major Lacius Thom, ret. who comes in every night to get away from his wife, Vera Lynn, and tells war stories – except no one can figure out what war he was in, and don’t forget about the Suerrat Kaughau who is always drunk and tries to talk to anyone that walks by and can barely speak Galanglic, the group of Regina’s finest Reserve Patrol Fighter Jocks that hit the place every Friday after maneuvers to play pool (with the usual cries of “game over, man, game over!” when Boomer thinks she's winning), or the Vegan gigolo who says his name is Rico and can’t tell whether you are male or female. The Engine Room is open 26 hours a day, 364 days a year (all except the Emperor’s Birthday), and on Wednesdays, gambling is allowed (watch out! Curly’s a card shark).
Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by plop101:
What tech level is Regina in YTU? I'm still back in 1105, my Regina is still TL10, so the clones would be imported in my TU. It works though.
My Regina is TTL12 and has been for a long time. I thought a two step jump in TL in five years a bit much to swallow. Combined with the fact that Regina is able to build jump-4 ships, which means that its space TL is at least 13, I decided that the 1105 figure of 10 was an error. So my Regina is TL12/Space TL 13.

</font>[/QUOTE]My take on the Regina tech level (part of the backstory of FIHP) is that it was TL 15 when the KINUNIR was built but underwent a "Hard Times" TL drop as a result of the Fourth Frontier War.
I have recently introduced a boutique at Liars Oath in the Sentry Cluster. It is called Aburaya, (Inspired by the Bathhouse in “Spirited Away”) and from the outside looks like a warehouse in the middle levels of the main dome at the starport. Once inside it looks like these images of a Japanese bath house
They cater to all sophonts, and are known for taking care of those with fur exceptionally well. Clean, reasonably expensive, but for crews with non-humans, very popular.
(My current ships crew has a Vargr, Aslan, Ursa, and uplifted Opossum/Rat/Squirrel.)
Dameon Toth,
Detached Scout posts
In space, no one can hear you drink Jim Beam,

Dameon! You just keep getting drunk my man; I'll just down load that to my private IMTU game files. I'm sure that they've got that whole liver problem thing solved in the time of the Far Future.
Father Fletch posts:
I have recently introduced a boutique at Liars Oath in the Sentry Cluster. It is called Aburaya, (Inspired by the Bathhouse in “Spirited Away”) and from the outside looks like a warehouse in the middle levels of the main dome at the starport. Once inside it looks like these images of a Japanese bath house
Now that triggers a thought. I just saw "Kill Bill vol.1" a couple weeks ago. The club in that movie, which was called, IIRC, the "House of Blue Leaves" might be interesting in a Traveller setting.

plop101 wrote:

"Ole Turokan. I miss him. I've named a Gionetti class light cruiser after him. He deserves it. [sniffle]"


Damn straight. The Ol' General shuffling off the mortal coil sort of took the fun out of things for a good long while.

I look over his Rim Route every so often, it helps whenever I'm feeling blue. He created the whole thing while in the final stages of ALS, typing with a single finger or a probe attached to his head. And he was so damn cheerful too! He was a real man.

Bari is IMTU now too. He still trots the boards in a couple of different places with a couple of different names. It's the best I can do to memorialize him.
